Epstein "Suicide" Exposes The Need For A Top To Bottom Review Of The Entire Department Of Justice


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Our federal government is infested with corruption, but after 8 years of Obama it appears that the DoJ is infested with some of the worst corruption in United States history.

Jeffery Epstein was, at best, allowed to commit suicide. At worst, he was murdered right under the guard's noses. This is what corruption brings to a federal government. If you allow scrupulous people to remain in their positions in law enforcement the feds become no better than the Mob. And we're supposed to let this continue to go on without anyone doing anything about it. Why Bill and Hillary aren't doing the perpwalk as we speak I'll never understand.

Hillary was allowed to walk when she was caught red-handed committing espionage. FBI and Secret Service agents even helped her destroy evidence. They have proof of this now. Remember the fire at her home around the time she was going in for questioning?

No country can stand for long when it gets to the point where the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. This is how dictatorships are formed. Manipulation of the media and people in power that abuse their authority. Nobody respects authority and laws aren't applied evenly. We are paying the salaries of corrupt House Democrats that are harassing the president with frivolous investigations while criminals like Bill and Hillary are allowed to flaunt the law. Meanwhile Barack Obama is working diligently to create a revolution that destroys America as we know it. This is why you never put a professional trouble-maker in the Oval Office.

BTW, not alot of coverage of the Epstein suicide on Fox News....even though it's the biggest story of the year. Yet when some dickhead walked into a Walmart and started shooting at people they couldn't talk about anything else for a solid week. Fox is just here to piss everyone off at Democrats.....and everyone else is just trying to piss everyone off at white people.

Oh, and brace yourself for a huge media push to blame Epstein's demise on Trump. David Brock has issued the talking points on this hoax already. The farce begins Monday morning.






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Our federal government is infested with corruption, but after 8 years of Obama it appears that the DoJ is infested with some of the worst corruption in United States history.

Jeffery Epstein was, at best, allowed to commit suicide. At worst, he was murdered right under the guard's noses. This is what corruption brings to a federal government. If you allow scrupulous people to remain in their positions in law enforcement the feds become no better than the Mob. And we're supposed to let this continue to go on without anyone doing anything about it. Why Bill and Hillary aren't doing the perpwalk as we speak I'll never understand.

Hillary was allowed to walk when she was caught red-handed committing espionage. FBI and Secret Service agents even helped her destroy evidence. They have proof of this now. Remember the fire at her home around the time she was going in for questioning?

No country can stand for long when it gets to the point where the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. This is how dictatorships are formed. Manipulation of the media and people in power that abuse their authority. Nobody respects authority and laws aren't applied evenly. We are paying the salaries of corrupt House Democrats that are harassing the president with frivolous investigations while criminals like Bill and Hillary are allowed to flaunt the law. Meanwhile Barack Obama is working diligently to create a revolution that destroys America as we know it. This is why you never put a professional trouble-maker in the Oval Office.

BTW, not alot of coverage of the Epstein suicide on Fox News....even though it's the biggest story of the year. Yet when some dickhead walked into a Walmart and started shooting at people they couldn't talk about anything else for a solid week. Fox is just here to piss everyone off at Democrats.....and everyone else is just trying to piss everyone off at white people.

Oh, and brace yourself for a huge media push to blame Epstein's demise on Trump. David Brock has issued the talking points on this hoax already. The farce begins Monday morning.







You really are a cuckoo bird. There is no conspiracy here and you people are cutting your own throats by stirring one up. This provides ample proof of the craziness of Trump and his supporters. I wonder if you people are deliberately trying to lose.

Clinton committed no espionage. She was Secretary of State and she had the proper clearances. There was no intent to undermine the nations defense. If she hadn't destroyed them, you would be saying anyone could have gotten the information off the devices.

The fact is that voters decided that they wanted Democrats in charge of the House. They wanted a check on Trump. Yet Trump is acting to unconstitutionally to prevent them from providing that check. Trump is a obnoxious, offensive egomaniac who makes people pine for the good old days of Obama. Trump is pissing
off Hispanics, Asians and female voters all of whom will defeat Trump in 2020.
How about a top to bottom review of the entire government and establishment?
Agree, every department of the Federal government needs an independent review. I wouldn't even trust the GAO I would bring in a private auditing agency to evaluate staffing levels, budgets, etc.

