Ending Our Current SCOTUS Nightmare; A Roadmap For Progressives

Some thoughts about the direction of American governance on this Fourth of July weekend.

Recent Supreme Court decisions have pushed American government in a decidedly conservative direction, resulting in a trend that doesn’t reflect the wishes or priorities or values of the American public.

I hereby propose a number of Constitutional amendments that can overturn and correct many of these decisions. So, let’s consider addressing the clear injustices coming from SCOTUS with the following amendments to the Constitution.

Don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

lol…expand scotus to a democrat majority then lock it in place based on the circuit court justices.

Eliminate electoral college so dems have a permanent lock on the White House.

Sorry but no
No where in the Constitution is the President given immunity, limited or otherwise. The decision was made up out of whole cloth.

This court isn’t even texualist, much less originalist.

It is an illegitimate court made up of 6 political hacks, who are corrupts to their core.

The precedent has now been set to change this court if 100 more justices needs to be added to it, and if it takes 100 years to do so.

No conservative make up of the SCOTUS in any way represents, or reflects the make up, or the values of America.
If that’s true then a liberal Supreme Court makeup would not reflect American values either.

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