Fake Wisconsin electors admit Biden won and face punishment

And there ya go.

These people have gone from "the rule of law" to "the law doesn't apply to us".

Incredible, what one sick man can do. It's still difficult to believe.
So there is no law
No statute number?
It was the 2020 election that really was manipulated and distorted with very negative repercussions. To say that Trump lost the last election is not to say that America won. Both candidates were terrible choices. Biden did not 'win', people just voted against Trump. The duopoly played everyone.
America needs serious, profound political change, and especially more sophisticated voters.
They "admitted" Trump lost only because the state of Wisconsin had a gun pointed at their heads.
Then it was not a weak case?

What’s grest here is that Republicans who suffer the strongman authoritarian wishful thinking delusion of the MAGA cult that Biden committed election fraud to win is that Republicans are the ones connected to the only attempted outcome determinative election fraud regarding the 2020 presidential election.

Outcome Determinative Election Fraud

Independentthinker said: What crimes were they convicted of?

bripat9643 said: Biden did that.

Blaster said: Biden did steal it.

bigrebnc1775 said: Why don't you provide the law that shows fake electors are illegal ••• bigrebnc1775 said: So there is no law No statute number?

whitehall said: What are "fake electors"?

BackAgain said: No ••• BackAgain said:
Zzz ••• BackAgain said: You rub your nose in a lot of your own shit. •••
BackAgain said: ass related ••• BackAgain said: Youre a cretin.

Why this Wisconsin case matters to benefit prosecutors against DJT snd his conspiratorial defendents in the J6 cases was explained last August by yours truly as follows:

Oddball said: He's lying.

NotfooledbyW said: All states certified their elections by December 14, 2020. Trump had until that date to prove in a courtroom that he won a state that was called for Biden. •••• A rational human being will recognize that democracy cannot function if a loser is the one who gets to declare fraud and everything just stops to appease the loser. •••• So five or six weeks may not be much time for a fucking sore assed loser like Trump to prove the fraud he suspects cost him the election; but the Constitution says certify by December 14 (2020 election) and then count the certified results on January 6. •••• Of course there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth in Trump’s Biblical Fantasy Land over no court granting Loser Orange Messiah (LOM) a court ruling to stop seven states from certifying their challenged but verified results. •••• On December 14 the election was over and there became no avenue of redress for Trump to avoid conceding he had lost. •••• Your line of argument Rawley was dead before you brought it up; •••• Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes. And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results. nf.23.08.07 #80

Oddball said: Even if the election had been thrown to the HoR, there's no guarantee that Trump wold have won there...We do know that Cheney wouldn't have been an elector for him, leaving just two delegations that may have not done so.

DGS49 said: The actual objective on January 6th was just to put on the brakes for a short time while these allegations and claims could be examined more closely.

NotfooledbyW said: Putting on the brakes was option D as in dumb idea. One of trumps defense lawyers on the Laura Ingraham show already confessed to the world that Trump expressly chose option D with co-conspirators after other options failed because Mike Pence was “too honest”. nf.23.08.07 #80

If you read my post #141 (second from the top) it will explain why trumps conspiracy to a delay the January 6 joint session of Congress proceeding is a violation of the law.

"safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive” results

Because all sixty of Trumps lawsuits, claiming election fraud were thrown out, and every state, certified the election by the so-called “safe Harbor” deadline Trump had to pursue other legal remedies if he truly believes in the election was stolen from him by outcome determinative fraud.

The law clearly states that Congress must declare every “safe harbor“ slate of electors to be conclusive. Trump, as he stated in his speech on the morning of January 6 very plainly, and he cited his co-conspirators by name, told the mob that his had assembled in DC, that day, that if Pence does the right thing “we win”.

Trump violated federal law, and it was clear the moment that he said if Pence does the right thing “we win” and you are the happiest people.
Meaning orange Cult45 people who do not believe in continuation of our lawful democratic republic were to become the happiest people with an unlawful delay

vddbll.23.08.06 #5
nf.23.08.06 #141
vddbll.23.08.06 #5
dgsnn.23.08.07 #20
nf.23.08.07 #80

nf.23.12,07 #63
Last edited:
It was the 2020 election that really was manipulated and distorted with very negative repercussions. To say that Trump lost the last election is not to say that America won. Both candidates were terrible choices. Biden did not 'win', people just voted against Trump. The duopoly played everyone.
America needs serious, profound political change, and especially more sophisticated voters.
America needs the Republican Party to cease and desist operations by self-retirement in disgust at MAGA as Rep Kevin McCarthy just announced he will do at the end of this year
So there is no law
No statute number?


Wisconsin State Law Library (.gov)
https://wilawlibrary.gov › jury › files › criminal

False swearing, as defined in § 946.32(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Wisconsin, is committed by one who under (oath) (affirmation) makes or subscribes a false ...

943.39 Fraudulent writings. :: 2012 Wisconsin Statutes & ...​

Justia Law
https://law.justia.com › chapter-943 › section-943

943.39(3) (3) Makes a false written statement with knowledge that it is false and with intent that it shall ultimately appear to have been signed under oath.
Sure, by having 7 million votes for than Trump....
They didn't steal huge majorities in the Senate and Congress...

