Excusing Jihad In Boston


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Excusing Jihad In Boston

April 24, 2013
By Robert Spencer


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev woke up and told investigators that he and his brother Tamerlan were waging a lone jihad when they set off two bombs packed with nails and ball bearings at the Boston Marathon. He said his brother came up with the whole plot out of a desire to “defend Islam.” And as if on cue, the mainstream media began an all-out effort to obscure and downplay the significance of the now indisputable fact that this was a jihad terror attack – an effort as energetic and inventive as their previous attempt to convince the American people that the bombings had to be, just had to be, the work of “right-wing extremists.”

Imagine for a moment if the attackers had indeed turned out to be “right-wing extremists.” Imagine that they were even that mother lode of Leftist media fantasy, Christian “extremists” – think Robert DeNiro in Cape Fear, his body tattooed all over with Biblical quotes, muttering about the wrath of God and determined to terrorize not just a single family, but an entire city, an entire nation. Just to make it really interesting, imagine that the people these Christian terrorists happened to kill with their bombs were Muslim.

If the attackers had been people like that, the Atlantic Wire would have run a piece entitled “The Boston Bombers Were Christian – So?” It would have complained that “we confuse categories – ‘male,’ ‘Christian’ — with cause,” and cautioned against stereotyping all Christians and painting Christians with a broad brush.

Meanwhile, Chris Matthews would have had on an FBI agent who would have asked about the bombers, “Where was their inspiration? Where did they get the guidance?,” leading Matthews to respond: “Why is that important? Why is that important to — is that important to prosecuting? I mean, what difference does it make why they did it if they did it? I’m being tough here.”

Also on MSNBC, Martin Bashir would lament about how these Christian bombers were “burying the ‘peace, compassion and kindness of the Bible.’” A local Muslim leader at a prayer service would have cautioned: “We must be a people of reconciliation, not revenge….The crimes of the two young men must not be the justification for prejudice against Christians….It is very difficult to understand what was going on in the young men’s minds, what demons were operative, what ideologies or politics or the perversion of their religion.”


Excusing Jihad In Boston | FrontPage Magazine
He's a talkative little chap , that nice young man , Dzhokhar .
All that information when he cannot speak because of the monumental injury -- check out photos .
I think you should also check out the roles played by ex Seals and other members of The Craft before you jump to conclusions . Look at the films --- hard Facts , if that is an accepted technique for producing evidence .
Strange that they all seemed to lose their back packs just before the explosions .
Careless Special Operatives ? Naughty False Flaggers perhaps .
“Allah Made Me Do It”

April 24, 2013
By David Solway


Writing in Islamist Watch for April 17, 2013, David Rusin draws our attention to a recent case in an Australian court which would beggar belief if we had not grown inured to such outrages through repetition and cultural submission. As Rusin writes, “Esmatullah Sharifi, an Afghan refugee who came to Australia in 2001 and launched a career as a sexual predator, has been granted leave to appeal his sentence for raping an intoxicated young woman in 2008. Robert Redlich, an appellate judge, explained that the sentencing judge had focused primarily on ‘the protection of the community’ and improperly ‘rejected any suggestion [Sharifi] didn’t have a clear concept of consent in sexual relations’ due to cultural differences.” Rusin suggests that a double standard is in effect, “whereby a Muslim upbringing can excuse horrible behavior that would never be tolerated from non-Muslims.”

There have been a growing number of cases throughout the West, in which Muslim felons, charged with various crimes that would normally entail vigorous sentencing, have seen their cases dismissed or subject to appeal on the grounds of differing cultural norms, customs and assumptions. While convictions can sometimes be made to stick, even then the authorities are prone to react with reluctance and only after charges cannot be reasonably deferred. As Soeren Kern reports at The Gatestone Institute, in a case involving a gang of Muslim “groomers” in Manchester, the Crown Prosecution Service was provided with DNA evidence of rape but “twice decided not to prosecute” while government lawyers also refused to proceed.


Such is the cultural pathology that heralds the decline and fall of a civilization. Given our indifference, our passion for conciliation, our frivolous disregard of both reality and conscience, and the attendant corruption of our judiciary, the Muslim ghazzua on our way of life seems likely to succeed.

?Allah Made Me Do It? | FrontPage Magazine
Islam been at war with the west since 621 AD. Muslims fight different groups like Sunni and Shite; on the other hand they feel the same damn away about the west.

