End of Israel as IDF stupidly raises its attack in south Lebanon ?

Top 3 Hezzy Leader killed in last 24 hours by IDF precision strike
Not quite .
But three separately in fairly close succession .

Not welcome but hardly shattering .There are always good replacements waiting .

But you never hear the reverse stats .

Example :- around two weks ago Russia took out 180 NATO operatives at a big conference near Odessa with at least another 200 injured .

It's easy to produce unrepresentative reporting .
Not quite .
But three separately in fairly close succession .

Not welcome but hardly shattering .There are always good replacements waiting .

But you never hear the reverse stats .

Example :- around two weks ago Russia took out 180 NATO operatives at a big conference near Odessa with at least another 200 injured .

It's easy to produce unrepresentative reporting .
No I meant he was a top Tier Leader not 3 different guys
No I meant he was a top Tier Leader not 3 different guys
A slight misunderstanding, but by coincidence there have been three separate recent incidents where a top Hezzer has been killed in a clearly targeted operation .
Which must be worrying because either there is some tip top equipment being used by the IDF or there is a traitor in their midst . Or both .
With Hezbollah ( The Hezzers) ready to take at least northern Israel from the Nazi government , Tel Aviv is perhaps crazy to increase its activity yesterday and today in south Lebanon .
Iran is presently estimated to have more rockets , missiles and drones ready for action than any other country in the world .
The figure was for a long time given at 200 000 but recently this figure has been hugely raised and to 500 000 as an absolute minimum --- with Iranese top officials simply reminding the US and Nazisrael principally that they have been preparing for total war since 2006 .
All experts that I am aware of believe that northern Israel would fall in a matter of days . Aided doubtless by the massive underground network of tunnels that are complete and far greater than Hamas ( The Hammers ) constructed in Gaza .
I personally would be delighted to see Israel brought to heel and the Hitler impersonator ( Nutty Yahoo ) removed , indicted and sentenced to life imprisonment . Along with his wife .

But what will the US do if this conflict finally escalates ?
As we all know , a US election is currently just over the hill ( will it happen ?) but meanwhile the doomed Biden (Piss Pot ) regime will still have to react in some ways and to some degree .

I fear more for the US, for the one thing we know with certainty is that the US have no effective planes whereas Russia does and they have the Hyper Sonic missiles and rockets which would clear the skies in days .

This conflict, if escalating , could be the last nail in the coffin for The Piss Pot and his crooked regime , and , by the same token , provide a certain Mr Trump with a guranteed election win of monumental size -- if the Military under Trump do not take over first ..

Fine for Deep State since this was probably the original plan as from October 7 th last year when the Nazisraelis invited the Hammers into their country by Standing Down in the face of known planned invasion .

As a side matter , it is interesting that the inner sanctum of RVs and separately Clif High , who forecasts based on Predictive Language , all forecast Ju;ly 15/16 as a period where a colossal incident occurs -- many times more consequential than 9/11 .
Even allowing for the known difficulties of accurately forecasting the Time variable , this is an intriguing coincidence of possibly merging forces .

I guess that if there is a plot to remove Nutty Yahoo and his insane cronies immediately , a disaster could be averted .
That is no improbable wish to come true as his cabinet is already split and the populace are against this wicked man .

Interestimes times . Could be my God Lucifer -- the Prince of Light -- is more than a match for the incompetent God worshipped by the Abrahamites which the Jews also laughingly believe is their Master and Sponsor .

Should we have a poll on whether we believe that Nazisrael will be destroyed or forced to walk a second exile -- this time back to their forebear's home in Khazaria, now known as Ukraine ?
If Russia does not re-name it is as Pushkingrad or something equally exotic .

Your russian accent is very strong and I cant understand a word you are saying
Your russian accent is very strong and I cant understand a word you are saying

I have a feeling that someone like you would find difficulty in comprehendinding any multi layered and complex topic .
There are some matters which lower IQ individuals are always going to struggle with .
But you are always welcome to ak for assistance if the requisite research findings are beyond your abilities to find .

Congratulations on picking up my accent .
Very surprising as my Russian vocabulary is maximum at around ten words.
I only speak to English speakers or through translators when I visit.. I know they all have learned some English at school and most of them are pleased to talk to a real English lady and practise speaking the only internationally used language .

So stop with your baby comments and try using your brain for something useful .

Do svidaniya .
It's only a matter of time before the muslims decimate Israel , anyone who can read a map can see this. Greater Israel was never accepted very well by them.

