Facebook pages are travel agencies for desperate migrants trying to get to Europe


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The desperation to get away from their old countries is really heartbreaking.

Facebook pages are travel agencies for desperate migrants trying to get to Europe
Farid Y. Farid
4 hours ago

Many migrants find their smugglers on social media.(Argiris Mantikos/Eurokinissi via AP, File)
A Facebook user commenting on a post on the Smuggling Syrians from Turkey to Europe page caustically asks, “if we drown, do we get our money back?”

It’s a stark question in reference to the multiple deaths of asylum seekers in the Mediterranean Sea this past month. The page’s administrator confidently replies, “hahaha don’t worry, you won’t drown”.


Screenshot of the page “Asylum seekers, irregular and regular migration to any country – Exclusively for Syrians”
The comments, ranging from satirical to logistical, signal the desperate lengths migrants from Syria mostly are willing to go to make the perilous journey across the Mediterranean which has become thedeadliest border crossing in the world.

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Facebook pages are travel agencies for desperate migrants trying to get to Europe Quartz

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