‘Fadi is fighting for his life’: Israel blocks evacuation of cameraman shot in Gaza

No. I typed it. You dope.

I already thanked God for that.


Karma's a bitch hey Jimmy :auiqs.jpg:
Bombing Gaza will cause global warming?
The equivalent energy to three Hiroshima bombs has been released, when we add energy to a closed system like the earth then there must be a temperature increase, so says the laws of thermodynamics. You find mathematics hard though, so I understand your confusion.
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The trial in which I was the chief prosecutor against the special extermination squads, the lead defendant (Ohlendorf) explained it very clearly: “We had to kill the Jews,” he said, “because we knew that they were supportive of the Bolsheviks so therefore we had to kill them to eliminate any increased opposition to us.” And why did you have to kill the children?If we killed [only] the parents, then the children would grow up to be enemies of Germany.” Why did you kill the gypsies? “No one trusted the gypsies so we had to kill the gypsies as well.”

This is precisely how the depraved Zionists Ben-Gvir and Smotrich speak openly all the time, just change a few words and it could easily be one of their statements.

As is noted in the text of that page:

These arguments that supported justification of killing millions of human beings left me very, very cold. And they still do today.


She's absolutely right too, this is exactly how trumpanzees behave, they are fake people, with fake values and fake morals.

They decry ant-racism policies demanded by Blacks as "wokeness" yet at the same time eagerly support anti-racism policies that are demanded by Jews.

How fucked up can a person be :auiqs.jpg:
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The equivalent energy to three Hiroshima bombs has been released, when we add energy to a closed system like the earth then there must be a temperature increase, so says the laws of thermodynamics. You find mathematics hard though, so I understand your confusion.

When did the Earth become a closed system?
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