Just who's whos ally , and why is the big Q

It's only a matter of time before the muslims decimate Israel , anyone who can read a map can see this. Greater Israel was never accepted very well by them.

Just who's whos ally , and why is the big Q

Greater Israel ?😂😝👌
It's as though you have written in code but forgotten to give out the key .
Just write in plain simple English because I have no idea what your "beef" is .

It's a pity because for Critical Thinkers the following, for example , is a legitimate discussion :-

that Russia and China set up the Israel faction that then allowed Nutty to follow the Dagan plan to eradicate Palestine forever .
BUT With Nutty not realising that he would be double crossed later by Deep State when the Russians and Chinese organised and carried out huge ME involvement and at the same time set off internal war inside America itself .
A very deeply and cleverly complex way to drag in the US to seal its own fate .

Very very pretty if true . But perhaps a big "If" .
Something like that would seem to be basically true, but who is Nutty?

I've said several times that there's a new balance of power being established in the ME and that because superpowers are making Iran powerful enough to take the balance away from the US and their Zionist proxy. Are we saying the same thing, but in different words?
Not quite .
But three separately in fairly close succession .

Not welcome but hardly shattering .There are always good replacements waiting .

But you never hear the reverse stats .

Example :- around two weks ago Russia took out 180 NATO operatives at a big conference near Odessa with at least another 200 injured .

It's easy to produce unrepresentative reporting .
That's a point that needs to be raised more often.
Petro$$$ vs BRICS

Can you make that mean something?

My meaning is that the Zionist regime already has lost the ability to attack other ME states with impunity. Some are saying that the Zionist regime has already been defeated.

We're subject to propaganda that might not be telling the whole story.
Can you make that mean something?

My meaning is that the Zionist regime already has lost the ability to attack other ME states with impunity. Some are saying that the Zionist regime has already been defeated.

We're subject to propaganda that might not be telling the whole story.
the Saudis have rejected our Nixon era fiat foundation Don

which leaves us without valuation in the global arena

Now if you (et all) can see that economics are the root of all conflict on this rock, then you can see the reason for allegiances and adversaries

And yes, all the propaganda out there will never go down this road

the Saudis have rejected our Nixon era fiat foundation Don

which leaves us without valuation in the global arena

Now if you (et all) can see that economics are the root of all conflict on this rock, then you can see the reason for allegiances and adversaries
I would agree that that is basically true. But we're not just lleapfrogging over the question on how nations attain that goal.. That's the reason why I often bring up the issue of the balance of power being changed in the ME.
And yes, all the propaganda out there will never go down this road

Thanks for your explanation! Even though it's a 'given' for me, it could turn on a light for some others.
Something like that would seem to be basically true, but who is Nutty?

I've said several times that there's a new balance of power being established in the ME and that because superpowers are making Iran powerful enough to take the balance away from the US and their Zionist proxy. Are we saying the same thing, but in different words?

Nutty is Nutty Yahoo the insane Hitler Impersonator.

But on the bigger and more important matter we are in entire agreement .
Hooray !!
At this point I think the Nazisrael total force is being weakened piece by piece and they are clearly losing .

MSM rarely if ever sees that the Hammers , Hezzers and the Hooty Tooty boys are working together, or, if that is denied , are operating as though they were one force .

And Nazisrael simply cannot cope .

They are getting bogged dowen in Gaza , losing lots of fighters and not achieving much .

The Hooty Tooty achievements are barely mentioned ( Zero Hedge is best, imho). They are "winning " big time and Israel's economy is in a mess .

The IMF have realised that the Hezzers are more than a handful and if let off the leash will take north Nazisrael with ease.
Their fire power is frighteningly strong .

Nutty and his cronies could be removed very fast the way matters are developing . Though I believe that Iran , Russia abd China want Nutty to last as long as possible , ideally until they can remove Israel from the map .
imho .

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Yes, peace is the best way. The Zionist army is nothing by itself now that Russia and China have empowered others with superior weapons.

Peace is a better solution than the US to their rescue, because that will escalate hostilities with the inclusiion of Russia and/or China.

The balance of power in the ME is not favouring the Zionists anymore.

The Zionists have a road map to peace, and really always have. It only means the end of a 'greater' Israel plans.
B]This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t[/B] racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at https://t.co/RP773XzDEP.


— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine

Outcast racist Luiza also likes to push conspiracy theories. As if users, posters don't post their own opinions individually.

Mapping "palestinian" Oct 7 massacres:

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