Exposing Satan's deception

I do not live in fear, Guno. You do. That is why you do what you do. Jesus came to set you free from fear. If you feared God you wouldn't fear what man could do to you. Your fears are greater than your understanding of who God is! That should not be. Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross.

You are an anti semite

you say you love jews? It is for one reason and one reason is only to fulfill your delusional end time crap, you know NO jews, just people who may have had maybe one distant relative who was jewish and now they parade around in that "jews" for jebus christer outfit pretending to be Jews

I am not an anti-semite and the Jews on this board know that, Guno. While I cannot say they believe the same about you. Most believe you are not Jewish at all but someone who has claimed to be Jewish (and isn't) while siding with the enemy against them. I really do not know what to think other than that perhaps they are seeing something in you that I missed. Irregardless of your heritage - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is offered to all people.
Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.
I would like a fresh memo from God first....

Buy a King James Bible and read it.
Jeri, in light of the OP, you would have made a terrific Inquisitor for the RC Church in its day. You share that type of personality. Bless you. I hope you come to your senses.
It occurred to me the other day that the lines have been blurred concerning what is of Satan's camp and what isn't. Too many people believe that Fantasy films such as X Men, Superman, Batman are harmless entertainment. They fail to see or understand the subtle indoctrination that is going on - to believe that alien beings (which are in reality fallen angels destined for hell) are superior beings - to believe that humans are inferior beings - no more discerning than the dumbest of beasts (forgetting they were created in the image of God - Genesis 1:26) and so with that it is time to expose some of Satan's deceptions that Hollywood puts on as harmless entertainment. We'll also examine what is behind these messages! Watch this!

Batman, the Xmen, and many other superheroes are not aliens

And no one thinks comic book heroes are anything than the product of imagination, you know like god
Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.
I would like a fresh memo from God first....

Buy a King James Bible and read it.

I've read the bible and it's mediocre fiction at best
Guno, how would you expect to see the deceptions of Satan when you are currently deceived by him yourself? The answer? You couldn't. The LORD has to open your eyes to what sort of tactics the enemy of mankind uses to deceive the world. Hollywood is a very useful tool in his hand. As we can see here by these videos and their messages.
I would like a fresh memo from God first....

Buy a King James Bible and read it.
I own 3 as it is and it's not new..
Jeri, in light of the OP, you would have made a terrific Inquisitor for the RC Church in its day. You share that type of personality. Bless you. I hope you come to your senses.

Starkey, I'm not Catholic and I am not suggesting anyone turn Hollywood over to a Vatican Inquisition - they (Hollywood) are already owned by them - who do you think founded the Illuminati! Ignatius Loyola! Faithful son of the Roman Catholic Institution! And Adam Weishapt the founder of Bavarian Illuminati? He was trained by the Jesuits - look up his Jesuit education! The Vatican has been behind it all - the entire time - so what should the people of America do?

Have nothing to do with the evil works of darkness but rather expose them. Discuss these videos in OP and others I posted with your children and let them know that there are no superheroes. It is a lie of Satan. Jesus Christ is God. He isn't one of the "superheroes"... the truth be known - these superheroes all share one thing in common! They are all fallen angels presented as ones who save the day without God! Lucifer is behind it so do not fall for it. Stop watching Hollywood films / tv and spend time with your children telling them about the Bible heroes and teaching them about Jesus Christ and who He is!

Redeem the time.
So if I tell kids a story about a man who can fly to battle evil, I'm channeling the Devil, but if I tell kids a story about a guy who gets nailed to a tree and comes back from the dead to battle evil, I'm doing God's will?
This is not a long video - it's message cuts right to the core of what is going on here. It is a satanic agenda - look at the story line in this one and watch where they are going with it. Christians! You need to be paying attention to what your children are watching! This is not anything that any christian should be viewing! In fact, NO CHILD should be exposed to this type of indoctrination!

Jeremiah...you and whomever created those videos have gone completely bat-shit crazy.
"Comes to save the earth
from a mysterious unknown world. CHECK! CHECK!
Is considered a god CHECK! CHECK!"

Sounds Like Lucifer Jesus, the only fallen to hades messiah claimed a god as warned about in the OT.

"Exposing Satan's deception":
like changing what the OT says in Psalms and Isaiah to place your Lucifer Jesus into it then reading verses from that deception instead of it's original Tanakh.=satans deception.

Telling people Isaiah 53 plural past context about despised Israel is about singular future popular Jesus.=
Satan's deception.

Telling people Micah 5:10 is about the town of Bethlehem
when it's context is clearly about being out of the lineage of Bethlehem Ephratah (a person).=Satan's Deception

Telling people Isaiah 7 is about Jesus when its a sign for Ahaz in his day not 600 years after he's dead and does Ahaz no good. Context is about the war with Assyria in which his son king Hezekiah has "God with him" in defeating Assyrian army, thus becomes prince of peace and father figure. =Satan's deception

Satan again lies in calling Jesus prince of peace when theres been the opposite and he claimed he did not come to bring peace only division- in Matthew and Thomas.

