Enjoy it, you fucking paid for it

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Want to tell me again we need to repeal the sequestration?

Actual Star Trek Parody at the link, but I recommend not watching it if you value your intelligence.

Thus begins a six-minute "Star Trek" parody starring IRS employees and paid for with your tax dollars. It's not likely to go over well with some Americans and members of Congress, especially since federal agencies have been complaining that it's difficult to find trims under forced sequestration.
CBS News filed a Freedom of Information request asking for the video after the IRS earlier refused to turn over a copy to the congressional committee that oversees tax issues: House Ways and Means. According to committee Chairman Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA), the video was produced in the IRS's own television studio in New Carrollton, MD. The studio may have cost taxpayers more than $4 million dollars last year alone.
According to a statement from the IRS, the "Star Trek" video (see above) was created to open a 2010 IRS training and leadership conference.
"Back in Russia, I dreamed someday I'd be rich and famous," says one crew member in the parody.
"Me too," agrees another. "That's why I became a public servant."

Taxpayer money finances IRS "Star Trek" parody - CBS News

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