Even the Socialist Sanders knows...Clinton's pursuit of 'regime change' in Libya helped rise of Isis

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!
Now you're just throwing words at the screen. What does this have to do with sharia law. Quit being such a punk and give us an argument that makes sense.

You really are this STUPID, I should know better than trying to TEACH a low 2 digit IQ'd liberal the truth!
Hillary Clinton's foreign policy “killed hundreds of thousands”hotair.com/.../donald-trump-hillary-clintons-foreign-policy-killed...
Hot Air 5 days ago - This isn't defending the Obama Administration's foreign policy ... there and say Hillary Clinton has, “killed hundreds of thousands of people with ..Doing Obuma's BIDDING as Sec of State!
Trump, Hot Air? Talk about irony. None of that is proof and anyone with a brain knows hundreds of thousands is a blatant and, if it were not so serious, laughable LIE.
Then PROVE it isn't true!...I can wait!
You made the assertion, you provide the proof. I'm not dumb enough to play your little word games and try to prove a negative. That's a fool's errand and you're a fool if you think I'd take that bait.
Hillary Clinton's foreign policy “killed hundreds of thousands”hotair.com/.../donald-trump-hillary-clintons-foreign-policy-killed...
Hot Air 5 days ago - This isn't defending the Obama Administration's foreign policy ... there and say Hillary Clinton has, “killed hundreds of thousands of people with ..Doing Obuma's BIDDING as Sec of State!
Trump, Hot Air? Talk about irony. None of that is proof and anyone with a brain knows hundreds of thousands is a blatant and, if it were not so serious, laughable LIE.
Then PROVE it isn't true!...I can wait!
You made the assertion, you provide the proof. I'm not dumb enough to play your little word games and try to prove a negative. That's a fool's errand and you're a fool if you think I'd take that bait.

I stand by what is written, I can't FIX your stupid!
Now you're just throwing words at the screen. What does this have to do with sharia law. Quit being such a punk and give us an argument that makes sense.
You really are this STUPID, I should know better than trying to TEACH a low 2 digit IQ'd liberal the truth!
Smart enough to give you enough rope to hang yourself. Anyone with an open mind will see that you don't have anything but invective in your arsenal. Anyway, good bye for now, A Div. III football game is more interesting than your bullshit.
Now you're just throwing words at the screen. What does this have to do with sharia law. Quit being such a punk and give us an argument that makes sense.
You really are this STUPID, I should know better than trying to TEACH a low 2 digit IQ'd liberal the truth!
Smart enough to give you enough rope to hang yourself. Anyone with an open mind will see that you don't have anything but invective in your arsenal. Anyway, good bye for now, A Div. III football game is more interesting than your bullshit.
The Guardian ^ | 12/18/15 | Dan Roberts
Bernie Sanders has accused Hillary Clinton of encouraging Islamic extremism in Libya, in a prelude to a Democratic debate on Saturday during which he is expected to go on the attack for the first time over the unintended consequences of the former secretary of state’s more interventionist foreign policy. Speaking to the Guardian in an extensive pre-debate interview, the senator from Vermont criticized Clinton for carelessly fomenting regime change in Libya “without worrying” about the ensuing instability that has helped Islamic State forces take hold in the country. “Regime change without worrying about what happens the day after you get...


Interesting. Some one is getting their homework right in his camp.

I can't wait for the battle of battles because I can't wait to see her fry over the Ukraine, but that's just me and Victor.
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Remember this one? .

AGAINST President Bush's wishes.

  • -
DAMASCUS, Syria — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday for talks criticized by the White House as undermining American efforts to isolate the hard-line Arab country.

Pelosi said Assad assured her of his willingness to engage in peace talks with Israel, and that she and other members of her congressional delegation raised their concern about militants crossing from Syria into Iraq, as well the Israeli soldiers kidnapped by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas.

The Californian Democrat spoke to reporters shortly after talks with Assad at the end of a two-day visit to Syria.
all of it here:
Pelosi shrugs off Bush’s criticism, meets Assad

Now look at them
WARmongers worse than Bush was.

7 countries bombed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama
August 23, 2015

As the United States renews a bombing campaign against ISIS forces in Syria, it seems like America’s penchant for waging war knows no bounds.

During the first seven years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the U.S. bombed seven countries while supporting other destabilizing military actions throughout the Middle East.

Here’s a look at these seven countries and the effects of bombing:

ALL of it here:
7 countries bombed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama - Hang The Bankers
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..

I fucking owned you. You are an ignorant fucking gas bag. If stupid were stink, you would be a wet fart passing through a partially digested rotten onion.

Now, run along with the rest of your pathetic liberals and cry about the liberation of tortured people when Booooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed.

You, are a fucking loser and I continue to fucking bitch slap every single one of you double talking pathetic igonrant left wing losers on a daily basis.

You stupid ass fucking waste of time.
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..

I fucking owned you. You are an ignorant fucking gas bag. If stupid were stink, you would be a wet fart passing through a partially digested rotten onion.

Now, run along with the rest of your pathetic liberals and cry about the liberation of tortured people when Booooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed.

