Evryone is concerned about racism, what are your perceptions of race relations?

Paul Itical

Jun 15, 2008
Pertaining to the US, what is your opinion of race relations? From your experience, how do you percieve them to be? How does this perception affect your daily life?
Mr Bass thinks that racism is just more covert than what it was during the Jim Crow era and believes a lot of people are in denial about racism. People seem to have underestimated the true full effect of white supremacy in America. People need to be more open about what goes on in their mind, Mr Bass would rather deal with an overt hate spewing racist than deal with one who smiles in his face and discriminates behind his back
Mr Bass thinks that racism is just more covert than what it was during the Jim Crow era and believes a lot of people are in denial about racism. People seem to have underestimated the true full effect of white supremacy in America. People need to be more open about what goes on in their mind, Mr Bass would rather deal with an overt hate spewing racist than deal with one who smiles in his face and discriminates behind his back

I agree with your last sentence, but not the rest. I don't think it's nearly as bad as those who make a leaving ensuring it's kept on the front page would have you believe.

The hatemongers NEED someone else to blame for their own failures. So long as they exist, and can't admit their failures are their own fault, racism will exist. So will gender bias. So will political hatreds. Especially nowadays, people just refuse to accept the fact that hey, it might JUST be me.
I live in one of the the Whitest, poorest, places in America.

The people here are some of America's oldest and fattest populations, too.

Racism is obviously not much of a problem.

Oddly, despite the fact that this is one of the poorest places in the nation, crime isn't really much of a problem, either.

Now, one might be tempted to think that minorities and a high crime rate are somehow inextricably linked, but I think the explanation for crime is much more complex than that.

The expectations of the people here are just different than they are in most of American where I used to live. (New York, PA, FLA, CA, MA, CT)

Despite the fact that the native population here is about as xenophobic (not racist.. xenophobic) as anyplace I've ever been, there's a general live and let live attitude which I think explains some of why people manage to live in peace with each other.

People aren't very ambitious here.

Their expectations are fairly modest, and they expect that life will be a hard row to hoe, hereabouts.

People don't expect to get rich here.

Given their modest expectations, they're not likely to take shortcuts (like crime and aggressive business practices) to get ahead.

Gettin' by seems to be the number one ambition of most people hereabouts.

I can't help but think that living in one of the more beautiful places on earth can't hurt to keep most people fairly easy going, either.

Most of us are armed to the teeth, but there's very little violence.

If you are going to be killed in Maine the odds are that you're going to be killed in a domestic violence situation.

I think we had nine murders in Maine so far this year. Seven of them were domestic violence.

Maybe there just isn't anything worth stealing, here, I can't be sure.

but I do think that it's not just that there are no minorities, I think that all the things I've mentioned, age, race, population density, expectations, familiarity, hell even the weather, all play a part to keep this place what it is.

If this place's population was 98% Black, but Blacks with the same history as the poor Whites here have had, I expect it would be, much like this place, a gentle easy going place to live, too.
Mr Bass thinks that racism is just more covert than what it was during the Jim Crow era and believes a lot of people are in denial about racism. People seem to have underestimated the true full effect of white supremacy in America. People need to be more open about what goes on in their mind, Mr Bass would rather deal with an overt hate spewing racist than deal with one who smiles in his face and discriminates behind his back

How could it be covert? You ever heard of affirmative action? We have racist discrmination de jure in this country. You can't get more overt.

Oh, wait, that doesn't fit into your blame white mentality, where a minorities every failing-- the only reason everyone is not tiger woods or michael jordan, is because bubba's got a confederate flag on the back of his pickup.

Plenty of racism left in the country, all coming predominantly from hypocritical assholes in glass houses, people like you.
If this place's population was 98% Black, but Blacks with the same history as the poor Whites here have had, I expect it would be, much like this place, a gentle easy going place to live, too.

Name one place on the planet that's 98 percent black and a "gentle easy going" place to live.


Washington Heights?


South Central?

South Africa?


