Everyone Knows Ukraine is a Zionist War to Punish Russia for Backing Syria, Right? The Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel

Is Jordan Next?

This is how Oden Yinon viewed the West Bank and Jordan:

Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

"Jordan and the West Bank​

"In his account of Russian foreign policy and the Arabs, Yevgeny Primakov contextualizes Yinon's paper in terms of the content of what former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, George Ball, stated in testimony in August before the U.S. Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee.

"Ball, discussing the second Israeli invasion of Lebanon[7] earlier in June, referred to conversations with Ariel Sharon, in which Sharon reportedly stated that his long-term strategy consisted of 'squeezing the Palestinians out of the West Bank..allowing only enough of them to remain for work.'[3]

"Yinon's paper suggested that Israeli policy, both in war and peace, should aim for one objective: 'the liquidation of Jordan' as ruled by the Hashemite Kingdom, together with increased Palestinian migration from the West Bank into eastern Jordan."
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