CDZ Fair or unfair. University gives extra credit points for those who attend Hillary rallies

And again:

There’s nothing ‘unfair’ about it.

Go to the Clinton event for your extra credit then go vote for Trump.
If the professor's bottom line was to educate the young people, the professor should have given extra credit for going to either rally. If the aim is to indoctrinate the young minds, the professor would give credit for just one candidate's rally, which he did.

If I was not a Hillary supporter and had to go to a rally for the extra credit, I would be angry. that would have taken me off the fence to vote for trump.
There is nothing about a political rally that is educational.

For once we agree. Other than perhaps an anthropological study or social behavior study, rallies are a waste of time for everyone but those making $ on them.
"Fair or unfair. University gives extra credit points for those who attend Hillary rallies"

The appropriateness of the offer for extra credit is indeterminate. Why? Because we are not told to what kind of course the extra credit applies. It makes no sense at all if it's, say, physics or organic chemistry. It is at least reasonable if it's any number of social science, business, or humanities courses for there are myriad observations one might make at such an event and that are relevant to .those disciplines. Moreover, the appropriateness is indeterminate because we are not told at what school the offer was made. It may be there is no other candidate's rally taking place in the locality.

As for the fairness of the offer itself rather than its appropriateness, it's fair. All students are eligible to receive the points. Attending a rally does not make one a supporter. Attending a rally does not oblige one to voting for Mrs. Clinton. One's not asked to like what one sees and hears at the rally. One is merely informed that if one attends, one will receive extra credit points. Additionally, the points offered are extra credit; thus they are not required to obtain any grade in the course. On that basis too, then, the offer itself is fair.​

Fairness and appropriateness are not the same things. I wonder by dint of your having raised this issue, OP, whether what irks you is a matter of equity or some element of what you perceive to be some sort of inappropriateness of the nature of the offer for extra credit.

Frankly, I think that even if one is not a Clinton supporter, going to a Clinton rally would be informative, and being more informed rather than less informed is rarely a bad thing. I think the same thing about a supporter of any candidate going to a rally held by an opposing candidate.

Having read the linked content. Whoever wrote it should, instead of going to a Clinton rally, go to remedial writing classes. I sure hope whoever wrote that isn't a college student. In fact, I cannot imagine a college admitting someone whose writing skill is that poor.​
End of sidebar.
"Fair or unfair. University gives extra credit points for those who attend Hillary rallies"

The appropriateness of the offer for extra credit is indeterminate. Why? Because we are not told to what kind of course the extra credit applies. It makes no sense at all if it's, say, physics or organic chemistry. It is at least reasonable if it's any number of social science, business, or humanities courses for there are myriad observations one might make at such an event and that are relevant to .those disciplines. Moreover, the appropriateness is indeterminate because we are not told at what school the offer was made. It may be there is no other candidate's rally taking place in the locality.

As for the fairness of the offer itself rather than its appropriateness, it's fair. All students are eligible to receive the points. Attending a rally does not make one a supporter. Attending a rally does not oblige one to voting for Mrs. Clinton. One's not asked to like what one sees and hears at the rally. One is merely informed that if one attends, one will receive extra credit points. Additionally, the points offered are extra credit; thus they are not required to obtain any grade in the course. On that basis too, then, the offer itself is fair.​

Fairness and appropriateness are not the same things. I wonder by dint of your having raised this issue, OP, whether what irks you is a matter of equity or some element of what you perceive to be some sort of inappropriateness of the nature of the offer for extra credit.

Frankly, I think that even if one is not a Clinton supporter, going to a Clinton rally would be informative, and being more informed rather than less informed is rarely a bad thing. I think the same thing about a supporter of any candidate going to a rally held by an opposing candidate.

Having read the linked content. Whoever wrote it should, instead of going to a Clinton rally, go to remedial writing classes. I sure hope whoever wrote that isn't a college student. In fact, I cannot imagine a college admitting someone whose writing skill is that poor.​
End of sidebar.
That's what I thought about it also, and the format used was horrible...
Off Topic:
I think offering extra credit to college students is absurd. If the work the student may perform for the course is fitting for the course and it's level, why is it not included in the course's content? If it's outside the scope of the course, there's no point to the student performing it.
is the professor willing to post bail for any of the students in case shit happens? that's how you know if it's fair or not.
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
That's not an article giving any details whatsoever or any links to one, and it wasn't really written in English. Did I miss something?
A music appreciation course I took, I had to attend a classical music performance in town. I see nothing wrong with extra credit in a poli sci class or current events for attending a rally, Clinton or Trump or anyone else who threw one. I don't know where Jackson got the idea that the professor was only giving credit for a Clinton rally. There is nothing there to tell us what was going on.
Very weak OP, unless I've missed something here.
Wow! University Professors Hand Out Extra Credit to Students for Attending Hillary Rallies
Here is another source

University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
That's not an article giving any details whatsoever or any links to one, and it wasn't really written in English. Did I miss something?
A music appreciation course I took, I had to attend a classical music performance in town. I see nothing wrong with extra credit in a poli sci class or current events for attending a rally, Clinton or Trump or anyone else who threw one. I don't know where Jackson got the idea that the professor was only giving credit for a Clinton rally. There is nothing there to tell us what was going on.
Very weak OP, unless I've missed something here.
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
What would really be unfair, is a University threatening to fine or expel students if they DON'T attend a speech
Wow! University Professors Hand Out Extra Credit to Students for Attending Hillary Rallies
Here is another source

University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
That's not an article giving any details whatsoever or any links to one, and it wasn't really written in English. Did I miss something?
A music appreciation course I took, I had to attend a classical music performance in town. I see nothing wrong with extra credit in a poli sci class or current events for attending a rally, Clinton or Trump or anyone else who threw one. I don't know where Jackson got the idea that the professor was only giving credit for a Clinton rally. There is nothing there to tell us what was going on.
Very weak OP, unless I've missed something here.

??? Did you graduate from college? You provided a different source for the exact same content. ???
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
What would really be unfair, is a University threatening to fine or expel students if they DON'T attend a speech
Wish you'd been around to tell my music professor that. The concert sucked.
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
What would really be unfair, is a University threatening to fine or expel students if they DON'T attend a speech
Wish you'd been around to tell my music professor that. The concert sucked.

I had to go see Manon for an art history class. I am hard pressed to even now recall having been so nonplussed about something before or since.
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
What would really be unfair, is a University threatening to fine or expel students if they DON'T attend a speech
Wish you'd been around to tell my music professor that. The concert sucked.

I had to go see Manon for an art history class. I am hard pressed to even now recall having been so nonplussed about something before or since.
Oh, you poor baby! Professors can be so sadistic.....
University professors hand out extra credit points for attending Hillary rallies - read more
Liberal teachers were passing out extra credit points to understudies who went to Hillary Clinton encourages.

Through Mike Cernovich:

School teachers giving additional credit to understudies who go to Rotten Hillary arouses.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 11, 2016

Fair or unfair? Discuss
What would really be unfair, is a University threatening to fine or expel students if they DON'T attend a speech
yeah thats extremely unfair

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