Establ., crony capitalism, repubs win Repub Primaries

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions
You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions

Let me guess on how this post would have went if the Tea Party/more libertarian candidates won:

"LOL, the republicans have elected the crazies!!! Racists!!! Gun Nuts!!! anti-government loons!!! Now u will never win the regular elections, lololololzzz"

Did I channel Dot-cum succinctly?
obama made the head of one of the biggest corporations on the planet his "Jobs Czar"

but the head of GENERAL ELECTRIC as created more jobs in China than he has here

IT'S LAUGHABLE for left-wing nutjobs to talk about crony capitalism and try to connect it to Republicans

where are the 3 MILLION "GREEN" jobs obama promised when he doled out about $30 billion of OUR MONEY to his fat cat donors for Green start-ups?
The Primaries are misleading as to the will of the people.
Independents are not allowed to vote in most States unless there's an Independent on the ballot.

This year I changed my registration from NPA to Republican just so I can vote in the Primaries.
You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions

Let me guess on how this post would have went if the Tea Party/more libertarian candidates won:

"LOL, the republicans have elected the crazies!!! Racists!!! Gun Nuts!!! anti-government loons!!! Now u will never win the regular elections, lololololzzz"

Did I channel Dot-cum succinctly?
You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions

Let me guess on how this post would have went if the Tea Party/more libertarian candidates won:

"LOL, the republicans have elected the crazies!!! Racists!!! Gun Nuts!!! anti-government loons!!! Now u will never win the regular elections, lololololzzz"

Did I channel Dot-cum succinctly?

How did you get tu quoque out of this? What I am saying is you would have found a negative for the Tea Party regardless of the results of the election. They lose "The mainstream repubs have fought off the insurgents" They win "the tea-tards just cost the repubs the election.

If you are going to paste something as an attempt at thought, at least have it be accurate and relevant.
The Primaries are misleading as to the will of the people.
Independents are not allowed to vote in most States unless there's an Independent on the ballot.

This year I changed my registration from NPA to Republican just so I can vote in the Primaries.

Wrongpublicans have already identified themselves as the party of the establishment, asserting governmental control over social issues like marriage and abortion, and as the party of blatant cronyism, electing Chamber of Commerce/Karl Rove-endorsed crooks instead of actual candidates. Join the Democratic Party instead, if you want a real choice. Unlike Wrongpublicans, we don't just vote for whoever spends the most money on an election.
If you dolts send Republicorp cronies to D.C., you'll get more of this:

You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions

Let me guess on how this post would have went if the Tea Party/more libertarian candidates won:

"LOL, the republicans have elected the crazies!!! Racists!!! Gun Nuts!!! anti-government loons!!! Now u will never win the regular elections, lololololzzz"

Did I channel Dot-cum succinctly?
To a T. :lol:
randian wall st sycophants will be randian wall st sycophants. :thup:
randian wall st sycophants will be randian wall st sycophants. :thup:

And you will continue to be a partisan hack and an insufferable ignoramus. Obama is the biggest crony capitalist we've had in the White House in a long time and you helped put him there so shut the fuck up. :thup:
You like unfunded, and more importantly- unnecessary wars just so that the Repubs can reward their contractor buddies &, in return, get campaign donations? Add to this the fact that the Pentagon is too big & disorganized to even be audited. Deficit hawks are NOT thy name. Crony Capitalist Repubs have won the day :thup: Be proud ;)

You can thank the same party for cheer leading Citizens United & McCutcheon decisions

The footshoot of this post is that the disorganization of today's military is the political shambles Obama has made of the military that leaves this nation vulnerable to attack from the same influence that brought down the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

And the Democrat Crony Capitalists inserting Communist China into cushy deals in and around Harry Reid's home town for his and Nancy Pelosi's families make the Republicans look like the good men and women they are.

This is a 4-Pinocchios thread and needless to mention, is disgusting the amount of projection one person is willing to do to foist a situation of pulling the wool over voters' eyes once more, so to Dot Com, I dedicate the fibbying puppets below:

Dot, the same thing can be said that Establ., crony capitalism, dems win dem Primaries

Don't condemn what you are.
The Primaries are misleading as to the will of the people.
Independents are not allowed to vote in most States unless there's an Independent on the ballot.

This year I changed my registration from NPA to Republican just so I can vote in the Primaries.

Didn't do any good.
The "the disorganization of today's military is the political shambles Obama has made of the military that leaves this nation vulnerable to attack from the same influence that brought down the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001" is a falsehood worthy of a Ted Cruz or a Joe McCarthy.

You got beat in the primaries, far right weirdies, because pubs caught on to how bad you really are for America.
The Primaries are misleading as to the will of the people.
Independents are not allowed to vote in most States unless there's an Independent on the ballot.

This year I changed my registration from NPA to Republican just so I can vote in the Primaries.

Wrongpublicans have already identified themselves as the party of the establishment, asserting governmental control over social issues like marriage and abortion, and as the party of blatant cronyism, electing Chamber of Commerce/Karl Rove-endorsed crooks instead of actual candidates. Join the Democratic Party instead, if you want a real choice. Unlike Wrongpublicans, we don't just vote for whoever spends the most money on an election.

DUMBASS ALERT! :eusa_liar:
The "the disorganization of today's military is the political shambles Obama has made of the military that leaves this nation vulnerable to attack from the same influence that brought down the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001" is a falsehood worthy of a Ted Cruz or a Joe McCarthy.

You got beat in the primaries, far right weirdies, because pubs caught on to how bad you really are for America.
You're mistaken.
The Primaries are misleading as to the will of the people.
Independents are not allowed to vote in most States unless there's an Independent on the ballot.

This year I changed my registration from NPA to Republican just so I can vote in the Primaries.

Wrongpublicans have already identified themselves as the party of the establishment, asserting governmental control over social issues like marriage and abortion, and as the party of blatant cronyism, electing Chamber of Commerce/Karl Rove-endorsed crooks instead of actual candidates. Join the Democratic Party instead, if you want a real choice. Unlike Wrongpublicans, we don't just vote for whoever spends the most money on an election.

DUMBASS ALERT! :eusa_liar:

:eusa_shhh: The forum nanny has notified me that I cannot give rep to the same post twice. :rolleyes:


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