Exposing Satan's deception

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
It occurred to me the other day that the lines have been blurred concerning what is of Satan's camp and what isn't. Too many people believe that Fantasy films such as X Men, Superman, Batman are harmless entertainment. They fail to see or understand the subtle indoctrination that is going on - to believe that alien beings (which are in reality fallen angels destined for hell) are superior beings - to believe that humans are inferior beings - no more discerning than the dumbest of beasts (forgetting they were created in the image of God - Genesis 1:26) and so with that it is time to expose some of Satan's deceptions that Hollywood puts on as harmless entertainment. We'll also examine what is behind these messages! Watch this!

This is not a long video - it's message cuts right to the core of what is going on here. It is a satanic agenda - look at the story line in this one and watch where they are going with it. Christians! You need to be paying attention to what your children are watching! This is not anything that any christian should be viewing! In fact, NO CHILD should be exposed to this type of indoctrination!

Here is a breakdown / a checklist I found on this site comparing Satan to Jesus Christ.

Super Heroes Satanic Propaganda Revelation No

Satan vs Superman Story Parallel -

Satan compared to Superman

Fallen to earth CHECK! CHECK!


Prince of the air CHECK! CHECK!

Superhuman CHECK! CHECK!

Never Acknowledges God CHECK! CHECK!

Leader of other "superhuman beings" (fallen angels)CHECK! CHECK!

Has ONE major weakness that can kill him CHECK! CHECK!

Comes to save the earth
from a mysterious unknown world. CHECK! CHECK!

Is considered a god CHECK! CHECK!

So we can see by this chart that these two have a lot in common! Amazing how he is depicted as a "good guy" isn't it? That is how Satan likes to present himself! He is a liar! Make a note of that too. His goal is to deceive mankind. So far? He has done a pretty good job of it!
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Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.
Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.

What a tortured frightful world you live in Jeri
I do not live in fear, Guno. You do. That is why you do what you do. Jesus came to set you free from fear. If you feared God you wouldn't fear what man could do to you. Your fears are greater than your understanding of who God is! That should not be. Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross.

And that word has been used as a code word by anti semites like yourself against Jews who you say run hollywood. You finally came out huh jeri

I never said that Hollywood was run by Jews. You said that. Perhaps you are not a Jew afterall, Guno. You said you were Jewish. Now granted there are a small group of Jews that do not serve G-d of Israel but rather serve Satan - and they will not be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are seated even now. If you are of that company (I do not know if you are or not) then no - you are not in God's eyes considered a Jew. His Word is clear - not every Jew is a Jew but some are of the synagogue of Satan - if you are part of Satan's camp then you cannot claim yourself to be a Jew. That goes for a Jewish man or a Jewish woman who would turn to witchcraft or satanism. Anyone who does that is no longer considered to be Jewish by G-d of Israel. They have lost their birthright.

Moses would tell you the same thing were he here.
She missed the bible lesson that God created the universes which means aliens if some should be located are too creations of God and Jesus was the sacrifice atonement for all. My gracious I apologize on behalf of those who are giving Christianity a bad name. There is a lot of deception in the world and sadly this original post is one of them. A logical question to ask be you a believer or not is why would evil forces come upon those who were already a part of their crowd? Are people who are drinkers, drug addicts, prostitutes feel conviction of an evil entity? No they are practicing that. The only people being tempted and deceived of satanic influence are those who have no firm foundation in the Lord and are fearful. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. Since Jeremiah has put me on ignore by her own admission because she feels threatened by my avatar (and that reason alone) I speak to everyone else who comes upon this thread to tell you that other Christian people are not bat shit crazy.
The good news, Guno, is that if you had turned to the occult and involved yourself in it - you could still repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be forgiven. Apart from Jesus Christ you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. No one can.
I do not live in fear, Guno. You do. That is why you do what you do. Jesus came to set you free from fear. If you feared God you wouldn't fear what man could do to you. Your fears are greater than your understanding of who God is! That should not be. Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross.

You are an anti semite

you say you love jews? It is for one reason and one reason is only to fulfill your delusional end time crap, you know NO jews, just people who may have had maybe one distant relative who was jewish and now they parade around in that "jews" for jebus christer outfit pretending to be Jews
Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.
I would like a fresh memo from God first....
I do not live in fear, Guno. You do. That is why you do what you do. Jesus came to set you free from fear. If you feared God you wouldn't fear what man could do to you. Your fears are greater than your understanding of who God is! That should not be. Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross.

You are an anti semite

you say you love jews? It is for one reason and one reason is only to fulfill your delusional end time crap, you know NO jews, just people who may have had maybe one distant relative who was jewish and now they parade around in that "jews" for jebus christer outfit pretending to be Jews
Some did get the operation...
She missed the bible lesson that God created the universes which means aliens if some should be located are too creations of God and Jesus was the sacrifice atonement for all. My gracious I apologize on behalf of those who are giving Christianity a bad name. There is a lot of deception in the world and sadly this original post is one of them. A logical question to ask be you a believer or not is why would evil forces come upon those who were already a part of their crowd? Are people who are drinkers, drug addicts, prostitutes feel conviction of an evil entity? No they are practicing that. The only people being tempted and deceived of satanic influence are those who have no firm foundation in the Lord and are fearful. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. Since Jeremiah has put me on ignore by her own admission because she feels threatened by my avatar (and that reason alone) I speak to everyone else who comes upon this thread to tell you that other Christian people are not bat shit crazy.

I do think people like that are mentally ill

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