The faster you leftist figure this out the better.
Leftist Jihad Denial

April 25, 2013 By Mark Tapson



Blaming the right. Immediately after last week’s Boston Marathon terrorism, the mainstream news media began speculating that right-wingers were behind the blasts. And by speculating, I mean demonizing, because that was the left-leaning media’s fervent intent – to not let the crisis go to waste, to cast suspicion upon the overlapping segments of society they are hell-bent on “otherizing,” to use their own terminology: law-abiding Tea Partiers, patriots, veterans, Republicans, the NRA, white people, Christians. A CNN analyst, to name only one example, focused the discussion on “right-wing extremists.” More blatantly, Salon put its hateful bigotry on display in an article entitled, incredibly, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.”

Blame the NRA. Once the ongoing investigation revealed it to be beyond dispute that the terrorists weren’t Tea Partiers, the left didn’t miss a beat. Even while the remaining fugitive was still at large, MSNBC’s attack dog Lawrence O’Donnell shamelessly blamed the National Rifle Association for hindering the investigation by having lobbied to block a taggant “that would enable tracing of the purchase of gunpowder”:

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Democrats are so obsessed with gaining political points, they not only endanger American citizens, they make us look like idiots as well. Other countries have to be laughing at us making excuses for people who are killing our citizens. Obama is making us the laughing stock of the planet.
Democrats are so obsessed with gaining political points, they not only endanger American citizens, they make us look like idiots as well. Other countries have to be laughing at us making excuses for people who are killing our citizens. Obama is making us the laughing stock of the planet.

That's why the world loves him.....and when did democrats not even care about a democrat ambassador....wow these commies will ignore and excuse anything
The rest of the world wants a weak America as other countries like Russia, china, etc want to rule. Obama has made us a sad joke.
Democrats are so obsessed with gaining political points, they not only endanger American citizens, they make us look like idiots as well. Other countries have to be laughing at us making excuses for people who are killing our citizens. Obama is making us the laughing stock of the planet.

You really need to get a grip.
Wait until China becomes a full blown empire and threatens us with war. The democrats have two choices at that point, 1# Grow a set of balls or 2# beg for surrender.

Next 50 years.
Democrats are so obsessed with gaining political points, they not only endanger American citizens, they make us look like idiots as well. Other countries have to be laughing at us making excuses for people who are killing our citizens. Obama is making us the laughing stock of the planet.

You really need to get a grip.

I dont see anything there that is not true...democrats back terrorists and regimes that kill gays, persecute women....why??????

Boston Marathon jihad bombing

May 1, 2013 By Robert Spencer

Barack Obama promised Tuesday that he would be taking lessons from the Boston Marathon jihad bombing: “When an event like this happens, we want to review every step that was taken, we want to leave no stone unturned, we want to see if there is in fact additional protocols and procedures that could be put in place that would further improve and enhance our ability to detect a potential attack.’’

Sounds great – but ultimately all Obama offered were words. Words that are unlikely to be backed up by real action. The one thing that needs to be done – an official acknowledgement of the reality and magnitude of the global jihad, and the commitment of U.S. intelligence to understanding and combating it – is the one thing that will not be done.

After all, the Administration official Obama has charged with ferreting out the lessons of Boston is none other than his director of national intelligence, James “Clueless” Clapper, who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” Obama explained: “Part of what Director Clapper is doing is to see if we can determine lessons learned from what happened’’ in Boston.


The Leftist journalists and Islamic supremacist groups who pressured Obama (as well as Obama and his administration officials themselves) ought to be held accountable for the law enforcement and intelligence failures connected to the Boston jihad bombings. J’accuse.

Who We Must Blame For Boston | FrontPage Magazine
The Human Cost of Jihad Denial

May 2, 2013 By Robert Spencer



That purge came after hard-Left journalistic propagandist Spencer Ackerman wrote a series of “exposes” that supposedly exposed “Islamophobia” in government counterterror training — that is, truthful information about Islam and jihad. See here and here for details. Then Farhana Khera, Executive Director of an Islamic organization called Muslim Advocates, wrote a letter on October 19, 2011 to Barack Obama’s then-Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and current CIA director John Brennan. The letter was signed by 57 organizations, including many with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA); Islamic Relief USA; the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); the Muslim American Society (MAS); and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

The letter demanded that Obama officials “purge all federal government training materials of biased materials” – that is, materials that they claimed were biased against Islam – and “implement a mandatory re-training program for FBI agents, U.S. Army officers, and all federal, state and local law enforcement who have been subjected to biased training.”


In any case, Wednesday’s revelations show the human cost of the denial of the reality and magnitude of the jihad threat. Three people are dead and well over 200 wounded because bumbling, ill-instructed (and in many cases reeducated) FBI agents didn’t know how to understand or act upon intelligence they received from Russia and (probably) Saudi Arabia. How many more have to die before the bloody legacy of Farhana Khera, John Brennan, Spencer Ackerman and Barack Obama is decisively rejected?

The Human Cost of Jihad Denial | FrontPage Magazine

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