Hä? Hat die noch alle Tassen im Schrank? 20 Minuten Rhythmus zwischen Bussen ist doch hervorragend. ...
Huh? Does she still have all of her cups in the cupboard? 20-minute intervals between buses are excellent. And against her fear the best is to learn martial arts or to dial 110 (emergency call all over Germany - works with all mobiles and smart phones independent from money). And because of the breach of duty by some bus drivers she has to talk to the Berlin public transport company. That a bus drives earlier is really strange. You usually have to expect delays.
In the moment I have three women who care about me. But I'm afraid two of the three are just taking advantage of me and are only after my treats.
Blink twice if you're scared to even politely criticize the invasion of your country and the abuse your lovers ,mother's ,daughters ,and sisters have to put up with because you fear jail ?
You don't want any brown people who hate you to fake being offended... And then sic the authorities on you?
Germans have noticed that their leftist government
will not defend them from the Islamic welfare colonists it imported to displace them:
Regarding the references to Aschaffenburg, that’s…
…where a failed Afghan asylum seeker who should have been deported targeted a group of kindergarten children in a park, stabbing a 2-year-old boy to death.
As in the USA, moonbats just keep doubling down on the moonbattery that made such a mess:
[T]he leader of the Left Party in Germany has suggested that the country could grant asylum to a million migrants a year in order to protect them from “the consequences of climate change.”
This despite the
fact that foreign migrant suspects are responsible for nearly 6 in 10 violent crimes in Germany, according to government statistics.
Germany has real problems, which have nothing to do with the weather. They have to do with rule by the sort of leftists who would open the borders.
Will the wokesters in charge at least protect ponies? They will
A shocking case has emerged from the beautiful town of Oberneufnach in Bavaria, which involved a 52-year-old Turkish asylum seeker allegedly breaking into a stable and sexually abusing ponies.
The man, who is from a refugee shelter in the nearby town of Anhofen, was arrested after he was caught on surveillance video [which] showed the man had sexually abused multiple female ponies in the course of 25 minutes. Several of the ponies suffered physical injuries, including one that collapsed to the ground.
The amorous multicultural tapestry enricher has been doing this “routinely.” He knew about the surveillance camera, but didn’t care, presumably knowing there won’t be consequences. Reports a local woman:
“On Saturday the man was wandering through our village again. I’m scared. Especially for children and animals. Because the police say: ‘That’s not enough for prison or deportation.’”
Migrants have been caught raping ponies in Germany before. For example:
In 2017, a Syrian migrant raped a pony in broad daylight at Berlin’s Görlitzer Park’s petting zoo.
Ponies are
not the only ones getting raped.
On a tip from ABC of the ANC.