Every Trump supporter needs a independent review by a good psychiatrist. They say the nuttiest things.
How about a top to bottom review of the entire government and establishment?
Agree, every department of the Federal government needs an independent review. I wouldn't even trust the GAO I would bring in a private auditing agency to evaluate staffing levels, budgets, etc.

Every Trump supporter needs a independent review by a good psychiatrist. They say the nuttiest things.
You believe it's "nutty" to want an independent review of our bloated, incompetent and in some cases corrupt Federal Government? Why do you think that is nutty? To me, it is nutty to assume that everything is operating efficiently without waste and corruption.
Our federal government is infested with corruption, but after 8 years of Obama it appears that the DoJ is infested with some of the worst corruption in United States history.

Jeffery Epstein was, at best, allowed to commit suicide. At worst, he was murdered right under the guard's noses. This is what corruption brings to a federal government. If you allow scrupulous people to remain in their positions in law enforcement the feds become no better than the Mob. And we're supposed to let this continue to go on without anyone doing anything about it. Why Bill and Hillary aren't doing the perpwalk as we speak I'll never understand.

Hillary was allowed to walk when she was caught red-handed committing espionage. FBI and Secret Service agents even helped her destroy evidence. They have proof of this now. Remember the fire at her home around the time she was going in for questioning?

No country can stand for long when it gets to the point where the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. This is how dictatorships are formed. Manipulation of the media and people in power that abuse their authority. Nobody respects authority and laws aren't applied evenly. We are paying the salaries of corrupt House Democrats that are harassing the president with frivolous investigations while criminals like Bill and Hillary are allowed to flaunt the law. Meanwhile Barack Obama is working diligently to create a revolution that destroys America as we know it. This is why you never put a professional trouble-maker in the Oval Office.

BTW, not alot of coverage of the Epstein suicide on Fox News....even though it's the biggest story of the year. Yet when some dickhead walked into a Walmart and started shooting at people they couldn't talk about anything else for a solid week. Fox is just here to piss everyone off at Democrats.....and everyone else is just trying to piss everyone off at white people.

Oh, and brace yourself for a huge media push to blame Epstein's demise on Trump. David Brock has issued the talking points on this hoax already. The farce begins Monday morning.







You really are a cuckoo bird. There is no conspiracy here and you people are cutting your own throats by stirring one up. This provides ample proof of the craziness of Trump and his supporters. I wonder if you people are deliberately trying to lose.

Clinton committed no espionage. She was Secretary of State and she had the proper clearances. There was no intent to undermine the nations defense. If she hadn't destroyed them, you would be saying anyone could have gotten the information off the devices.

The fact is that voters decided that they wanted Democrats in charge of the House. They wanted a check on Trump. Yet Trump is acting to unconstitutionally to prevent them from providing that check. Trump is a obnoxious, offensive egomaniac who makes people pine for the good old days of Obama. Trump is pissing
off Hispanics, Asians and female voters all of whom will defeat Trump in 2020.

You are a dumbass...you claim there is no conspiracy here....but by tomorrow you'll be parroting the left's talking points that Trump allowed Epstein to off himself.

And look at the definition of espionage:

espionage [ U ]

activity of secretly collecting and reporting information, especially secret political, military, business, or industrial information:

engage in/conduct/commit espionage Three people were also accused of engaging in espionage against a rival firm.
corporate/industrial/economic espionage
Hillary was committing espionage and tried to hide her activities by setting up a private server to avoid detection.

Also....the primary reason Democrats took the House is because more Republicans were up for re-election than Democrats. Many members of the GOP retired and left their seats open....and in CA many of their seats were stolen by vote harvesting practices. Millions of votes were generated for Democrats in Red districts after the election was over.
Our federal government is infested with corruption, but after 8 years of Obama it appears that the DoJ is infested with some of the worst corruption in United States history.

