Europe soft- spain is on the edge,greece? forget about it,US durable goods drop 3.6%


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Europe posts some deep declines in Industrial orders in march and early april....*shrugs* could be a bump, I am not so sure.

Greece is heading into chaotic territory, if you think Greece will be using the Euro in a year, I think you're nuts or just to staid to think outside the box, sorry but I am in a low tolerance BS mood today...:doubt:

spain just had regional elections, the socialists got their asses handed to them, Zapatero will be a goner when he does and he will have to, soon, call for elections. Rajoy of the PP will demand and attempt to enact serious some SERIOUS reform.
IF the Spaniards go nuts ala the Greeks and whats more get little done, get little done, due to the size of their econ. relative to Greece and Portugal as being masssssssssssive, its heading over a cliff.
The euro was more a social construct when it was created and now its going to die a fiscal one, exactly becasue it wasn't created hence designed for the right reason.

'People' are getting tired fed up, its one thing or another, one country after another, they get to bail out the boobs who got them here as if somehow they are sprinkled with magic dust and untouchable, the gov. hence bankers etc. the Irish, Greeks etc. and shouldering the lot.
This is starting to wear, l, we cannot keep doing this for every country down the road, Spain will be the nut cracker, Germany will balk and thats when the fun starts.

The US is according to Carter era stats/paradigms, in stagflation, the PPI for finished goods rose over 6.7% in April.

Housing is so completely a mess, its in a double dip, I have seen that at 2 major sites over the last week.

Durable good orders have dropped 3.6%, so whats next month going to look like?
Hows this quarter shaping up?

carry on...:eusa_whistle:
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All true but I expect much more kicking of the can down the road in the extend and pretend sweepstakes than you do. The ECB and IMF will keep this disaster going until after Obama is out of office while destroying the EU in the meantime.
I think the next president of the US is fucked, as are we all. Whether it's Obama or a Repub, some serious shit is going to hit the fan IMHO as inflation goes up, interest rates go up, debt goes up, our credit rating gets lowered, and the conomy goes into recession or depression. By 2016.
All true but I expect much more kicking of the can down the road in the extend and pretend sweepstakes than you do. The ECB and IMF will keep this disaster going until after Obama is out of office while destroying the EU in the meantime.

are you inferring hes out in 12? Because I don't care how much unicorn piss they tinkle on our heads, there is NO way this thing goes past 12 without some huge big release valve conflagration, the eu bursting finally, the US getting downgraded etc.

I am not an economic historian but a civilization one, amateur but well read enough to know, that the pot gets stirred just right every 50- 100 years, depending upon economics, elbow room, social disorder brought on by god knows what, bad blood, flat out madness etc etc etc...and almost always its the economics that goes first or a realization that you're in big big trouble.
All true but I expect much more kicking of the can down the road in the extend and pretend sweepstakes than you do. The ECB and IMF will keep this disaster going until after Obama is out of office while destroying the EU in the meantime.

are you inferring hes out in 12? Because I don't care how much unicorn piss they tinkle on our heads, there is NO way this thing goes past 12 without some huge big release valve conflagration, the eu bursting finally, the US getting downgraded etc.

I am not an economic historian but a civilization one, amateur but well read enough to know, that the pot gets stirred just right every 50- 100 years, depending upon economics, elbow room, social disorder brought on by god knows what, bad blood, flat out madness etc etc etc...and almost always its the economics that goes first or a realization that you're in big big trouble.
You are mistaking reality for realization. Rome effectively began its collapse in 69 AD, if not in the social war of 90 BC, but the realization of this state affairs did not become general until 1453. The same sort of lag will persist in this case, the can has been kicked down the road for a decade at least.
All true but I expect much more kicking of the can down the road in the extend and pretend sweepstakes than you do. The ECB and IMF will keep this disaster going until after Obama is out of office while destroying the EU in the meantime.

are you inferring hes out in 12? Because I don't care how much unicorn piss they tinkle on our heads, there is NO way this thing goes past 12 without some huge big release valve conflagration, the eu bursting finally, the US getting downgraded etc.

I am not an economic historian but a civilization one, amateur but well read enough to know, that the pot gets stirred just right every 50- 100 years, depending upon economics, elbow room, social disorder brought on by god knows what, bad blood, flat out madness etc etc etc...and almost always its the economics that goes first or a realization that you're in big big trouble.
You are mistaking reality for realization. Rome effectively began its collapse in 69 AD, if not in the social war of 90 BC, but the realization of this state affairs did not become general until 1453. The same sort of lag will persist in this case, the can has been kicked down the road for a decade at least.

Never took you for an optimist William. You give the kicked can a whole decade. I give it 6 years.
You never fail to amaze me.

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