Farewell old friend

I never knew how much you would be missed the day you found me, so many years ago. You never asked for anything, you always gave more then you were given. But you knew your were loved. It's true that I knew your life would be gone in a blink of an eye, but in that blink you gave me more than twenty humans could ever try.
1993- May 14 2011

I know just how you feel BR.

I've shared my life with some great dogs. The last one who passed was AndyI laid him to rest last year at this time. He was 14yrs old and a super GSD. Nintey five pounds of rock solid.

I share my life with four other dogs. MY BC Jake is 13 this year so who knows how longer he will share my life. They are gone so darned quick.

It never gets any easier but its the price we pay for sharing our lives with our four footed friends.

Deepest sympathies for your loss. Sparky will always be right where he belongs. In your memories.
I never knew how much you would be missed the day you found me, so many years ago. You never asked for anything, you always gave more then you were given. But you knew your were loved. It's true that I knew your life would be gone in a blink of an eye, but in that blink you gave me more than twenty humans could ever try.
1993- May 14 2011

Condolences. I'm sorry about your beloved doggie.
You must have taken wonderful care of him in order to be able to have his friendship for 18 years. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye. It always hurts.
I never knew how much you would be missed the day you found me, so many years ago. You never asked for anything, you always gave more then you were given. But you knew your were loved. It's true that I knew your life would be gone in a blink of an eye, but in that blink you gave me more than twenty humans could ever try.
1993- May 14 2011
Sorry Brother........I've lost 4 dogs in my time.......We have a 7 year old Cocker Spaniel, Lucy. My wife got her when I was overseas in the middle east....My wife E-mailed me and told me she got a CS pup....I was like, why did you get a little dog? (I've always had big dogs)....She said she was a rescue.....I was like, "whatever"....When I came home for good, that dog just seemed to attach herself to me from the minute I walked into the door. Everywhere I went, I was tripping over this damn dog.......That damn little dog has my heart. She won't go to bed until I get into bed. I spend every night with her jammed up against me as close as she can get.....When I get up, she gets up. I can't even take a piss in the middle of the night without her being right there staring up at me......I can't even imagine what it will be like when the day comes.....I just hope it's many years down the line.
I never knew how much you would be missed the day you found me, so many years ago. You never asked for anything, you always gave more then you were given. But you knew your were loved. It's true that I knew your life would be gone in a blink of an eye, but in that blink you gave me more than twenty humans could ever try.
1993- May 14 2011

I'm so sorry for your loss.
I share your pain, I lost 2 dogs in May too, it's terrible.
I am so sorry you lost your friend,beautiful pic :) (Everyone else who has lost a friend also)

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I never knew how much you would be missed the day you found me, so many years ago. You never asked for anything, you always gave more then you were given. But you knew your were loved. It's true that I knew your life would be gone in a blink of an eye, but in that blink you gave me more than twenty humans could ever try.
1993- May 14 2011

WOW! My old Dobe was and this new young Pit Bull is in my face every 5 minutes DEMANDING attention!! If I'm busy "Dre" sits right in front of me and stares into my face with "The Look"! I don't know what it is to have a dog that wants nothing...mine have all wanted EVERYTHING!! :lol: This year old 115lb male Pit has like twenty toys(three brand new,yesterday, huge stuffed animals) .. several huge bones.. hundreds of bone pieces. ...get his meals cooked twice a day.. sleeps with me...HOGS the bed!!!! Seriously...have ya ever tried to make a big strong dog skoot over when he doesn't want to and pretends to be asleep?. ..Maybe he's spoiled....

Sorry about your loss... In my case it would be like getting my life back! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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