Estonia demands from Muscovy 5% ( stolen) territory. Japan, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Georgia, Estonia , Finland, Japan , "China", Turkey, Latvia ´d


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"Russia once again called into question the legal consistency of Estonia by the second European Department of foreign ministry of foreign affairs, the director of the second European Ministry of foreign affairs, the director of the second European Ministry of foreign affairs, that the tartu peace agreement is not valid (Ria 18.11.2019). The Non-recognition of tartu peace agreement means Estonia Non recognition of the Republic. This is the birth certificate of our country and one of the most important elements of our country. The same arr was a demand that Estonia should give up its regional claims against Russia to move forward with the border agreement. Estonia has no regional claims against Russia. We don't want any square meters from Russia. All we want is ours back. Russia has applied about 5 % of Estonia's region. Therefore, in fact, Russia has illegal claims against Estonia, which is breaking international law against Estonia. The application of Estonian areas is no different than the activities of the Crimea and annexation. One just happened several decades earlier. The border of Estonian-Russian state has been set up with the tartu peace agreement, which is still in the United Nations Register of international contracts. All countries restored estonia within these limits. Progress with the border agreement can only mean recognition and restoration of the peace of tartu and the border that it has set out." Henn Polluaas - Venemaa seadis jarjekordselt Eesti... | Facebook

Estonia demands from Muscovy 5% ( stolen) territory. Japan, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Georgia, Estonia , Finland, Japan , "China", Turkey, Latvia ´d work together on this subject

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Putin is an imperialist and will test the Biden Administration and NATO as he has been doing in the Northern Pacific. It is so unfortunate that we can't work closely with Russia and China on the next frontier: Space.

Given Trump's Space Force, we can expect more and more "competition" and less cooperation with these two giants, thanks to the division created by trumpism here and the hate and fear rhetoric of the last four years.
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Putin is an imperialist and will test the Biden Administration and NATO as he has been doing in the Northern Pacific. It is so unfortunate that we can't work closely with Russia and China on the next frontier: Space.

Given Trump's Space Force, we can expect more and more "competition" and less cooperation with these two giants, thanks to the division created by trumpism here and the hate and fear rhetoric of the last four years.
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Putin is an imperialist and will test the Biden Administration and NATO as he has been doing in the Northern Pacific.
he is already doing this

Biden is a cold war worrier, and Muscovy produces with high oil - gas prices only 1% of the world GDP


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