ESG, The World Economic Forum, and Sustainable Development are Slowly Destroying Nation's Economies.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
ESG, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Banning Petro Powered Cars, Election Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Legalization of Drugs, Human Trafficking, The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, Transgenderism, Wokeness, CRT. Cryptocurrency, World Economic Forum. COVID 19, Vaccination IDs etc. etc.

It's all a move toward Global Government and a Global Economy controlled by a handful of powerful and elite persons.

Globalism is the Enemy of Democracy. It is The Enemy of Free Markets.

The Democrats have turned us into the world's ATM. That we continue to load with our hard earned paychecks...
The Supply Chain issues and Inflation Issues we have right now are a direct result of ESG and The Great Reset.

Biden just handed out Billions of our paychecks......
And committed to Billions More.

His Nearly a Trillion Dollar Increase in taxes called his Lying Inflation Reduction Act, and his hiring of 87,000 Globalist Gestapo Goons for The IRS were passed for precisely that purpose. To enrich The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg Global Warming Fanatics and to transfer wealth out of this country. Same as the little war in Ukraine.
Stupid Progs. Stupid Prog women. Stupid single Prog women. Stupid ghetto who never learn.
Election Fraud is funded by Globalists like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Zuckerberg and others because if The People actually realized they were being sold down the river they would never consciously vote for that. Elections are rigged in key areas to keep Patriotic Americans out of office in favor of Treasonous Globalists.
Election Fraud is funded by Globalists like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Zuckerberg and others because if The People actually realized they were being sold down the river they would never consciously vote for that. Elections are rigged in key areas to keep Patriotic Americans out of office in favor of Treasonous Globalists.
Convincing people of this is a losing cause. Many reasons. Mist caused by the same.
I just read where they scrubbed their site of anything to do with FTX and the ponzi scheme being run, too.
This is all designed to kill the nations and create a one world government. IT is Evil...
That has to happen for The New 666 World Order to be imposed. It is inevitable, but we can delay it by pushing back as much as is possible and within reason.
Though destroying a nation and anyone who wants to preserve it is completely unreasonable.
Censorship and Cancel Culture are also part of the same plan of attack against Free Nations in order to subdue and subjugate them.
ESG, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Banning Petro Powered Cars, Election Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Legalization of Drugs, Human Trafficking, The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, Transgenderism, Wokeness, CRT. Cryptocurrency, World Economic Forum. COVID 19, Vaccination IDs etc. etc.

It's all a move toward Global Government and a Global Economy controlled by a handful of powerful and elite persons.

Globalism is the Enemy of Democracy. It is The Enemy of Free Markets.

Finally. Someone else on board with what I've been saying for a while now. There isn't nearly enough attention focused on the world economic forum.

Here is some more for you to use in the good fight against them.

As illustrated in this video the wef said you'll own nothing and be happy. It also talks about letting the poor into western countries and we see that with our open border.

Apple is a partner of the world economic forum.

And apple is working towards people not owning iphones and being happy to subscribe to them. If you start with something small a lot of people use you can get them slowly used to not owning anything.

California is also doing it's part by getting rid of single family zoning and pushing apartment complexes and rental communities so people don't actually own their homes and land.

Esg scores are also used by corporations to direct who gets loans and money and attention by pushing things like some ideas.

Like even Elon musk has been burned by esg scores st Tesla because he doesn't push esg agendas.

And this guy on joe Rogan goes into esg scores as well.

Finally. Someone else on board with what I've been saying for a while now. There isn't nearly enough attention focused on the world economic forum.

Here is some more for you to use in the good fight against them.

As illustrated in this video the wef said you'll own nothing and be happy. It also talks about letting the poor into western countries and we see that with our open border.

Apple is a partner of the world economic forum.

And apple is working towards people not owning iphones and being happy to subscribe to them. If you start with something small a lot of people use you can get them slowly used to not owning anything.

California is also doing it's part by getting rid of single family zoning and pushing apartment complexes and rental communities so people don't actually own their homes and land.

Esg scores are also used by corporations to direct who gets loans and money and attention by pushing things like some ideas.

Like even Elon musk has been burned by esg scores st Tesla because he doesn't push esg agendas.

And this guy on joe Rogan goes into esg scores as well.

Thank you. I will take a look at all of that. I agree with what you said. Also for anyone that believes in God, this all was predicted in The Book of Daniel, Revelations, Isaiah, and other prophetic books.

From the Book of Daniel, Chapter 12
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
I just read where they scrubbed their site of anything to do with FTX and the ponzi scheme being run, too.
Weird that no Democrat wants to comment on this and how it their platform is identical to things mandated by UN Climate Agenda, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, WEF Etc. Etc.
Check this out, so ELON Musk's company TESLA is basically verboten and has NO ESG score as those people black balled him more or less over the fact he does not want a union at TESLA and some vague accusations about racism, as well as his outspokenness against Wokeness and Censorship.

Meanwhile companies like Exxon and BP are included in ESG. Does that even make sense?

The Democrats have turned us into the world's ATM. That we continue to load with our hard earned paychecks...
You may not be allowed to leave your home in the future to use your own ATM while they drain our wealth like we were theirs.

Why are we paying Indonesia Billions of Dollars to dismantle their Energy Infrastructure, while China and Germany are firing up More Coal Plants?

When is someone going to put a stop to The Green Cult Religion?


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