Jeffery Epstein was, at best, allowed to commit suicide. At worst, he was murdered right under the guard's noses. This is what corruption brings to a federal government. If you allow scrupulous people to remain in their positions in law enforcement the feds become no better than the Mob. And we're supposed to let this continue to go on without anyone doing anything about it. Why Bill and Hillary aren't doing the perpwalk as we speak I'll never understand.

Hillary was allowed to walk when she was caught red-handed committing espionage. FBI and Secret Service agents even helped her destroy evidence. They have proof of this now. Remember the fire at her home around the time she was going in for questioning?

No country can stand for long when it gets to the point where the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. This is how dictatorships are formed. Manipulation of the media and people in power that abuse their authority. Nobody respects authority and laws aren't applied evenly. We are paying the salaries of corrupt House Democrats that are harassing the president with frivolous investigations while criminals like Bill and Hillary are allowed to flaunt the law. Meanwhile Barack Obama is working diligently to create a revolution that destroys America as we know it. This is why you never put a professional trouble-maker in the Oval Office.

BTW, not alot of coverage of the Epstein suicide on Fox News....even though it's the biggest story of the year. Yet when some dickhead walked into a Walmart and started shooting at people they couldn't talk about anything else for a solid week. Fox is just here to piss everyone off at Democrats.....and everyone else is just trying to piss everyone off at white people.

Oh, and brace yourself for a huge media push to blame Epstein's demise on Trump. David Brock has issued the talking points on this hoax already. The farce begins Monday morning.







Pres.Trump has a lot to purge. There's too many of them throughout the country. They are even some that are public officials. We all know that there are some of them in the in the I.R.S. The only thing that Pres.Trump can do is, to let them all come from out of the crevices. Then wait until all of them has exposed themselves. And then start stomping on them.
Obama had fired many and replaced them with corporate shills.

Our federal government is infested with corruption, but after 8 years of Obama it appears that the DoJ is infested with some of the worst corruption in United States history.

Jeffery Epstein was, at best, allowed to commit suicide. At worst, he was murdered right under the guard's noses. This is what corruption brings to a federal government. If you allow scrupulous people to remain in their positions in law enforcement the feds become no better than the Mob. And we're supposed to let this continue to go on without anyone doing anything about it. Why Bill and Hillary aren't doing the perpwalk as we speak I'll never understand.

Hillary was allowed to walk when she was caught red-handed committing espionage. FBI and Secret Service agents even helped her destroy evidence. They have proof of this now. Remember the fire at her home around the time she was going in for questioning?

No country can stand for long when it gets to the point where the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. This is how dictatorships are formed. Manipulation of the media and people in power that abuse their authority. Nobody respects authority and laws aren't applied evenly. We are paying the salaries of corrupt House Democrats that are harassing the president with frivolous investigations while criminals like Bill and Hillary are allowed to flaunt the law. Meanwhile Barack Obama is working diligently to create a revolution that destroys America as we know it. This is why you never put a professional trouble-maker in the Oval Office.

BTW, not alot of coverage of the Epstein suicide on Fox News....even though it's the biggest story of the year. Yet when some dickhead walked into a Walmart and started shooting at people they couldn't talk about anything else for a solid week. Fox is just here to piss everyone off at Democrats.....and everyone else is just trying to piss everyone off at white people.

Oh, and brace yourself for a huge media push to blame Epstein's demise on Trump. David Brock has issued the talking points on this hoax already. The farce begins Monday morning.







Pres.Trump has a lot to purge. There's too many of them throughout the country. They are even some that are public officials. We all know that there are some of them in the in the I.R.S. The only thing that Pres.Trump can do is, to let them all come from out of the crevices. Then wait until all of them has exposed themselves. And then start stomping on them.
Obama had fired many and replaced them with corporate shills.


We all know that there are some of them in the in the I.R.S.?

Well, I don't know them; please name them or admit you are full of digested bull food.
How about a top to bottom review of the entire government and establishment?

Hows about an investigation into the 'deep state', the brokers, bankers and arms makers.

ESPECIALLY the private intelligence agencies? :dunno:

Why on earth we would ever have private companies in charge of classified and top secret information of national security? This is completely beyond me.

Secretive Private Intelligence Contractors Need Better Oversight

Secretive Private Intelligence Contractors Need Better Oversight

". . . Nowhere is this risk more apparent than in the government’s outsourcing of sensitive national security and intelligence operations to private contractors, whose share of the intelligence budget has reached up to 70 percent .