So the Democrats are so smart that they can steal a Presidential Election without getting caught but they are smart enought to steal Senate and Congress too..

Also the must have rigged all the polls too, even the Trump internal ones as well..

The only surprise about this whole thing was Jan 6th, the Trump guys were even dumber than I first thought...

Imagine if the fake electors actually managed to somehow stop the election of Biden... What the fuck do you think would happen?

The people saw the result on election night... It was bad enough they had to take the guy who wasn't the people's choice in 2016...
You think they would stand by and let him perform a coup?

I don't think you get it, Trump doesn't have a secret police force...


View attachment 869265
Wisconsin State Law Library (.gov)
https://wilawlibrary.gov › jury › files › criminal
False swearing, as defined in § 946.32(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Wisconsin, is committed by one who under (oath) (affirmation) makes or subscribes a false ...

943.39 Fraudulent writings. :: 2012 Wisconsin Statutes & ...

View attachment 869263
Justia Law
https://law.justia.com › chapter-943 › section-943
943.39(3) (3) Makes a false written statement with knowledge that it is false and with intent that it shall ultimately appear to have been signed under oath.


View attachment 869265
Wisconsin State Law Library (.gov)
https://wilawlibrary.gov › jury › files › criminal
False swearing, as defined in § 946.32(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Wisconsin, is committed by one who under (oath) (affirmation) makes or subscribes a false ...

943.39 Fraudulent writings. :: 2012 Wisconsin Statutes & ...

View attachment 869263
Justia Law
https://law.justia.com › chapter-943 › section-943
943.39(3) (3) Makes a false written statement with knowledge that it is false and with intent that it shall ultimately appear to have been signed under oath.
Wrong no law that prevents fake electors.
Six Fake Pro-Trump Electors Indicted In Nevada

The chair of the Nevada Republican Party is among the six Republicans who were indicted by a Nevada grand jury on Wednesday for sending a false slate of electoral votes for Donald Trump to Congress after President Biden won the state in 2020.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford announced that each of the six false Trump electors face two felony charges, one charge of offering a false instrument for filing, a category C felony, and one charge of uttering a forged instrument, a category D felony. The indicted Republicans include Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald, state GOP vice chair Jim Hindle III, Clark County Republican Party chair Jesse Law, GOP national committeeman Jim DeGraffenreid, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice.

The indictment was handed down by a grand jury in the Eighth Judicial District Court in Clark County. Former Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, whose attorney said last week that he was cooperating with investigators, was listed as a witness in the indictment.

Six Fake Pro-Trump Electors Indicted In Nevada

This is what enforcement of the rule of law looks like.
Six Fake Pro-Trump Electors Indicted In Nevada

The chair of the Nevada Republican Party is among the six Republicans who were indicted by a Nevada grand jury on Wednesday for sending a false slate of electoral votes for Donald Trump to Congress after President Biden won the state in 2020.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford announced that each of the six false Trump electors face two felony charges, one charge of offering a false instrument for filing, a category C felony, and one charge of uttering a forged instrument, a category D felony. The indicted Republicans include Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald, state GOP vice chair Jim Hindle III, Clark County Republican Party chair Jesse Law, GOP national committeeman Jim DeGraffenreid, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice.

The indictment was handed down by a grand jury in the Eighth Judicial District Court in Clark County. Former Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, whose attorney said last week that he was cooperating with investigators, was listed as a witness in the indictment.

Six Fake Pro-Trump Electors Indicted In Nevada

This is what enforcement of the rule of law looks like.
Show the statute that makes fake electors illegal.

Is there anyone left who still believes Trump won.?
These people should be in jail and not walking the streets like decent people.
Sedition is a huge crime.
The prisons are full enough , fools will always exist. We can't jail them all for being ignorant.
Wrong no law that prevents fake electors.
Yes, there is you fucking moron.


View attachment 869265
Wisconsin State Law Library (.gov)
https://wilawlibrary.gov › jury › files › criminal
False swearing, as defined in § 946.32(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Wisconsin, is committed by one who under (oath) (affirmation) makes or subscribes a false ...

943.39 Fraudulent writings. :: 2012 Wisconsin Statutes & ...

View attachment 869263
Justia Law
https://law.justia.com › chapter-943 › section-943
943.39(3) (3) Makes a false written statement with knowledge that it is false and with intent that it shall ultimately appear to have been signed under oath.

That Trump U. "law school" correspondence school let you down again
Show the statute that makes fake electors illegal.


View attachment 869265
Wisconsin State Law Library (.gov)
https://wilawlibrary.gov › jury › files › criminal
False swearing, as defined in § 946.32(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Wisconsin, is committed by one who under (oath) (affirmation) makes or subscribes a false ...

943.39 Fraudulent writings. :: 2012 Wisconsin Statutes & ...

View attachment 869263
Justia Law
https://law.justia.com › chapter-943 › section-943
943.39(3) (3) Makes a false written statement with knowledge that it is false and with intent that it shall ultimately appear to have been signed under oath.

If you sign a document, attesting you are an elector, and you are NOT, that's a crime.



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