F.A.F.O: Grocery Prices, 'Concepts of a Plan,' White Identity Politics & More

Wrong again, white.

We are the ones who believe in courts and a legal system premised on fairness and justice. Your folks aren’t

You prefer your lawfare and kangaroo courts with Soviet style show trials.

And your folks are bitterly disappointed whenever actual justice prevails.

It really does suck to be you.


You’re absolutely fucking lying through your teeth.

Donald Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million fraud trial when you elected him President.

American banks still will not lend to Trump or his corporation due to his bankruptcy frauds. They stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy after the turn of the century.

Trump INVENTED lawfare and practiced it to perfection these last four years. Deny, delay and try to outlast the opposition. Appeal every decision as far as you can go.

Really? So 81,2OL,LOL is the new "normal" for federal elections?

What the fuck is this gibberish?
You’re absolutely fucking lying through your teeth.

No, DragonTwat. I’m not lying at all.

Your mistake.
Donald Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million fraud trial when you elected him President.
A bullshit case.
American banks still will not lend to Trump or his corporation due to his bankruptcy frauds. They stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy after the turn of the century.

Trump INVENTED lawfare and practiced it to perfection these last four years. Deny, delay and try to outlast the opposition. Appeal every decision as far as you can go.
Citizens can make use of the law.

The government should be prevented from using the justice system for their tawdry partisan political purposes, you moron.
What the fuck is this gibberish?
The entirety of your posting history.

Please fuck off, now, you pathetic failure of a foreign troll.
You’re absolutely fucking lying through your teeth.

Donald Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million fraud trial when you elected him President.

American banks still will not lend to Trump or his corporation due to his bankruptcy frauds. They stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy after the turn of the century.

Trump INVENTED lawfare and practiced it to perfection these last four years. Deny, delay and try to outlast the opposition. Appeal every decision as far as you can go.

What the fuck is this gibberish?

Biden got 81,200,000 "votes" -- supposedly
You’re absolutely fucking lying through your teeth.

Donald Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million fraud trial when you elected him President.

American banks still will not lend to Trump or his corporation due to his bankruptcy frauds. They stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy after the turn of the century.

Trump INVENTED lawfare and practiced it to perfection these last four years. Deny, delay and try to outlast the opposition. Appeal every decision as far as you can go.

What the fuck is this gibberish?

Banks will, and have, lent him money recently, stupid.
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

And that is what Trump has done to you poor ass white folk wearing red hats.

F.A.F.O: Grocery Prices, 'Concepts of a Plan,' White Identity Politics & More With Lurie​

Because I'm racist and sexist.
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