expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

so very true.

He has no clue. It reminds of 1994 when we were in denial. But Georgia showed us. She didn't care about the Rams and it's history. She just new that the Rams bank account was being depleted because she was going on wild spending spree's and lavish vacations. She began dumping our star players since she couldn't pay them. She had to move them to survive. The NFL had a requirement she must sell part of the team. Enter Kroenke, and he was the silent partner that ran the team. He was even on the NFL committee to bring the NFL back to L.A. He saw the goldmine in L.A. The football starved fans who would throw their money at a team. He looked at his team and saw no fan support. With the information he had you can see he set the wheels in motion for a return of our beloved Rams to L.A. next year. He just can't say anything or it will be misconstrued as a breach of contract. He will want to cross his T's and dot his I's on this one. Once the season starts, and I walk through those tunnels, I will have tears in my eyes when I see my team, The Rams, on the field of a open air stadium. A flood of memories and good times will come back to me. Afternoon's spent with my Dad cheering for Gabriel, Hadl, Harris, Jaworski, Haden, Ferragamo, etc! GO LOS ANGELES RAMS!!!!!
There remains great uncertainty about the future of the team, with the Rams able to get out of their lease in 2014. Owner Stan Kroenke has strong ties to the Los Angeles area and the Rams have long been considered a top candidate to head back West. This will be a big year from an attendance standpoint and I didn't detect any strong rumblings of a new stadium getting built in St. Louis. The longer things progress without a plan for staying in St. Louis -- and renovating the dome doesn't seem realistic -- the more you will hear about the franchise moving. Sources said to this point that Kroenke hasn't given any strong indications internally about what the next step will be, either.

Rams camp observations Even younger faster and dangerous - CBSSports.com
from ESPN's Arash Markazi.

Walking around St. Louis, the folks here are pretty apathetic about the Rams. Reminds me of LA in 1994 when they lost the Rams and Raiders.
still more from Arash Markazi.

Not saying the Rams will leave but I don't think anyone here will be trying to stop the moving trucks if they do decide to go.
also from Arash.

hate it when cities get blamed for teams leaving. Sometimes greedy owners leave for greedy reasons that have nothing to do with fans.
thank god the wicked witch of the west is dead.she wouldnt leave home without her american express card,but she would be a conniving bitch thief and leave her husbands home for her home in saint louis while stealing something that belonged to many millions of others.

Cold, hard facts re: results of the ‪#‎FillTheDome‬ campaign: 55,279 EJD Week 1 attendance according to @ESPNNFL ...83.75% of the Edward Jones Dome's capacity of 66,000 ...exciting, young team, 1st game of the year, divisional opponent: former STL Cardinals... but NO SELLOUT. 10,000 NO SHOWS

thats the OFFICIAL total of the lamestream media folks,the media lies and inflates numbers cause the ACTUAL NO SHOWS are like 35,000.lol. you can tell by watching their games cause the stadium is half empty all the time.lol.

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