Fake Media Slanders Couple Defending Their Home From a 300 Person BLM Mob!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is outrageous.

Here are the actual facts from Zerohedge:

The couple, identified as attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey, engaged in a shouting match with the protesters, waving what appeared to be an AR-15 rifle and a pistol (albeit employing terrible muzzle and trigger discipline and without cover).
Residents bring out guns against peaceful marchers in St Louis, Mo #respectis #expectus #stlouis #lydakrewson pic.twitter.com/blBOtWjMWS
— Ryanzo Perez (@RyanzoPerez) June 29, 2020
As the Gateway Pundit's Cassandra Fairbanks notes, the BLM protesters can be clearly be seen entering a gate into the McCloskey's private community.

Following the incident people began calling for the McCloskeys to be doxed - resulting in at least one publication removing their address from a 2018 article detailing the extensive renovations they performed on the 1912 mansion.
Records show the McCloskeys have donated to both Republicans and Democrats over the years, including $4,000 to the Democratic party and at least $2,400 to the Trump campaign.
One of those calling for doxing the McCloskeys, 'anti-racism executive coach' Kyle Dennis, restricted his Twitter account after he himself was doxed.

Meanwhile the Fake News Media says the mob was peaceful and merely ' were marching through their upscale neighborhood Sunday evening. '

The mob was trespassing onto private property and the residents had every right to demand they leave their property with armed force.
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
I hope this dude and his wife realize, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.
They also donate $2400 to Trump.

Lawyers typically donate to both parties to make friends.

that does not change the fact that hey have every righjt to defend their homes and are being attacked for it.
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?

I think he refers to their contributions to both parties----------I am a registered democrat since BACK IN THE DAY when I became 21. I do not endorse the BLM
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?
By donating $4,000 to democrats to get them elected. BLM is a front group for ACT BLUE, that is a front for donations to the democrat party, and the democrat party fully supports BLM... see the loop there? So democrats want/need this racial BS to continue. It's a cash cow for campaign contributions.
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?
By donating $4,000 to democrats to get the elected. BLM is a front group for ACT BLUE, that is a front for donations to the democrat party, and the democrat party fully supports BLM... see the loop there? So democrats want/need this racial BS to continue. It's a cash cow for campaign contributions.

the donkey is temporarily pixilated
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?
By donating $4,000 to democrats to get them elected. BLM is a front group for ACT BLUE, that is a front for donations to the democrat party, and the democrat party fully supports BLM... see the loop there? So democrats want/need this racial BS to continue. It's a cash cow for campaign contributions.
So anyone who has ever supported the democratic party, directly or indirectly, have helped to create BLM.

Is that you claim? If so, maybe you should avoid caffeine so much.
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?
By donating $4,000 to democrats to get the elected. BLM is a front group for ACT BLUE, that is a front for donations to the democrat party, and the democrat party fully supports BLM... see the loop there? So democrats want/need this racial BS to continue. It's a cash cow for campaign contributions.

the donkey is temporarily pixilated
I wish I knew what that meant... :lol:
I hope this dude and his wife are thinking about, this is the MOB they helped create. I hope they're good with that, otherwise they're retarded if they don't quit voting democrat.

voting in this country is confidential
That is utterly irrelevant to what I just said.
How do you know that they helped to create BLM?
By donating $4,000 to democrats to get them elected. BLM is a front group for ACT BLUE, that is a front for donations to the democrat party, and the democrat party fully supports BLM... see the loop there? So democrats want/need this racial BS to continue. It's a cash cow for campaign contributions.
So anyone who has ever supported the democratic party, directly or indirectly, have helped to create BLM.

Is that you claim? If so, maybe you should avoid caffeine so much.
Yes they did, either directly or indirectly, and if you can't see that, then you're pretty freakin' dense, because democrats and their pandering agenda are all over BLM. They LOVE it. They're ENABLING and SUPPORTING it, and not because they give a rats ass about blacks. They care about MONEY and POWER, and they have a better chance of getting BOTH when the blacks are all stirred up and race relations are in the toilet.

You need to wise up, son.
Mr. McCloskey and his old lady are what are known as "Urban Pioneers", moving into an rough ass ghetto like St. Louis and restoring a formerly tremendous home. This idea is going to go by the boards, the BLM/Antifa mobs want to return these properties to their original Ghetto status. One of the things they really bitch about is "gentrification", i.e., restoring dumps to the way they were.

Other people as well are going to think twice about their plans to move into the failed cities.
This is outrageous.
I get it now, Jim. It is all becoming perfectly clear. They said it themselves: NEVER LET AN OPPORTUNITY GO TO WASTE.

George Floyd happened along, now they have the perfect opportunity of vilifying all police, forcing the retirement and firing of so many cops that there is no longer any public protection. Meantime, they build this BLM thing into a holy crusade that anyone who even questions it, the violence, looting, extremism, outrageous demands, is deemed a hater and a racist to be stamped out.

Now throngs of radical mobs are free to roam the communities attacking at will, no one to stop them and anyone who defends themselves to be destroyed.

A Leftist's Paradise.
If there is anything that I have learned in life, its that when dealing with someone who isn't a fan of you for whatever reason, the best thing to do is to appreciate whatever good you can find from the situation that they so willingly choose to stick you in the middle of and when they see how you choose to look at the matter, how much longer they continue to have anything more to do with you will then be up to them and them only.

God bless you always!!!


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