Eric Holder: " Gun Control Would Have Stopped Fast & Furious"

Bush isn't the current Attorney General or President. Holder and maybe even this current President need to be held accountable. If they want to go after Bush too,than so be it. So many innocent men,women,and children were murdered with these weapons. This can't be ignored any longer. Time for answers.

The Bush program did not include selling thousands of weapons directly to illegal buyers and then not tracing them. THAT was started under Holder. Further the ATF which allowed the sales to occur then claimed through the FBI that those same weapons were being sold by dealers illegally and the FBI used those numbers to press for harsher laws.

The entire program was a scam designed to make gun sales look shady and allow Sentiment to build to shut down such sales to all.

Can you provide some "credible" links to support your claims? Seriously, I'd like to see them.
Remember, in 2009, Hillary Clinton and the president of Mexico announced that illegal American gun runners were selling guns to Mexican gangs. Almost immediately, they were proven wrong since almost all of the guns were provided by corrupt Mexican police and soldiers or purchased from Colombia and Venezuela.

Again in 2009, Obama and Holder hatched a scheme to salvage Secretary Clinton's claim about the guns coming from the U.S. and Operation Fast and Furious was put into effect where the Justice Department, through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, funneled enormous numbers of guns into Mexico with the hope of creating the illusion of a gun smuggling epidemic. The planned reason-de-affair was be to pave the way for more gun control laws to pacify liberal anti-gun voters in time for the presidential election next year. However, in the interim, two U.S. government officials including a U.S. Border Patrol officer were killed with some of those same "walked" guns. Now the cover up begins with Eric Holder lying to the U.S. House subcommittee investigating both procedural and criminal wrongdoing by DOJ and BATFE. The intrigue heightened when BATFE Director Kenneth Melson, with his attorney present, disputed Eric Holder's testimony, implying that the gun scheme was actually planned, sanctioned, and monitored by the U.S. attorney general and the president. And now most recently, we have an informant from within the ranks of BATFE saying that there was never any way to track the weapons as earlier implied, nor was there any intention to do so.

The conspiracy is now out in the open and it is being reported even by the same mainstream media that once turned a blind eye to this administration's wrong doing. In the meantime, Obama, [Hillary] Clinton, and Eric Holder are holding their breaths, hoping that the conspiracy and cover up will fade, and hoping that there won’t be any talk of criminal hearings and impeachment.
I wouldn't blame mexico if it took this as a act of war.

And then did what?

Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.
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I wouldn't blame mexico if it took this as a act of war.

And then did what?

Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.

Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.

And then did what?

Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.

Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.


Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.
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Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.

Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.


Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.

Good point Matthew. If the Japs were successful in knocking our Aircraft Carriers out if they were at Pear Harbor it has been estimated if they invaded from the west coast, they could have made it as far inland as Chicago.
Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.


Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.

Good point Matthew. If the Japs were successful in knocking our Aircraft Carriers out if they were at Pear Harbor it has been estimated if they invaded from the west coast, they could have made it as far inland as Chicago.


For all our military might our homeland is very lightly protected. Our borders are guarded with border guards that are out gunned by the drug cartel. :( If China became friends with mexico we could be screwed.
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BAN ALL GUNS and become like the worlds most CIVIL and CIVILIZED Country...................:clap2::clap2::clap2: AUSTRALIA :clap2::clap2::clap2: GREAT ONE DAY,BRILLIANT THE NEXT.

So now the bastard reveals the real plan behind Fast and Furious, to impliment harsh gun control. This is the first transparent truth that has come out of the Administration. What this reveals is a well systematic planned scheme to clamp down on firearms in America. It was never about tracing guns to drug dealers. I hope Issa gets a indictment against him and Obama.

AG: Gun control would have stopped Fast and Furious | Greeley Gazette
MATT, I know you're young but have you ever heard of SUPPLY AND DEMAND...if Americans stopped using(DEMAND)there would be NO SUPPLY for obvious reasons.......keep trying to use your rationale,as I have TOLD you before.

As for your terse comment to Unkotare re being a user.....YOU NEED TO GROW UP,there are enough Cretins already on this site...just saying.

I'm theliq,always :cool: when kicking ASS.

And then did what?

Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.

Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.

Try to do what we did to iraq
1# Mass troops-takes a few weeks, but Obama sure as heck wouldn't take it seriously.
2# Invade

With most of our military over sea's in Afghanistan and throughout the world they likely could move quite far in too. The biggest thing against such would be our air power, but air power alone doesn't remove a military, 200,000+. Mexico may ask some central and south American nations to join in such a war.

Being that the Mexican government is pretty much at war with these drug cartels. Selling weapons to there enemies might piss them off to do it.

Most here appear to oppose us putting any military assets on our border anyways.

There is a chance that they could make a agreement with china to join them...Which would allow China to put a crap load of troops on our borders...No way in hell could we stop such as we don't have the fire power on our borders.

Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.


Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.

You're a fucking idiot and I suspect you play way too many video games.
Are you single-handedly keeping the drug cartels in business? Because you seem to be consuming massive amounts of mind-altering substances.


Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.

Good point Matthew. If the Japs were successful in knocking our Aircraft Carriers out if they were at Pear Harbor it has been estimated if they invaded from the west coast, they could have made it as far inland as Chicago.

The word is 'Japanese,' and that kind of talk makes you sound only slightly less ridiculous than pot-boy there.
Obama may as well hired Tommy Flanagan To Be Attorney General. I can't tell the difference. If Eric Holder was a white conservative, how do you think this scandal would of played out with a Democratic White House?

are you this stupid in real life?

you are aware that shrub had the same type of program, right?

Seriously, if Say(the possibility) China was secretly massing a million troops on our southern borders and invading- sometime this week. What are the chances with what we have in the mainland US stopping there advance and how far do you think they will make it. Being that most of our assets are in the sand box of the middle east.

Good point Matthew. If the Japs were successful in knocking our Aircraft Carriers out if they were at Pear Harbor it has been estimated if they invaded from the west coast, they could have made it as far inland as Chicago.

The word is 'Japanese,' and that kind of talk makes you sound only slightly less ridiculous than pot-boy there.
No, they are Japs. My father fought against them.




You see, we need posters like that today to rally against Muslims in the war on terrorism and Illegal Mexicans crossing the border wanting to taint our American purity, values, culture and traditions.
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A lot of you must of been asleep if you didn't KNOW what this administration has been about.

you who voted for them should be ashamed.
You see, we need posters like that today to rally against Muslims .

We are not at war with Islam, and you are a sniveling little coward.
A coward? Yea sure. I was in for 20 years and my father longer. Was he a coward volunteering wanting to go after the Japs who did a cowardly sneak attack on Pearl Harbor? No. Now, who are the usual people who have been committing cowardly acts of terrorism? Muslims
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You see, we need posters like that today to rally against Muslims .

We are not at war with Islam, and you are a sniveling little coward.
A coward? Yea sure. I was in for 20 years and my father longer.

Yes, you're a coward. Your words reveal you no matter what else you may claim (and, no, you don't get to take credit for your father's years in service - who the hell gave you that idea?).

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