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Facebook uncovers political influence campaign ahead of midterms

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
You think it's ok to let foreign governments influence our elections?

The people who are influenced by propaganda shouldn't be voting in the first place. Apparently you are ignorant of Radio Free Europe attempts to influence political thought in the Warsaw Pact states? Or, the influence that the Communist Party, USA, had on our political thought in the forties and fifties.

RFE doesn't lie and try to pass themselves off as being a citizen of any nation that they aren't a citizen of. The russians do.

RFE don't try to pass off very blatantly lies as news. Like the lie in 2016 that Hillary was running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC. Never mind that the restaurant didn't have a basement and the whole thing was a lie. Some stupid trump supporter read it, took his AR15 with him to that restaurant looking for all the sex criminals in the basement that didn't exist. He ended up shooting up the place. Thank goodness no one was hurt but the restaurant sustained a lot of damage.

RFE isn't the same as russia. RFE doesn't lie the way russia does.

Just because RFE broadcasts truths in Europe to counter the lies of russia doesn't mean that it's ok for russia to lie and influence our elections nor does it make it right for trump and his campaign to conspire with russia to throw the 2016 election.

Why isn't trump doing anything about this? Why has trump stood before cameras to announce that russia didn't meddle in our election an isn't doing it now?

putin stood right in front of cameras at Helsinki and stated yes he did want trump to win and yes he did take steps to make that happen. Do you believe he's lying?

The last thing ANY real patriotic American who loves America would do is give putin what he wants. Every real American who loves our nation would never, ever cast a vote for a person or party that putin wants to win.

The ONLY way to stop russia is to not vote republican. There are a lot of candidates on the ballot, not just democratic or republican politicians. Vote for one of them. There are libertarians and far right candidates running in other parties. Vote for them. We need more than two strong political parties.

But the very last thing any patriotic American would do is vote for the party that putin wants to win, the republicans.
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

Wow, your last run on sentence is chock full of lefty twat-babble.

Yet the left supports more power in the hands of less people. Of course lip service is given to "equality" but in the end the civil servants become the new nobility.

You dare to question the syntax of my post? And believe that comment is a substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Then you offer a premise (the left supports more power in the hands of less people), which is absurd, as reality tells us that Trumpism is Authoritarianism which (unless you buy the revisionist's fake news) is a right wing ideology akin to fascism.
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Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

As far as the "Red Scare" goes, boy, you sure couldn't tell by today's 'Russian under every bed' liberal....

As far as the rest of it, I call nonsense....

:You sir, can call it anything you please. But calling what I posted was "nonsense" is not a rebuttal. It is a clear example of an Idiot-Gram.
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

Wow, your last run on sentence is chock full of lefty twat-babble.

Yet the left supports more power in the hands of less people. Of course lip service is given to "equality" but in the end the civil servants become the new nobility.

You dare to question the syntax of my post? And believe that comment is a substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Then you offer a premise (the left supports more power in the hands of less people), which is absurd, as reality tells us that Trumpism is Authoritarianism which (unless you buy the revisionists fake news) is a right wing ideology akin to fascism.

I "dare". It was a textbook case of lefty agit-prop.

So where are all the Trump Brownshirts disrupting anti-Trump rallies, trashing media offices, etc?

Our current progressives want more power in the hands of the federal government, which is the furthest from the people being governed. They want a bigger federal bureaucracy that is barely responsible to any executive they don't like, nevermind any responsibility to the people themselves.
Wry Catcher said:
Nope, I voted for HRC, and planned to, based on her intelligence, experience and concern for our citizens health and well being.

Something every President in my lifetime has, except the A-H currently in the job.

I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

Wow, your last run on sentence is chock full of lefty twat-babble.

Yet the left supports more power in the hands of less people. Of course lip service is given to "equality" but in the end the civil servants become the new nobility.

You dare to question the syntax of my post? And believe that comment is a substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Then you offer a premise (the left supports more power in the hands of less people), which is absurd, as reality tells us that Trumpism is Authoritarianism which (unless you buy the revisionists fake news) is a right wing ideology akin to fascism.

I "dare". It was a textbook case of lefty agit-prop.

So where are all the Trump Brownshirts disrupting anti-Trump rallies, trashing media offices, etc?

Our current progressives want more power in the hands of the federal government, which is the furthest from the people being governed. They want a bigger federal bureaucracy that is barely responsible to any executive they don't like, nevermind any responsibility to the people themselves.

Progressive's support the Vision Statement*** left us by the Founders and Signers of COTUS in its Preamble and these words in the DoI:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
***We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
None of these visions left us are in effect under Trump&Co., or in a Congress with a majority which has failed in its duty to support these sage words penned in the 18th Century.
I have yet to understand what in the world justifies such loyality from democrats...I mean, it's one thing to admire a concern for your fellow man, but your party is being taken over by straight up Marxists, and you still support that....Is Venezuela what you want for your children?

The RED SCARE died along with the Domino Theory and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian and China (and the USA) are Plutocratic, run to support the Oligarchs and the Billionaires, Global Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma and corporations too Big to Fail (Wall Street).

Wow, your last run on sentence is chock full of lefty twat-babble.

Yet the left supports more power in the hands of less people. Of course lip service is given to "equality" but in the end the civil servants become the new nobility.

You dare to question the syntax of my post? And believe that comment is a substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking?

Then you offer a premise (the left supports more power in the hands of less people), which is absurd, as reality tells us that Trumpism is Authoritarianism which (unless you buy the revisionists fake news) is a right wing ideology akin to fascism.

I "dare". It was a textbook case of lefty agit-prop.

So where are all the Trump Brownshirts disrupting anti-Trump rallies, trashing media offices, etc?

Our current progressives want more power in the hands of the federal government, which is the furthest from the people being governed. They want a bigger federal bureaucracy that is barely responsible to any executive they don't like, nevermind any responsibility to the people themselves.

Progressive's support the Vision Statement*** left us by the Founders and Signers of COTUS in its Preamble and these words in the DoI:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
***We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​
None of these visions left us are in effect under Trump&Co., or in a Congress with a majority which has failed in its duty to support these sage words penned in the 18th Century.

Bullshit. They support only what gives them more power. If that's playing lip service to the Constitution, so be it. If that requires ignoring the Constitution, so be it.

Show me exactly where Trump is violating the spirit of the documents above. Where are the brownshirts? Where is the suppression of the press (calling them out is not suppressing them).

All you have is hyperbole with no real evidence of Trump or his supporters doing ANY of what you clowns claim they are doing.

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