Farrakhan: Jesus Wasn’t the Messiah, But I Am

Waste of wood. I have thousands of crocodiles tho. More carbon neutral.
Our recycling is incredible
Waste of wood. I have thousands of crocodiles tho. More carbon neutral.
Our recycling is incredible

Guess you're right. I'd hate to see more leftists crying over dead trees. That is so pathetic.
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Mar 30

God does not love this world. God never sent Jesus to die for this world. Jesus died because he was 2,000 years too soon to bring about the end of the civilization of the Jews. He never was on no cross. There was no Calvary for that Jesus.
Must have been tough getting 2 wanna be Jesus' in the same room to pose for pictures without the room or camera bursting into flames.
The cameraman must have used a
wide angle lens to fit their 2 giant heads into one framed shot.
3,000 years ago they said this would start. Bible also says there’s a special place in hell for false teachers.



Why do you think I was always calling him
Taken a little further much like Santa is an anagram for Satan... Louis Could become L(u)take the C(I)from Can and Far or Fer and you have Lucifer the Fallen one.. Of course that is a bit of a stretch on my part but he is always condemning his ( brothers ...a term fondly used in african American community) the Jews much like Lucifer is described and he always seems to be smiling and shining forth from his pulpit or forum of hate...I remember years ago in that movie with Mickey Rourke and Robert Deniro where Denero portrays LUCIFER as Louis C Fer and I never forgot it lol.Good old Louis Fer I khan( can) a true wolf in sheep’s clothing and a minister of hate shinning forth for all to see...

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