Fabletics/Transformers: Deuteronomy(!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-propaganda pseudo-parody involving Kate Hudson (co-founder of Fabletics) and education-marketed Transformers (Hasbro) toys such as Eject (an espionage-geared robo-warrior!) in the modern democratic classroom.

This little 'jingle' was inspired by Jingle All the Way, Toys, and The Devil's Advocate.



"Kate Hudson was involved in a youth-education initiative co-endorsed by a few of her celebrity friends including Leo DiCaprio and Amy Adams. Hudson, co-founder of the hip fitness-gear company Fabletics, was intrigued by this new social-outreach program intended to merge consumerism (e.g., toys) with education policy (e.g., multimedia classrooms). Hudson, a sharp Hollywood (USA) actress and a savvy businesswoman, was interested in seeing tech-themed toys being used for hands-on education in underprivileged inner-city classrooms in American cities such as Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and Chicago (Illinois)."


"Hudson met with another actor, Michael Wincott (star of Basquiat and Alien: Resurrection) who was interested in distributing Transformers (Hasbro) related media/toys to these underprivileged classrooms. Wincott believed that some of the espionage-tech themed Transformers avatars and toys (such as the wily miniature robo-warrior named 'Eject' who transformed into an espionage-geared audio-cassette) would make great hands-on learning models for young children in kindergarten classrooms in under-funded public schools in Philadelphia. Hudson decided to work closely with Wincott who seemed to be very very interested in the archaeological value of modernism-symbolic toys."


"One day, a young African-American boy in an inner-city classroom in Philadelphia named Stanley met Hudson who was visiting there with a bushel of Transformers toys. Hudson began speaking with Stanley and asking him what he thought about robots and futuristic toys, and to her delight, Stanley explained he loved making doodles of Transformers avatars and even adopted a special 'artist-alias' (Abishai!). Stanley explained to Hudson that 'Abishai' was the name of a relation of the Hebrew king David who Stanley learned about from his mother (a devout but struggling Christian single-mother on welfare). Hudson looked at Stanley's doodle of the Transformers robo-warrior Soundwave (a diabolical master of acoustics and espionage-technology) and realized Stanley (aka 'Abishai') was fascinated by the modern world!"


"Hudson realized that her fitness-gear company Fabletics would be a great marketing-platform for new age media-engaged marketing for pro-populism politics minded consumers looking to see celebrities embrace pedestrian 'interests.' Hudson decided to call her celebrity-peer Tom Cruise (star of Jerry Maguire and Rain Man) and ask him to host a special marketing-themed symposium involving Fabletics and Scientology/Dianetics (since Cruise was a staunch media advocate of the Church of Scientology). Hudson wanted to work with Cruise to talk about resourcing clothing/gear and educational (and even religious!) resources to under-privileged inner-city neighborhoods in America (and Cruise loved the plan!). Soon, an odd and unlikely consumerism-minded Fabletics/Scientology 'campaign' sprung up in the media, and Hudson remembered the modernism-conscious Soundwave doodle of Stanley/Abishai and considered how it ironically symbolized 'modern monstrosity'."




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