Essay I Wrote

You don't decide who does and doesn't post on this board, forum, nor thread.

YOUR argument is lame. How about YOU posting something rational?

Why don't you set an example first? You haven't offered any valid criticism of my arguments.

You have an argument? That would be a first. Looks to me like you aren't smart enough to see past your own nose, as usual.
Sorry, Agnost, my hispanic nephew is such a wonderful pain in the neck, showing me a bruise his latino father gave him. ...Sorry, you were saying?
You have an argument? That would be a first. Looks to me like you aren't smart enough to see past your own nose, as usual.

What is this, a joke? You haven't said anything meaningful in this thread. I've analyzed and addressed several myths regarding immigration policy and issues.
You have an argument? That would be a first. Looks to me like you aren't smart enough to see past your own nose, as usual.

What is this, a joke? You haven't said anything meaningful in this thread. I've analyzed and addressed several myths regarding immigration policy and issues.

In your usual intellectually dishonest fashion, I am sure.

The simple fact is, I've made MY arguments over and over in this forum. Making it yet again so you can do your usual dishonest bullshit just doesn't seem to be worth my time.

I actually debate with honest people. In case you've missed it by the lack thereof the aforementioned where you are concerned, you AIN'T one of them.
The reality of illegal immigration is that essentially all arguments against it lack intellectual merit or validity.

the opening is subjective and un-provable .... other than that i liked the easy .... it made several good points .. especially the parallel to other civil rights issues .... which in my opinion is the strongest argument ….. the side trip into middle east issues seemed unnecessary ....

but then you don't really want input do you ......
In your usual intellectually dishonest fashion, I am sure.

The simple fact is, I've made MY arguments over and over in this forum. Making it yet again so you can do your usual dishonest bullshit just doesn't seem to be worth my time.

I actually debate with honest people. In case you've missed it by the lack thereof the aforementioned where you are concerned, you AIN'T one of them.

I haven't said anything "intellectually dishonest." The fact that "certain people" here were angered by the fact that I apparently didn't fit their ageist and sexist stereotypes, and then fell flat on their faces when they tried to "catch" me lying is not my fault.
Oh yeah that's right. I almost forgot, all these pro illegal posts get you closer to nirvana or the Buddha or some such crap.... Little did I know, and it's good for the economy, too. Karma and all that stuff. Just have the ballz to live around or with and among these wankers, heaven forbid that should happen. Then you transform into a realist overnight.
OK, agnost, that is your best respose? I don't think so...try harder, it aint that hard.
They have broken an unjust law. What they are obeying is a higher moral standard to provide for themselves and their families.

And if you really want to prevent Islamic terrorism against the United States, a good start would be modifying U.S. foreign policy to not aggravate Muslim radicals.

Let's require immigrants to enter our country legally so that some American 'radicals' don't get aggravated. We certainly wouldn't want to upset Muslim radicals. By the same token, let's not upset American 'radicals'.
I haven't said anything "intellectually dishonest." The fact that "certain people" here were angered by the fact that I apparently didn't fit their ageist and sexist stereotypes, and then fell flat on their faces when they tried to "catch" me lying is not my fault.

You are one strange duck!


31 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to legal and illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally.

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report:

12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States".

15. Every day 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and Eight American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each day!

16. Today, criminal aliens account for over 29 percent of prisoners in Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities and a higher share of all federal prison inmates. These prisoners represent the fastest growing segment of the federal prison population. Incarceration of criminal aliens cost an estimated $624 million to state prisons (1999) and $891 million to federal prisons (2002), according to the most recent available figure from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

17. "Illegal Aliens and American Medicine". "Many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American Medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue and Chagas disease.." The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons

18. In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men. Source (CDC):

19. If enacted the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S. 2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years - fully one-third of the current population of the United States.

20. In 2007, legal and illegal aliens cost the federal government more than $346 BILLION dollars and the U.S. taxpayers paid more than $ 9,000. for each immigrant in the country!

21. The number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people, more than double the official 9 million people estimated by the Census Bureau. 1/3/05

22. Cases of Leprosy on The Rise In The U.S., The New York Times. "While there were some 900 recorded cases in the United States 40 years ago, today more than 7,000 people have leprosy.." Leprosy is an airbourne virus, it can also be spread by touching and coughing.

23. Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, nto their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

24. America Welcomes Illegal's Contagious Disease.

25. Mexico is the 4th Richest Oil Nation in the World.

26. The United Nations list Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to international pedophile organizations.

