Evidence of Totalitarianism from the Left in the US

Bump for relevance. It appears that moronic boobs like Swallow, Closed Caption, et al. are more interested in a Leftist dictatorship in the US rather than a Republic.
Wrong asshole! The Patriot Act IS the problem. So is the Military Commission's Act. As well as the NDAA. Taken all together, the government can pluck anyone off the street and lock them up without charges for the rest of their days.

BTW, the NY Times (and President Obama) are not liberals. If the Times was liberal, it wouldn't have helped sell the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. And Obama doesn't have one liberal in his Administration.

So fuck you and this bullshit of trying to put the shit you do, on the left.

You fuckers are nothing but cowards! Because you won't even take responsibility for the shit you do.
The source is "The American Thinker", another bunch of rightwingnut crap.

Oxymoronic title if there ever was one.


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