Wherever blacks are found, problems are found. That's because blacks have the lowest IQ's of any group of humans in the world, save perhaps the aboriginies of Australia. They are programmed by evolution to have quick tempers, tendencies to violence, short time horizons, and a general inability to plan for the future. They are small-brained, alarming-looking human beings who simply cannot maintain or create the civilized cultures of whites or Asians, period.
Mr Bass is correct and I posted Racism II which studies it. I see it often and I think in the end if Obama loses it will be because of racism and I know no one wants to hear that as they are all color blind.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Culture-Make-Believe-Derrick-Jensen/dp/1931498571/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215026815&sr=1-6]Amazon.com: The Culture of Make Believe: Derrick Jensen: Books[/ame]
Mr Bass thinks that racism is just more covert than what it was during the Jim Crow era and believes a lot of people are in denial about racism. People seem to have underestimated the true full effect of white supremacy in America. People need to be more open about what goes on in their mind, Mr Bass would rather deal with an overt hate spewing racist than deal with one who smiles in his face and discriminates behind his back

When I was younger, talking about race with someone of a different race was just about as taboo as talking about sex or religion. I now live around the corner from where some years back a landlord refused to rent to me because of my race. In my experience race relations have improved greatly. There is still lots of hate around but poor people aren't as easily tricked anymore into fighting each other rather than face the real causes behind economic oppression.
How about "fishtown,Phila",they think racist like you but are made up down on their luck "polacks and Irish".You think Blacks have the lowest IQ of anybody in this worlld.Well check the IQ's of these people
lower then Blacks.They are dumber then a bag of rocks,like you.
Pertaining to the US, what is your opinion of race relations? From your experience, how do you percieve them to be? How does this perception affect your daily life?

In my personal walking around life here in Virginia Beach, it's GREAT. I have friends, associates, and relatives of MANY different "races". Most people here are pretty friendly, this is a "military town" so we get a cross section of people from all over the United States. In my opinion, the racial polarization is found on different political forums, talk shows, some news reports, etc.
I like the racial climate here better than the racial climate in the New York Metropolitan area where I grew up. I treat people as individuals, there are white assholes, black assholes, brown assholes, yellow assholes, red assholes, etc. Luckily they are in the minority, luckily there are good people from all of the above colors.
I tend to treat people how they treat me, I don't hold my head in the sand, I DEFINITELY know that there are racist pigs out there of all colors.
Name one place on the planet that's 98 percent black and a "gentle easy going" place to live.<snip>

Here asshole:
Springdale, Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Springdale, Maryland

Springdale is a upper middle class African American community in Prince George's County. The median family income is $105,759, making Springdale one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

Prince George's County is a vibrant and prosperous community. Nearly 1 in every 3 resident holds a bachelor's degree, the home ownership rate for the county is over 60%, half of all businesses in the county are owned by African Americans and over half of high school graduates pursue a college degree.

The county is also home to some of America's most prestigious cultural, entertainment, and educational facilities. The University of Maryland, Bowie State University, Andrew's Air Force Base, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Six Flags America, and FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins."
Here's a list of more: Affluent African American Communities | AfricanAmericanDigest.com
I would love to see you have a duel of intelligence against ANY of my Black relatives. What happened to you? Did your wife or girlfriend leave you for some Black guy and she never looked back to your sorry ass? :lol:
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Pertaining to the US, what is your opinion of race relations? From your experience, how do you percieve them to be? How does this perception affect your daily life?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1qfCTOy6as]Skunkweed - Open minded Redneck - YouTube[/ame]
Pertaining to the US, what is your opinion of race relations? From your experience, how do you percieve them to be? How does this perception affect your daily life?

Race relations in real life are a lot better then what they are on must internet message boards.

Internet trolls aren't as bold when they're not behind computer screens.
what are your perceptions of race relations?

I am not impressed with Dale Jr. either.
Name one place on the planet that's 98 percent black and a "gentle easy going" place to live.<snip>

Here asshole:
Springdale, Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Springdale, Maryland

Springdale is a upper middle class African American community in Prince George's County. The median family income is $105,759, making Springdale one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

Prince George's County is a vibrant and prosperous community. Nearly 1 in every 3 resident holds a bachelor's degree, the home ownership rate for the county is over 60%, half of all businesses in the county are owned by African Americans and over half of high school graduates pursue a college degree.

