(+)Eugenics, Yea or Nay?


Apr 23, 2009
Where eugenics is defined for the sake of this discussion as:
The use of genetic technologies that we possess or shall come to possess to enable parents to determine what genetic traits are passed on to their children, with the stated aims and goals of eliminating genetic disease, improving the human form (eg:restoring the human ability to synthesize our own vitamin C, should it prove possible to repair the damaged pseudogene), prolonging life, and improving the quality of human life.
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:
Where eugenics is defined for the sake of this discussion as:
The use of genetic technologies that we possess or shall come to possess to enable parents to determine what genetic traits are passed on to their children, with the stated aims and goals of eliminating genetic disease, improving the human form (eg:restoring the human ability to synthesize our own vitamin C, should it prove possible to repair the damaged pseudogene), prolonging life, and improving the quality of human life.

Accepting the definition you give for the word...yes.
Nah, the folks who would wind up making the determination are usually the folks who should be first into the gas chamber. as was the case in Germany
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:

Did I say anything about empathy?

Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life. Maybe if you paid more attention to history you wouldn't sound so much like a fool by jumping to erroneous conclusions that I listen to Beck.

Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:

Did I say anything about empathy?

Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life. Maybe if you paid more attention to history you wouldn't sound so much like a fool by jumping to erroneous conclusions that I listen to Beck.

Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.

Good thing we didn't say anything about empathy, because you have none. Man you are one sick puppy.
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

New thread and we already have a bozo that can't stay on subject.

Because I want clarification of a purposefully ambiguous term I cannot stay on subject? Maybe you are the fool for simply accepting he means the exact same thing you do when you say that term. On the other hand, maybe you are simply a racist, and don't care what it means because you know it will eventually mean what you want it to mean.
Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:

Did I say anything about empathy?

Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life. Maybe if you paid more attention to history you wouldn't sound so much like a fool by jumping to erroneous conclusions that I listen to Beck.

Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.

Good thing we didn't say anything about empathy, because you have none. Man you are one sick puppy.

Because I do not support genocide? Or because I know history? Which one makes me a sick puppy?
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:

Did I say anything about empathy?

Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life. Maybe if you paid more attention to history you wouldn't sound so much like a fool by jumping to erroneous conclusions that I listen to Beck.

Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.
Always gotta wrap creating the master race in paper with smiley faces and Utopian vagaries like "improving quality of life". :rolleyes:
Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

New thread and we already have a bozo that can't stay on subject.

Because I want clarification of a purposefully ambiguous term I cannot stay on subject? Maybe you are the fool for simply accepting he means the exact same thing you do when you say that term. On the other hand, maybe you are simply a racist, and don't care what it means because you know it will eventually mean what you want it to mean.

Babble, gibber, gobble.
Did I say anything about empathy?

Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life. Maybe if you paid more attention to history you wouldn't sound so much like a fool by jumping to erroneous conclusions that I listen to Beck.

Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.

Good thing we didn't say anything about empathy, because you have none. Man you are one sick puppy.

Because I do not support genocide? Or because I know history? Which one makes me a sick puppy?

Your insistence on confounding a simple point with your own conclusions and definitions of what was really meant. His defintion was straight forward and simple, you're the one bringing in the nazi's and your defintion of the way it has to be done. That's what makes you sick.
Before anyone gets too carried away with this equating to KILLING undesirables, let us not forget that folks can be STERILIZED, eh? :rolleyes:

I honestly believe that the stem cell research is working toward exactly this same outcome,

but instead of segregating out the abnormalities,

it seeks to IMPROVE the entity, and bring it back into alignment with what would be considered "perfect" for it ~

in other words, it won't make the ugly, beautiful, it will just make it the BEST it CAN be.
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Improving the quality of life leaves a lot of really bad ideas that progressives love to spout on the table.

Care to clarify and present your actual objections rather than simply throwing around some Beckish bullshit? Let me guess, empathy leads us to bad places because Hitler killed the Jews out of empathy :rolleyes:

Did I say anything about empathy?

You started walking down the road to Becksm; I just cut you off at the pass.
Hitler killed the disabled and psychiatric patients also, nit just Jews
. In fact, he went after them first, in order to improve the quality of life
Right... you don't seem to really know much about what he did or why.
Eugenics has always been about improving genes through various programs, and the best way to to that has always been eliminating defective stock from the gene pool
Fail. Even if you remove 'defective stock', you've done nothing. The only way to increase the prevalence of favorable traits is by, you know- spreading them around. See: selective breeding.

Now, show me where the definition,

The use of genetic technologies that we possess or shall come to possess to enable parents to determine what genetic traits are passed on to their children, with the stated aims and goals of eliminating genetic disease, improving the human form (eg:restoring the human ability to synthesize our own vitamin C, should it prove possible to repair the damaged pseudogene), prolonging life, and improving the quality of human life.

and killing someone is the only 100% effective way to remove them from the gene pool. But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism, only dressed in pretty clothes and a psuedo-scientific justification.[/quote]

says anything about ' eliminating defective stock from the gene pool'. Also, learn to read, as the title clearly says '(+) Eugenics...'.

+ is commonly used to stand for 'positive'. Hence, the thread title reads as Positive Eugenics..' If you don't know what positive and negative eugenics are, you really shouldn't try to tell other people about the matter.
But keep thinking eugenics is a new idea, or that it is something pretty. It isn't, it is just another form of racism
Right... because wanting to ensure that if I or my partner possess an allele that, if inherited, could cause our child to suffer from a horrible disease, that that chld does not iunherit that particular allele, is 'racist'. :rolleyes: Wanting to ensue that, if my partner and I are both benefit from heterozygouse advantage, that our child does as well, instead of that child suffering from Tay Sachs or hemophilia is 'racist'.

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Before anyone gets too carried away with this equating to KILLING undesirables, let us not forget that folks can be STERILIZED, eh? :rolleyes:

Are you advocating negative eugenics and forced sterilization?
I suppose so, since it IS rather "negative" to remove the abnormalities from the stock to start with.

But here's a prime example of why I would be in favor of it:

My bro & sis-in-law. He has a condition that is ALWAYS passed on to the progeny, which begins with legal blindness and ends with complete blindness. They had 3 children, and all three carry this gene AND are affected by it.

To my way of thinking, the parents were remiss and could almost be accused of child abuse for their part in the creation of these "malformed" kids, and to allow those children to then go on to procreate, themselves, is an absolute crime against THEIR children.

I would hope that most sterilization would be Voluntary, since the premise is logical, but folks are always going to scream about "their" rights, especially when "their" rights negatively affect others "rights."

UNTIL a solution can be found, to repair the damaged allele(s),

yes, I think it should be mandatory for anyone carrying that/those allele(s) to undergo sterilization.

In one way, it sounds so facist, but looked at from the other side of the coin, it appears to be empathetic/sympathetic to the OTHERs that are involved in protecting THEIR "rights."
nay! It might help wipe out diseases, but I don't think messing with nature or genetics is a good idea. Also, picking and choosing what traits your child will have, just seems wrong to me.

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