ESCAPE FROM STALIN'S DEATH CAMP Official Trailer. Based on true story


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
story is about Ukraine and its fight against Muscovite Marxist colonists

this is a a fact that has been suppressed by the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system how evil and corrupt Eisenhower and FDR both REALLY were.

I bet the video did NOT discuss this part of americas love affair with brutal dictater stalin did they? Stalin,FDR,Churchill and Eisenhower were the REAL enemies of americans.Not Hitler.

Eisenhower: America’s 5-Star Assassin

By stopping General Patton's advance and handing Eastern Germany to Stalin, "Ike" enabled the mass rapes and murders.

As 2 million German women were being gang raped on Stalin's orders, Eisenhower partied with 'Uncle Joe' - atop Lenin's tomb!

Four Mass Murderers of millions of innocent women and children right here in these two pics below. they sat around and had a jolly old good time drinking and joking with each other while stalins army murdered thousands of innocent women and children.


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