27. An illegal alien parent receives welfare benefits on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. regardless of the parentʼs immigration status may receive welfare and other benefits. When such a child receives assistance, the aid also helps support the childʼs family.
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28. In fiscal year 1995, about $1.1 billion in AFDC and Food Stamp benefits were provided to household with an illegal alien parent.

29. U.S. households headed by illegal aliens used $26.3 billion in government services during 2002, but paid $16 billion in taxes, an annual cost to taxpayers of $10 billion. It's reasonable to expect those costs to continue to soar if action is not taken to turn the tide.

30. The illegal aliens, costs U.S. taxpayers more than $32,000 in federal, state and local benefits each year. That same family contributes an average of $9,000 a year in taxes, resulting in a net tax burden of $22,449 each year. If the lower figure of 12 million illegal aliens is used for estimation purposes, the total tax burden translates to $2.2 trillion.

31. Department of Justice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Department of Homeland Security spent $20 million or more in 2008 to litigate deportation orders for illegal aliens.
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Government Accountability Office released a report. Of the 55,322 illegal aliens studied represented a total of 459,614 arrests – some eight arrests per illegal alien.

Their arrests represented a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses – some 13 offenses per illegal alien; 36 percent had been arrested at least five times before. It is also a fact that a disproportionately high percentage of illegal aliens are criminals and sexual predators.
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Let's require immigrants to enter our country legally so that some American 'radicals' don't get aggravated. We certainly wouldn't want to upset Muslim radicals. By the same token, let's not upset American 'radicals'.

When you hurl a stone at a beehive, don't complain of being stung.
Let's require immigrants to enter our country legally so that some American 'radicals' don't get aggravated. We certainly wouldn't want to upset Muslim radicals. By the same token, let's not upset American 'radicals'.

When you hurl a stone at a beehive, don't complain of being stung.

And there you have your answer. People entering the United States illegally are essentially throwing a stone at a beehive. To use your own words, they are getting stung. As you pointed out, the best way to avoid problems with Muslim radicals is to leave them alone. I suggest illegal aliens just leave us alone. If they don't, expect there to be problems. end of story.
Agnost: Good post, I really hope you are looking for the truth in this mess. Ya already know my opinion. Just keep looking. Because, most of that essay was slightly south of the truth, homie. Slightly. But, what do I know? Just inane anecdotal hackneyed drivel, that's all I have. KUDOS, Agnost, for looking for the truth. It's about time. Isn't it funny you should ask our opinions or care if yer damned to hell? I had a suggestion. Remember? Move into a barrio, put that anarchist spirit of yours to the test. Or are you afraid? Or, perhaps, there is another possibility...

SHHHH...Immigrants are already required to immigrate legally. Its a secret, don't tell anyone, it's international law, ya know. Only Latin/Hispanic/cherizo/tacos smugglers can ignore international law, it's 'cause it... um... its... "Diversity"! And if I don't share your witttty bitty opinion I must be racists zeeno-um xnea...bad person? Ain't that right, Agngnoprostate? You have an excuse for these sphincters one way or the other. I know, you want people like me to shut the fuck up ( your words, not mine). I'm told that the truth sets you free, but Agnost, yer not interested in diversity or sharing the opinions, or the truth for that matter. In my case, none of your propaganda will put Humpty-dumpty back together again, it's that simple, Einstein. You want the red pill or the blue one?
I'm touched that you ask, agnost. MY old PC hung on to this screen name even after I put a stake through my old ISP. It isn't a trick. I didn't know this Screen name still existed till I fired this momma up, but, here I am, the ghost in the machine. I think it's a cool, in a sort a unexpected way. Still, it's the same asshole. I mean, poster.
My grandparents came to America legally. From a non - Latin American country, to boot. And they learned the culture and the language and the laws, and they didn't ask for nor need excuses NOT TO. So, what has changed NOW? Latinos aren't amoral non- breathing beings incapable of acclimating, different from the rest of the other "immigrants, are they? It seems they are something else. It seems these Latino immigrants are a cut apart, they are not to be held to ANY standards, for some reason, they don't have the nerve to be honest.and nobody expects them to. Why is that? Some of you think that is a Hispanic thing? Lie, cheat and be dishonest and all that? What is that, then? Some of you think that is the best Hispanics can do, is lie and misrepresent themselves. That excuses raping Hispanics? It excuses Hiring them and treating them like dogs? That is the best they can do, they aren't better than that? No? A lot of us think illegal aliens can do MUCH better, and they don't need excuses to get away with lying or confusing the issue. We respect THEM more than they do themselves, or us, apparently..but hey, the questions still remains...Why can't they just immigrate legally?

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