Face-Man: TrumpUSA Aesthetics [Media Sci-Fi Billionaire]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA vignette about the vanities and aesthetics of our media-drenched American culture, which I think reflects some of the competitiveness-folklore presented in new age traffic-meditative sci-fi adaptation media like Prometheus and Colony.

There's no reason TrumpUSA, with all its commercial vanities (e.g., racist-tweets) and political troubles (e.g., Kavanaugh-hearings), can't be diorama-delicious!

I'd have posted this in the Writing section were it not for its various political proverbs. Hey, maybe someday, some of this stuff will be considered 'normal dialogue.' "Until then," right?

Signing off (Happy Halloween, USMB!),



"U.S. President Donald Trump took stock of all the media-rich imagery of athletes in protective face-masks and helmets competing in sportsmanship-regulated professional sports such as NHL ice-hockey and NFL football. Sports-marketing was linked to consumerism and media, and how athletes were shown as 'protected' during play reflected America's investments in labor as temperance-checks on entertainment and amusement. Trump wondered if there should be more modernism relevant/symbolic films such as Rollerball and The Running Man."


"Trump was also intrigued by the Alien sci-fi horror-film franchise which presented stories of human space explorers contending with a terrifying super-intelligent alien creature known as the 'Xenomorph.' These predatory 'Xenos' obviously symbolized modernism fears regarding adaptation and survivalism in a world 'controlled' by capitalism/profit and technology/tools. The Xenos possessed corrosive-acid for blood as an offense-defense adaptation, which is why they were 'gargoyles' of survivalism aesthetics in new age sci-fi storytelling."


"Trump hired a special sci-fi consultant who told him about new/emerging trends in sci-fi and sci-fi horror cinema and also comics. This consultant, Ajay Satan, explained to the President that new age 'creatures' and 'avatars' in stories/movies seemed to exhibit very human-like features complemented by very non-human like structural/adaptive features (sometimes robotic/mechanized limbs or weapons). This contouring of human-like faces and non-human bodies represented a modern interest in adaptation meditation. After all, since the modern world was traffic-gauged (e.g., European Union, World Bank, Wall Street, etc.), pedestrians had to be something like 'humanoid-centipedes'."


"Ajay told Trump about a comic book character known as Scorpion (Mac Gargan) who was a chemical-mutant who possessed a human face but a scorpion-body and tail which it used to spew corrosive poison onto its enemies. The Scorpion was incredibly agile, reflecting a modern human fascination with mobility and agility. Trump wondered if the Scorpion (Marvel Comics) was some 'totem' or 'gargoyle' of modern-day steroids-controversies/intrigue. After all, the Scorpion was 'muscularly' semi-human. Trump concluded that new age sci-fi was a billion-dollar industry/empire. He wanted TrumpUSA to embrace all the 'commercial science' of Scorpion."


"Unfortunately, a terrible new Halloween hellraiser gang known as the Red Capes was terrorizing L.A. at the time. The Red Capes prowled around late at night in L.A. and stalked prostitutes and the homeless. The Red Capes wore large red capes and hoods but no face-mask, signifying their interest in 'brutal honesty' regarding urbanization mismanagement in the age of traffic and commerce. The Red Capes wielded hatchets and home-made liquid nitrogen guns which is why LAPD officers chasing them were required to wear special protective suits and metal face-masks to avoid their deadly blows. Trump and the FBI recognized that the Red Capes were a threat to all kinds of modern pedestrian imaginariums (e.g., Nickelodeon, MTV, Facebook, Dianetics, etc.)..."


"When NASA discovered that the Red Capes were working secretly for an intelligent alien species which had colonized Earth's moon and was planning a terrible invasion on Halloween Eve, the CIA informed President Trump that the U.S. army would have to mobilize to deal with this new menace/threat. Suddenly, Trump realized that sci-fi folklore was becoming very real. Ajay Satan advised the President to endorse Alien sci-fi films to the public while the military dealt with this very real threat to pedestrian life. The aliens intending to invade schemed to build 'slave-mazes' in which humans would have to flee from the weaponized aliens to declare their right to live."


"Ironically, when the aliens did land, they wanted first to challenge American youngsters in Mortal Kombat [MK] video-games. Trump had Ajay Satan serve as Supreme Chancellor and hospitality-diplomat to a grand video-game tournament, in the hopes that the games would dissuade fighting/war and encourage peace between the aliens and humans. The best MK video-game players from around the world were invited by Ajay to compete with the aliens in D.C. These human champions used celebrated MK warrior-avatars such as Kitana and Jason to fight with the aliens who used offbeat MK warrior-avatars such as Cyrax and Rain. Trump was loving it all."


"The aliens decided there was much intellectual stimulation in the world of human sci-fi entertainment (movies, comics, video-games) to make for more peaceful imaginative play with humans and forget about the maladies of war and interplanetary colonialism. Trump delivered a great speech on the White House lawn during which he declared that sci-fi media had rescued humanity from the pits of abominable human-alien warfare. Trump also designated Ajay Satan as America's premier of sci-fi marketing and media. Suddenly, everyone loved survivalism-diarism films like Army of Darkness and Alien: Covenant again. Media was triumphing!"


"An Algerian-American terrorist named Ali Cruze decided to subvert all this 'media-idealism' which ironically had catalyzed peace between the aliens and humans by assassinating Ajay Satan. Cruze believed that anarchy was the best form of human governance and that the aliens should be made to serve humanity as oil-drillers and farmers. Cruze was a fanatic and a sociopath, and the CIA declared him to be the first Enemy of the State in what Ajay Satan had envisioned would be the New Democratic Republic (of humans and aliens!). Cruze retaliated by hacking into the Pentagon's computer networks and scrambling all communication signals between the White House and OPEC."


"Cruze then allied himself to the comic book artist/writer William Gibson whose company Archangel Comics was developing fantasy-horror stories about new age fascist revolutions in America and Europe. Cruze then hijacked Archangel Comics, making Gibson a mere 'puppet,' and ordered Gibson to generate countless stories about fascist revolutions. Archangel Comics became very popular, and TIME magazine declared that it would relight the 'torch' blown out by Ajay Satan's tragic assassination. Cruze shockingly became the first 'invisible' media sci-fi billionaire. Was this all 'TrumpUSA aesthetics'?"




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