The county is also home to some of America's most prestigious cultural, entertainment, and educational facilities. The University of Maryland, Bowie State University, Andrew's Air Force Base, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Six Flags America, and FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins."
Here's a list of more: Affluent African American Communities | AfricanAmericanDigest.com
I would love to see you have a duel of intelligence against ANY of my Black relatives. What happened to you? Did your wife or girlfriend leave you for some Black guy and she never looked back to your sorry ass? :lol:

I lived in Prince Georges County for most of my young adult life. I moved there from Mississippi.

I was raised there by a working mother and a working step father. I lived in a three-bedroom house in a middle class community, went to school, graduated, joined the armed forces. Pretty normal life. To most people's surprise I'm black. My father is Haitian at that. Pretty proud of it to.

(BTW racist trolls on this thread will not actually believe there are middle class/upper middle class black neighborhoods anywhere... I've been barking up that tree for years, they just won't believe you, I think they know the places exist, but it's just to fun being an idiot sometimes).
Here asshole:
Springdale, Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Springdale, Maryland

Springdale is a upper middle class African American community in Prince George's County. The median family income is $105,759, making Springdale one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

Prince George's County is a vibrant and prosperous community. Nearly 1 in every 3 resident holds a bachelor's degree, the home ownership rate for the county is over 60%, half of all businesses in the county are owned by African Americans and over half of high school graduates pursue a college degree.

Problem is that these "black utopias" are Potemkin villages of racial achievement -- the salaries they get come largely from federal employment, which discriminates heavily in favor of blacks and other minorities. In the current economy, places like PG county are being exposed for what they are: black shitholes covered only by a thin veneer of white money and support.

Check this out:

Affluent black county mired in mortgage mess - Business - Real estate - Mortgage Mess - msnbc.com
Name one place on the planet that's 98 percent black and a "gentle easy going" place to live.<snip>

Here asshole:
Springdale, Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Springdale, Maryland

Springdale is a upper middle class African American community in Prince George's County. The median family income is $105,759, making Springdale one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

Prince George's County is a vibrant and prosperous community. Nearly 1 in every 3 resident holds a bachelor's degree, the home ownership rate for the county is over 60%, half of all businesses in the county are owned by African Americans and over half of high school graduates pursue a college degree.

The county is also home to some of America's most prestigious cultural, entertainment, and educational facilities. The University of Maryland, Bowie State University, Andrew's Air Force Base, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Six Flags America, and FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins."
Here's a list of more: Affluent African American Communities | AfricanAmericanDigest.com
I would love to see you have a duel of intelligence against ANY of my Black relatives. What happened to you? Did your wife or girlfriend leave you for some Black guy and she never looked back to your sorry ass? :lol:

I lived in Prince Georges County for most of my young adult life. I moved there from Mississippi.

I was raised there by a working mother and a working step father. I lived in a three-bedroom house in a middle class community, went to school, graduated, joined the armed forces. Pretty normal life. To most people's surprise I'm black. My father is Haitian at that. Pretty proud of it to.

(BTW racist trolls on this thread will not actually believe there are middle class/upper middle class black neighborhoods anywhere... I've been barking up that tree for years, they just won't believe you, I think they know the places exist, but it's just to fun being an idiot sometimes).

I CERTAINLY believe you, I have a similar experience. Most of my relatives and friends who are Black are professionals and NOT ON ANY GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE AND THEY STILL VOTE DEMOCRAT.
Here asshole:
Springdale, Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Springdale, Maryland

Springdale is a upper middle class African American community in Prince George's County. The median family income is $105,759, making Springdale one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

Prince George's County is a vibrant and prosperous community. Nearly 1 in every 3 resident holds a bachelor's degree, the home ownership rate for the county is over 60%, half of all businesses in the county are owned by African Americans and over half of high school graduates pursue a college degree.

Problem is that these "black utopias" are Potemkin villages of racial achievement -- the salaries they get come largely from federal employment, which discriminates heavily in favor of blacks and other minorities. In the current economy, places like PG county are being exposed for what they are: black shitholes covered only by a thin veneer of white money and support.

Check this out:

Affluent black county mired in mortgage mess - Business - Real estate - Mortgage Mess - msnbc.com

What percentage of federal employees are Black? This is a predominately White run country and populated country so that would make sense.

There are plenty of White communities who are mired in a mortgage mess.

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