FagBI Visits Whistleblower Children’s Hospital Nurse

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jun 19 2024

FBI Visits Whistleblower Children’s Hospital Nurse

Under Democrat rule, FBI agents do more than march in gay pride parades, peddle phony crime stats, and paint transsexual flags on their fingernails. For an organization degenerating into the American KGB, there is also the business of terrorizing the ideologically problematic:

The Biden administration sent a pair of FBI agents to the home of a nurse who asserted that staff at her hospital were committing Medicaid fraud in order to subject children to illicit “transgender” procedures.

As Mark Houck could tell you, having the FBI show up at your house is unlikely to be the highlight of your day. Craig Robertson and Theodore Deschler probably wouldn’t think so either, but we can’t ask them, because they are dead.

“According to a new whistleblower, doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital [TCH] were willing to falsify medical records and break the law to keep practicing ‘gender-affirming care,’” scholar Christopher Rufo wrote in City Journal Tuesday.

Registered nurse Vanessa Sivadge worked extensively with children the hospital designated as “transgender.” TCH has subjected such children to sexual transmogrification procedures that would send Josef Mengele racing for the men’s room with vomit spurting from between his fingers.

Sivadge told Rufo that TCH, America’s largest children’s hospital, “is illegally billing Medicaid for transgender procedures.”

The Feds don’t like it when people call attention to money illicitly spent and crimes against humanity committed in the name of their official ideology.

Texas State Rep. Brian Harrison, R-Midlothian, noted on X that the office of Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton determined the “transgender” procedures TCH staff performed on minors amounted to child abuse.

Child abuse is putting it mildly.
Meanwhile, Biden’s weaponized Injustice Department has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, another TCH whistleblower.

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn observed, “Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength.” Resist evil and you risk incurring the wrath of the entire liberal establishment.

Oh yeah this is just fine
Got to get those transphobic radicals off the streets and into gulags
Grooming children is more important to the radical left than the rights of parents and the health of children.

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