Danielle Brian , executive director of the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a nonpartisan watchdog organization, recently articulated the risks this outsourcing poses to public accountability, civil rights and democratic control over national security programs:

“You now have…millions of people who are getting clearances that are not working for the federal government. And they are working for entities whose purpose is not the public interest but the bottom line,” Brian said.

“The capacity for secrecy is even deeper in the private sector,” she said, where contractors are not subject to public tools like the Freedom of Information Act, and independent watchdogs, like POGO, cannot evaluate contractor job performance. “So, what’s already mostly secret in the government is that much more secret when it’s in the private sector.” That, Brian argued, causes a conflict between profit motives, such as the data collected by telecommunications companies, and the real intelligence value of that data deemed valid for national security gathering despite privacy concerns.. . "

Are private contractors undermining the intelligence community?
Are private contractors undermining the intelligence community? - Need to Know | PBS

U.S. Intelligence Crisis Poses a Threat to the World (Part 1)
U.S. Intelligence Crisis Poses a Threat to the World (Part 1)

US Intelligence Is More Privatized Than Ever Before
Despite hacks, leaks, and system failures, for-profit contractors are still getting lucrative intelligence contracts.
US Intelligence Is More Privatized Than Ever Before

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
This unaccountable oligarchy of spies controls the information that guides our military and civilian leaders.
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
How about a top to bottom review of the entire government and establishment?
Agree, every department of the Federal government needs an independent review. I wouldn't even trust the GAO I would bring in a private auditing agency to evaluate staffing levels, budgets, etc.

Every Trump supporter needs a independent review by a good psychiatrist. They say the nuttiest things.
You believe it's "nutty" to want an independent review of our bloated, incompetent and in some cases corrupt Federal Government? Why do you think that is nutty? To me, it is nutty to assume that everything is operating efficiently without waste and corruption.

To expect any rationality in a Trump supporter is a bridge too far.
How about a top to bottom review of the entire government and establishment?

Hows about an investigation into the 'deep state', the brokers, bankers and arms makers.

ESPECIALLY the private intelligence agencies? :dunno:

Why on earth we would ever have private companies in charge of classified and top secret information of national security? This is completely beyond me.

Secretive Private Intelligence Contractors Need Better Oversight

Secretive Private Intelligence Contractors Need Better Oversight

". . . Nowhere is this risk more apparent than in the government’s outsourcing of sensitive national security and intelligence operations to private contractors, whose share of the intelligence budget has reached up to 70 percent .

Danielle Brian , executive director of the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a nonpartisan watchdog organization, recently articulated the risks this outsourcing poses to public accountability, civil rights and democratic control over national security programs:

“You now have…millions of people who are getting clearances that are not working for the federal government. And they are working for entities whose purpose is not the public interest but the bottom line,” Brian said.

“The capacity for secrecy is even deeper in the private sector,” she said, where contractors are not subject to public tools like the Freedom of Information Act, and independent watchdogs, like POGO, cannot evaluate contractor job performance. “So, what’s already mostly secret in the government is that much more secret when it’s in the private sector.” That, Brian argued, causes a conflict between profit motives, such as the data collected by telecommunications companies, and the real intelligence value of that data deemed valid for national security gathering despite privacy concerns.. . "

Are private contractors undermining the intelligence community?
Are private contractors undermining the intelligence community? - Need to Know | PBS

U.S. Intelligence Crisis Poses a Threat to the World (Part 1)
U.S. Intelligence Crisis Poses a Threat to the World (Part 1)

US Intelligence Is More Privatized Than Ever Before
Despite hacks, leaks, and system failures, for-profit contractors are still getting lucrative intelligence contracts.
US Intelligence Is More Privatized Than Ever Before

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry

This unaccountable oligarchy of spies controls the information that guides our military and civilian leaders.
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry

You need to ask Trump why he appoints CEO's with no experience in diplomacy or the military to protect America. And why so many of the members of the toxic swamp have been appointed as acting secretaries.

And why career officers in our intelligent agencies have quit, and called trump a moron.

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