Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
Emboldened by Silver conviction, Bharara to indict Cuomo Jan 2nd

United States Attorney Preet Bharara feels emboldened, sources say, following the conviction of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver — on all of seven corruption charges. Despite lacking a “smoking gun” to constitute an explicit quid pro quo, the jury handed Bharara a sweeping win. Such is the public’s appetite for corrupt politicians, observers say.

Three sources are confirming that Bharara intends to indict Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 2nd — along with a half dozen associates and former staffers — on public corruption, racketeering, conspiracy, and honest services fraud.

Not being from NY, I'm not sure if this is just a source pushing for more action or is something that could be true.

but more pols in jail is a good thing, let hope he can get a win streak going.
Emboldened by Silver conviction, Bharara to indict Cuomo Jan 2nd

United States Attorney Preet Bharara feels emboldened, sources say, following the conviction of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver — on all of seven corruption charges. Despite lacking a “smoking gun” to constitute an explicit quid pro quo, the jury handed Bharara a sweeping win. Such is the public’s appetite for corrupt politicians, observers say.

Three sources are confirming that Bharara intends to indict Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 2nd — along with a half dozen associates and former staffers — on public corruption, racketeering, conspiracy, and honest services fraud.

Not being from NY, I'm not sure if this is just a source pushing for more action or is something that could be true.

but more pols in jail is a good thing, let hope he can get a win streak going.

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