Everyone nees to know Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlain and Swatting


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gco5nQVZYo]Who Is Brett Kimberlin? Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Brett Kimberlin is a convicted bomber, perjurer and left-wing attack dog. He’s attacked — in no particular order — conservative bloggers like Andrew Breibart, Patterico, Liberty Chick, Aaron Worthing, Stacy McCain and others.

This is no war of words; Kimberlin is a serial litigator who has filed over 100 lawsuits by his own account and he takes people to court, claiming they are harassing him. He calls their employers. I stand with all these people, some of whom are my friends. I’m launching a new effort on my own that I hope will help.

Friday, May 25th Is “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day”

But Kimberlain has gone beyond bombing and lawsuits. He's now engage in the terrorist harrassment known as "Swatting."

Swatting, is when you use Skype and other ways to cover up your real location and call 9/11 and pretending to be come conservative and claiming you "shot your wife" or other serious crime. Swat shows up guns drawn to the address of some conservative blogger. This is no joke, one conservative was almost shot, because he had a cell phone in his hand when the police came in, and they almost mistook it for a gun.

This is how it happened to one blogger named Patterico:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cISJnysCxck]Blogger Patterico Is Swatted -- July 1, 2011.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Patterico, talking about how he could have been killed:

Patterico's Pontifications » What a Day Friday Was

Michelle Malkin has a ton of documentation about this guy, and it's plenty obvious, this guy is dangerous:

Michelle Malkin » Free speech blogburst: Show solidarity for targeted conservative bloggers; Update: It’s Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day; Donation fund for targets

Breitbart's website has also a lot on his convicted terrorist who now terrorizes anyone practicing free speech, which Kimberlin doesn't like:

Flashback: Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist

The word needs to get out about this guy. I'm doing my part.
Here a lefty supporters of Kimberlin, tweeting that they are happy, that one of their victims was swatted and saying it was in part retaliation for helping to cover the Rep. Weiner Story:

Above: an anonymous Kimberlin supporter mocks my swatting in August 2011, before it was publicly known. The reference is to an article about a 2008 swatting case in Dallas

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