Episcopal Bishop bans homosexual "marriages" on his turf

Except for some small cultish groups in the US and Britain, and some dying Western European national churches with a 3% attendance rate, all of Christianity teaches that homosexuality is an abomination. And always has which is important because Christianity exists through time and space.
And, Mr Odium, your can be proud that the American people stood up to this filth as well. Even California banned the abomination and travesty of gays pretending to be married. Americans took a stand all across America...which is why the ruling elite leftists had to take away their vote.

No need for polls or guesses or wishes here. Americans actually expressed themselves on the record on this issue.

A free self governing people is a terror to the left. I say we terrorize them. They dont recognize votes and they refuse to accept election results. They attack our culture by spewing their filth from stages and film sets and, when they can, to our kids in school.

In the end what choice do they leave a people they have disenfranchised? Humanity has been here before.
Well, the gays can always marry under the authority of the state instead of that of the good Lord's.

Isn't that what it was always about anyway? To establish the state as the moral authority instead of God?

Good on the Bishop, even though I'm not a fan of Bishops, especially after that stunt they pulled just after the first century. God's Word tells us that homosexuality is an unnatural perversion, an abomination and a great sin against Him.

Best to get married under the authority of the state rather than God if you're gay. Perversion and abomination is just its game, for sure.

So, the Bishop is in accordance with the Word and apparently a noble representative for his instution.
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Don't take it so hard. A lot of people aren't allowed to do as they wish.

It stinks b/c Episcopal weddings in Albany are all the rage in the gay community. It’s the wedding destination of the season.

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