Setting aside the campaign and election for a moment, let's look at what Kamala's goal of equity for all could mean for all Americans and most likely non citizens as well.
Kamala says we should of course have equality, but more importantly we should have equity. We don't all start out in the same place, i.e. some start on first base and some start on third base, but we should all wind up in the same place. She has made that point several times now. And she looks to government to make it happen whether it is achieved via tax codes or various other legislation or disaster relief distribution.
NOTE: please focus on the policy and not what you think of Kamala personally.
So what does that mean? Should we all be held on first base? Or all advance to third base before anybody is allowed to go for home?
Elon Musk says, perhaps jokingly or perhaps not, that he wants to be the world's first trillionaire. The vast majority of us will never be able to claim millionaire status let alone billionaire or trillionaire. Is it wrong that Elon Musk is the richest man in the world? Is it wrong that nine of the ten richest people on the planet are Americans? That a large majority of millionaires in the world are American?
Is that because Americans are more greedy, more ruthless? Or it is something in the American concept of personal liberty, protected rights, equal opportunity for all coupled with regulated capitalism and free trade that allows Americans to be more wealthy than most other people on Earth?
But equity for all, by Kamala's definition, means some must become much richer and others must become much poorer. Everyone should have the same income, expenses, housing, transportation etc. regardless of their knowhow, expertise, contribution to society as a whole, aptitude, attitude, work ethic etc.
I have my own ideas about what that would actually look like and why it would make us all much worse off than we are now. Obviously we all cannot build and sell Teslas but theoretically, equity would mean that the one who does will not profit more than the guy who just works at whatever when he feels like it.
So where are you in this debate? Do you agree that fairness requires equity for all, i.e. we all wind up in the same place on the economic scale? Or do you go with the concept that some will earn/deserve/merit more than others? Or are you somewhere in the middle?
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