Explosion of a factory in Rouen: people worried in the aftermath of the accident


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Thursday, September 26, an explosion at a Seveso plant in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) has released a black cloud that raises the concern of residents.

There is a lot of concern in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) after the huge fire in a chemical plant Seveso. The flames followed explosions Thursday, September 26, and questions arise about the health and ecological consequences of this industrial disaster. Friday, the fire was out, but the firefighters focused on cooling the barrels. The schools in the city are still closed, but staff are busy indoors to clean up.
"It stings, it scrapes, it smells"
"I clean everything that is shelves, tables, cushions.It must be disinfected," says a staff member. A nauseating odor persists. On social networks, residents are expressing their concerns. "It stings, it scratches, it smells", can you read on a first account. "I am 2 km from Rouen. (...) Night difficult for my children Vomiting, headaches", has posted a resident. While firefighters' records do not indicate immediate risks, residents are worried.

Video in the link : De nombreuses explosions entendues alors que l'usine Lubrizol de Rouen est en proie aux flammes - Témoins BFMTV

Explosion d'une usine à Rouen : les habitants inquiets au lendemain de l'accident

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