Facebook To Share Users' Home Addresses, Phone Numbers With External Sites


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Facebook will be moving forward with a controversial plan to give third-party developers and external websites the ability to access users' home addresses and cellphone numbers in the face of criticism from privacy experts, users, and even congressmen. Facebook quietly announced the new policy in a note posted to its Developer Blog in January. It suspended the feature just three days later following user outcry, while promising that it would be "re-enabling this improved feature in the next few weeks."
In response to a letter penned by Representatives Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) expressing concern over the new functionality, Facebook reaffirmed that it will be allowing third parties to request access to users' addresses and phone numbers.
Facebook To Share Users' Home Addresses, Phone Numbers With External Sites
time to do an address change on facebook, and then dump the service.

Also, my number on there will be 555-1212

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