Satan Deceives in teaching Lucifer from Ezekiel 28 until it's argued that Jesus fulfilled Ezekiel 28's Fallen son of perdition so Satanist then falaciously argue it's about a King of Tyre which is impossible for numerous details in Ezekiel 28 like Walking the Garden of Eden (serpent =false prophet) and being called a created image of a man not an actual historical one.

Satan deceives by telling you anyone anti their Lucifer Jesus is anti Christ- well Satan can't tell you who satan is only Michael can be trusted-Dan 10:21 since he's the one best battling this deceiver and deception and it's darkness (lies & ignorance).

Satan claims itself the new god, the new Israel, and new tax (tithe) collector. It claims it's evangelists the new IRS tax collectors and will gladly rip off your senile grandmas.

Satan claims JW and Jewish worship of Yhwh has to convert to worship of Lucifer Jesus instead, admiting this image is not the same God.
Of course we know this already since one of the first lessons is God is not a man nor form. D'uh!

Satan's deception fail except the 1/3 they always said would be fools for christ-even the elect.
Jeri, in light of the OP, you would have made a terrific Inquisitor for the RC Church in its day. You share that type of personality. Bless you. I hope you come to your senses.

Starkey, I'm not Catholic and I am not suggesting anyone turn Hollywood over to a Vatican Inquisition - they (Hollywood) are already owned by them - who do you think founded the Illuminati! Ignatius Loyola! Faithful son of the Roman Catholic Institution! And Adam Weishapt the founder of Bavarian Illuminati? He was trained by the Jesuits - look up his Jesuit education! The Vatican has been behind it all - the entire time - so what should the people of America do?

Have nothing to do with the evil works of darkness but rather expose them. Discuss these videos in OP and others I posted with your children and let them know that there are no superheroes. It is a lie of Satan. Jesus Christ is God. He isn't one of the "superheroes"... the truth be known - these superheroes all share one thing in common! They are all fallen angels presented as ones who save the day without God! Lucifer is behind it so do not fall for it. Stop watching Hollywood films / tv and spend time with your children telling them about the Bible heroes and teaching them about Jesus Christ and who He is!

Redeem the time.

Sigh. I am exposing your vision. It is dark, inaccurate, and dangerous to the souls of your fellow beings. God is one of Love, not hate. He is not bothered by the fiction of super heroes, because all know it is only fiction. You remind of a peer of yours named Kathryn Skaggs, a well behaved Mormon woman who blogs incessantly. She remains concerned that Anna and Elsa of Frozen are in fact deliberately created to lure young girls into lesbianism. You two are peas in a pod.

You two more of satan's work than twenty demons.
But Jake,
it is a problem that Hollywood and publishers are so focused on sorcery, necromancy, and the dark side and targeting our kids with such fervor creating the trend and popularity in those themes.
Ironically this is what got Yeshu sentenced around 85bc and now we catch the OP siding with the few who did something about it by removing the Benny Hinn like charleten as to not subject people to these forbidden dark magic acts.
So if I tell kids a story about a man who can fly to battle evil, I'm channeling the Devil, but if I tell kids a story about a guy who gets nailed to a tree and comes back from the dead to battle evil, I'm doing God's will?

No, just another episode for the Walking Dead...
I do not live in fear, Guno. You do. That is why you do what you do. Jesus came to set you free from fear. If you feared God you wouldn't fear what man could do to you. Your fears are greater than your understanding of who God is! That should not be. Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross.
I do not live in fear, Guno. You do.

Really, I am educated as my family, I am quite happy and not haunted by mythical creatures infesting my head. I know your religion well jeri and the fear of what happens next to you people ,You live in fear and see bad all around you. If someone was truly happy and not fearful they wouldn't dwell on the mythical devil, the greatest invention of paul to keep the doubters in line
The Devil is a fictional being to scare little kids in behaving and the slow in the head to obey...
Jeri's life revolves around this crazy shit from morning til night
Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. Next she will live in fear of the bugs in the guano she made
Hey look...here's the badge of the Marion County Oregon police. A star with an odd number of points (7) and the tip is pointing down. THE POLICE ARE DEVIL WORSHIPERS!!!!!

It occurred to me the other day that the lines have been blurred concerning what is of Satan's camp and what isn't.
what isn't is Satan, the physical embodiment is dead ... that gift by the Almighty was not extended by extinguishing evil altogether, as being left for each individual - The Triumph of Good vs Evil or simply perish when their time is up. "Satan's camp"

that is what the cartoons are trying to accomplish Jeremiah, finishing the job that has already been set in place.

Avatar Awning

In the sci-fi apocalypto-paranoia Hollywood (USA) film "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991), a heroic robot is sent from the future to protect the leader of the eventual human resistance against a fascist Artificial Intelligence empire revolution. The protector must tackle a vehement robot also sent from the future to kill this leader. This vehement robot (called the T-1000) is composed of a strange shape-shifting aqueous alloy resembling mercury.

The T-1000 represents our modern era fascination with tool/gadget fanaticism and how we as a society have become obsessed with technology and science.

However, does the T-1000 draw our attention to these real world frailties, or does he draw impressionable youth towards the glorification of cheap thrills?




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