ESG, The World Economic Forum, and Sustainable Development are Slowly Destroying Nation's Economies.

This is all designed to kill the nations and create a one world government. IT is Evil...
While Biden decides to dump Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars into 3rd World Countries to make them shut down their coal plants and place their people and ours in further poverty, they do nothing about the mess Biden started in Russia.

Satan's MO has always been to lie and through that, to destroy.
Satan's MO has always been to lie and through that, to destroy.
HI, I am Satan and I am here to help! Everything they try to sell you always follows that vein. "It's for your own good" only it's not! It's for their selfish gain of wealth and power at your expense.
ESG, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Banning Petro Powered Cars, Election Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Legalization of Drugs, Human Trafficking, The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, Transgenderism, Wokeness, CRT. Cryptocurrency, World Economic Forum. COVID 19, Vaccination IDs etc. etc.

It's all a move toward Global Government and a Global Economy controlled by a handful of powerful and elite persons.

Globalism is the Enemy of Democracy. It is The Enemy of Free Markets.

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