Even Dems Back Voter ID Laws


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Unless you're a shill. Then, all bets are off.

Wow: Poll Finds 70 Percent Back Voter ID Laws…


Via Briefing Room:

Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.
The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African Americans in particular.

He later clarified that he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.
That's because it's common sense to need to present ID when we vote.

Not to dims.

See, American Soldiers can fight and die to preserve your, and my, right to vote in a free and secret ballot election.

But if requiring a Picture ID upsets Granny Jones because she's too lazy and too stupid to go get a free Picture ID, then those guys who died fighting for our rights?

Sucks to be them.

They dead. At this point what difference does it make? They dead.

We can't upset Granny Goodwitch.
Unless you're a shill. Then, all bets are off.

Wow: Poll Finds 70 Percent Back Voter ID Laws…


Via Briefing Room:

Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.
The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African Americans in particular.

He later clarified that he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

More race-baiting and veiled racism than you can shake a stick at.

Unless you're a shill. Then, all bets are off.

Wow: Poll Finds 70 Percent Back Voter ID Laws…


Via Briefing Room:

Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.
The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African Americans in particular.

He later clarified that he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

Scary Black Men :eek:

I think I will scare them away with my voter ID
drive-by dimocrap scum.

That's all this Board has anymore.
The support for voter ID goes up in black communities because in the inner cities there is a quiet unspoken war going on. African Americans are loosing jobs to illegal immigrants every single day. Also in the poorer minority neighborhoods they are in competition for a spot on the government tit as well. African Americans have been screaming for voter ID for a long long time. Hello Mr Obama are you listening?
The support for voter ID goes up in black communities because in the inner cities there is a quiet unspoken war going on. African Americans are loosing jobs to illegal immigrants every single day. Also in the poorer minority neighborhoods they are in competition for a spot on the government tit as well. African Americans have been screaming for voter ID for a long long time. Hello Mr Obama are you listening?

Good point and one I've made before.

Think about this..... Whose job is the typical Illegal going to take?

The Physicist at NASA? Doubtful.

How about the Chemical Engineer at Dupont? I bet there's lots and lots of unemployed Chemical Engineers sneaking into the Country for work, huh?

Not likely.

dimocrap scum are so stupid, they don't realize that elected dimocrap scum are selling them down the river into a permanent, or semi-permanent, state of poverty.

How they gonna get out?

Where is the unskilled Mother working two jobs to send her boy to College going to work? She can't. The Illegal beaner has those jobs tied up.

Where's the unskilled kid trying to work his way through College going to work so he can pay tuition and room and board?

He's not. Juan has that job.

Know why the average dimocrap scumbag makes so much less money under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief than he did under Bush?

The Illegals have driven wages down to starvation levels. They'll work their asses off for 2/3 what an American will take and live in a house with 15 other Illegals and have twelve cars with 20's on them and boom-boxes raising hell all night parked next to a fucking Nissan P/U with 12.50 X 33's and a roll bar with mud all over the entire truck.

You Northern people haven't lived through it yet..... As much

But you will. Trust me. You will. They're moving up North by the truck load. Big Time. In a Big Way.

Stupid fucking dimocraps wonder why they're getting shit on and are too ignorant to realize -- It's the people they vote for that are doing it.
Unless you're a shill. Then, all bets are off.

Wow: Poll Finds 70 Percent Back Voter ID Laws…


Via Briefing Room:

Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.
The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African Americans in particular.

He later clarified that he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

Fifty-five percent of Democrats support the laws, while 43 percent oppose them.

It's amazing the length you people go to defend republicans. You know you can still embrace the conservative ideology and still reject republicanism. Anyone who is a republican is a complete moron. I don't say that about conservative independents mind you. Just republican. If you are republican, then you are at least borderline retarded.

Sorry to inform you.
Wow: Poll Finds 70 Percent Back Voter ID Laws…

Argumentum ad populum

If 90 percent of Americans believed the moon was made of sand, that would not make it so. I bet I could even get 90 percent of Americans I poll to agree the moon is made of sand. Your Fox News source has no integrity, by the way. They once went outside their studios and asked a few passing well dressed black people if they had IDs. They did. Based on this polling sample, Fox News then concluded all blacks must have IDs!

Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur. We've been over this time and time again. In states which have Voter ID, voter fraud still occurs!

The rubes should be devoting all their retard energy toward things which would actually prevent or catch fraud.

Why are you acting like a liberal wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program? No wonder some Democrats are for it!
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We have been using signature verification for centuries with no significant evidence of voter fraud

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