Trump. Fake News criticized secret service agent because she wasn't tall enough

Former President Trump leaped to the defense of a female Secret Service agent who "shielded" him during an assassination attempt, after she faced blistering online criticism.

"I don’t know how they didn’t get hit," Trump told thousands at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, rally on Saturday as he recalled how "bullets were flying" and the security detail had rushed to shield his body.

"Every one of them – there wasn’t one that was slow. A woman who was on my right, she was shielding me," he said. "Beautiful person – she was shielding me, everything she could. And she got crushed. And she got criticized by the fake news because she wasn’t tall enough."

Donald Trump jumps to defend female Secret Service agent who 'shielded' him from assassination

Who is this "fake news" that slammed the female agent as unqualified? Many here also condemned her for even being there.

Trump seems to be praising the job she did. For those who condemned her as unqualified do you think Trump is just full of crap? That he doesn't know what he is talking about?

President Trump is correct.
I posted the same sentiments right away.

This isn't a participation level event.

It's results driven.

Her results in the bravery and competence department are high...but that doesn't magically make that height gap disappear.

If you're there to shield the need to be physically capable of shielding ALL of him...not just from the armpit down.

This is just uncommon sense...which used to be more common before the 21st century.

They aren't there to shield the President.
If it comes to that there is catastrophic failure up the line.
The lady did her job. The officers placed to watch the roof did not.

She did her job to the best of her ability...I agree with that I said in the initial post.

But there is no doubt that...just like the NBA player's genetically gifted height advantage...there are others who could have filled that seven inch gap.

This isn't a disparagement of her or her courage. But just like I was never going to play for an NBA team at 5' 10", unless she grows eight inches...the human shield detail for a 6' 2" President isn't the detail she should be assigned to.

Like I say... this isn't about "being fair" isn't fair. This is about maximizing the chances of success.
She did her job to the best of her ability...I agree with that I said in the initial post.

But there is no doubt that...just like the NBA player's genetically gifted height advantage...there are others who could have filled that seven inch gap.

This isn't a disparagement of her or her courage. But just like I was never going to play for an NBA team at 5' 10", unless she grows eight inches...the human shield detail for a 6' 2" President isn't the detail she should be assigned to.

Like I say... this isn't about "being fair" isn't fair. This is about maximizing the chances of success.

Look at the picture of Trump after he got back up. No one is blocking the path of a bullet.
Look at the picture of Trump after he got back up. No one is blocking the path of a bullet.
Why are we arguing about this?

There is no doubt in any sentient beings mind with two functioning neurons that an agent whose body eclipses the body of their protectee is superior to one that only reaches their armpit.

Arguing this idiotic position only makes you look stubborn and foolish.

Stick with the knitting and interior decorating. Let the folk who make decisions based on logic and not feelings handle this one.
That's not the intent of their job.
It is.

To literally take a bullet for their protectee.


This is what happens when you argue with two retards.

One thinks a dwarf would make a perfect secret service agent and the other denies the fact that the secret service literally trains to shield their charges with their own bodies.
I hate it when people on my side can't reason we'll, but-

It is supposed to work like this -

Threat identified prior to shots fired.
Threat communicated to SS.
SS removes protectee from area.
Threat subdued.

No dramatic throwing of bodies on top of bodies.
No dead bystanders.
^^^Continues to deny reality.

Stick to the needlepoint.

Israel has the Iron Dome.

No need for those pesky civilian shelters.

Every threat should be intercepted!

That's the kind of plans idiots make.

Stop being an idiot.

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