You, are a fucking loser and I continue to fucking bitch slap every single one of you double talking pathetic igonrant left wing losers on a daily basis.

You stupid ass fucking waste of time.
You don't own jack shit but your right hand you use to finger your WHORE MOM, like the rest , your a sausage wallet paid whore, who Dosen't know how to EXIST thru life, except spamming on a message board.

Your a paid whore troll, hope you enjoy blowing your Oligarch masters like Trump:piss2:Troll..

I continue to own all of you paid Kock, Trump whores, ...

You white trash Maggots have been inbreeding for centuries, and fucking your mama's , guess that's why your white and not bright, and have anger Black man penis envy , and athletic ability of the Black MAN, and don't have the Balls of a ****..

You love to go on killing sprees, making retarded babies by inbreeding, and meth use, child molesting, bombing abortion clinics, and living the Tim Mcveigh dream..:fu:

The only thing you can bitch slap is your sister in bed, you Mayonnaise monkey ****..

Last edited:
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..

I fucking owned you. You are an ignorant fucking gas bag. If stupid were stink, you would be a wet fart passing through a partially digested rotten onion.

Now, run along with the rest of your pathetic liberals and cry about the liberation of tortured people when Booooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed.

You, are a fucking loser and I continue to fucking bitch slap every single one of you double talking pathetic igonrant left wing losers on a daily basis.

You stupid ass fucking waste of time.
You white cave ****** mother fuckers , don't have jack shit, only Trump who will get smashed to pieces by Clinton, glad you are still simmering in your own piss and waste, 9 years after the Black dude started shitting in the WH..
But Bush's regime change in Iraq had nothing to do with it?!?! :laugh2:
Removing Saddam was certainly not good imo BUT things were relatively under control up until Obama failed to fight for a remaining force.

Now we have to go back. It's not up for debate. If we intend to stop ISIS we have no choice.
The Guardian ^ | 12/18/15 | Dan Roberts
Bernie Sanders has accused Hillary Clinton of encouraging Islamic extremism in Libya, in a prelude to a Democratic debate on Saturday during which he is expected to go on the attack for the first time over the unintended consequences of the former secretary of state’s more interventionist foreign policy. Speaking to the Guardian in an extensive pre-debate interview, the senator from Vermont criticized Clinton for carelessly fomenting regime change in Libya “without worrying” about the ensuing instability that has helped Islamic State forces take hold in the country. “Regime change without worrying about what happens the day after you get...

Agreed. Sanders would be more responsible with foreign policy than most democrats and republicans. His voting record shows it.

The only two candidates that would actually think about what they are doing is Sanders and Paul. Everyone else says lets just bomb away without thinking about the outcome which requires an expensive commitment in US lives and money.

The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..
Obama in his own words said he successfully ended the Iraq war, you fucking dumbass. He owns the failure.
The USA, created ISIS, not just 1 fucking person, if Sanders wants to play hardball at the debate, she will bury his old ancient ass in Quicksand, he's getting desperate and its starting to show, he doesn't know dick about foreign policy compared to her..

The SOFA treaty signed by drunk Bush called for removal of all US troops by 12-31-11, and Iraq Government wanted all Americans to get the fuck out .

All of those clowns on the right are chest thumping for World War 3, funny after Iraq they want to start another lost unwinnable Trillion dollar war that drags on forever:haha:

Hmmm...more leftist revisionist history!

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime...... Yes, Sharia law is Friendly to American ideals! LOLOL!

Iraq was Bush's war not Obama's:deal:, he owns it, just like Obama owns the ACA, ..

mission accomplished, san diego 2003:dev3:

get them there or they will come kill us:cuckoo:

Saddam has WMD'S..:bs1:

We will be greeted as Liberators, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dickhead Cheyney, in 2005, the insurgency is dying , um no sorry..

Colin Powell you break it you bought it:(

Rummy dummy, oh y ummmm ahh it will only be a 2 to 6 month war, don't worry about it, done and over..

What the fuck ever happened to Condi's mushroom cloud??
Boooooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act that Clinton signed you fucking loser! You are nothing but an ass clown.

You are nothing but a bloviated god damn ignorant puppet of your socialist American hating anti Semite democrats.

You lost, but like every fucking loser like you, you keep crowing on and on about oppressed people being liberated.

You are an idiot and each post you make is dumber than the one before. You stupid useless bag of shit.

Your white trash mammy is a ass clown..

You want a loser look in the mirror you goofy inbred retarded cock sucker, 4000+ posts, and none of make sense, get off the computer and get a real life you worthless pile of shit..

Bush invaded Iraq and owns it, not Clinton. Not Obama, you Repugs and Tea Maggots, I'm glad the Iraq war was a HUGE FAILURE because your boy Boooooooosh signed his name to it..

Go fuck yourself Mayonnaise monkey..
Obama in his own words said he successfully ended the Iraq war, you fucking dumbass. He owns the failure.
The failure is with the fucking dumb ass drunk who started it back in 2003, you goofy inbred cocksucker..

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