Fat Acceptance Movement?

Everyone is different, we finally found out that I do better with my TSH at .25. Anything over that I have classic hypo symptoms. Mainly migraine headaches, hair falling out, fatigue, feeling cold, and dry skin.

Do you find that you can tell when yours is getting out of whack even before it shows up in your TSH levels? For instance, I know mine is creeping towards 3 (just had my meds adjusted) because I am FREEZING all the time right now.
Sorry, but this is one case where you are judging what you think people are based on what you want to be, that's just not right.

What's the judgment? That someone that's stuffing junk food in their body at an alarming rate and not exercising could probably be doing more to lose weight? Yeah I guess I'm guilty of that.

This is where you are wrongly judging someone. Most fat people do not, many follow the "fad diets" in which they do just the opposite, and while Americans are generally sedentary I see more "big" people out walking than I see skinny fucks like me. I walk a lot simply because I don't like cars so to get from one place to the next it's walking or sometimes the bus. You do realize that the diet industry, or "health food" makes billions. Do you really think it's skinny people buying this garbage? No, it's fat people made self conscious by people as uneducated as yourself telling them it's their fault even when it usually has nothing to do with them eating too much, but because they are eating too little of what they need.

I guess I stand corrected. Apparently pounding cheesburgers and sitting around all the time is a great way to lose weight and these poor misunderstood people are in fact doing everything in their power but are sadly helpless.

I don't care if the "diet industry" is making millions. It's irrelevant.

I've never told any fat people how to get skinny or that they were too fat. None of my business and I really don't care. Whenever anyone asks me how I do it I just them hard work. The only time I can imagine caring would be if I got stuck sitting next to someone on an airplane and they were spilling over their seat onto me, that would just be gross. But I don't fly very often so I don't see it being a problem.

I'm surprised to see all the people jumping to the defense of fat people. I didn't realize they were a protected class. :lol:
Everyone is different, we finally found out that I do better with my TSH at .25. Anything over that I have classic hypo symptoms. Mainly migraine headaches, hair falling out, fatigue, feeling cold, and dry skin.

Do you find that you can tell when yours is getting out of whack even before it shows up in your TSH levels? For instance, I know mine is creeping towards 3 (just had my meds adjusted) because I am FREEZING all the time right now.

Big time for me, it's been a year and my dosage is still not right. I go back on the 27th of this month to get levels checked. Three months ago my levels was .01 and the doctor said to me "We over shot you" I pleaded with her because I was feeling better, no more migraines! She agreed to let me stay on the dosage for another 3 months. Now I go back. I fear she will lower my dosage and those migraines return. The migraines is the first clue I get my levels are bad. I wake up with it and it doesn't go away. I've been so cold that I took a hot show (No cold water at all) for 30 minutes, to raise my body temp. I then laid in bed with a heated blanket and 2 others. I was still cold! I felt hypothermia and I thought that strange being my levels couldn't be that off. Now I'm thinking maybe my body is just hyper sensitive and therefore my symptoms though real are magnified.

Only twice have I felt a body temp. of feeling hot, so I believe I’m pretty much on the correct dosage. I have no idea maybe I was Hyper for years and now hypo. I had surgery back in 2002 they took out a 5cm Microfollicular adenoma so I lost my left thyroid. I remember years before this nodule showing up that I was having hypo symptoms but my TSH was always in that normal range of 1.70 to 1.86. I knew something wasn’t right by try finding a doctor that will listen? I saw a total of 10 doctors in 3 years that basically laughed at me for suggesting I was hypo. I gave up on that, and my migraines got so bad I thought maybe it was my eyes. I went to see a new doctor here when we moved here and first thing out of her mouth was “It’s your thyroid” I actually laughed out loud at her. That was over a year ago and we are still trying to figure my levels out. I’m starting to get headaches again so not sure that means my dosage needs to go down or up. *shrugs* My TSH when I went in over a year ago thinking it was my eyes was 6.89 and then it went up again.
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If I miss one day of my pills I feel that racey feeling and a migraine.
What's the judgment? That someone that's stuffing junk food in their body at an alarming rate and not exercising could probably be doing more to lose weight? Yeah I guess I'm guilty of that.

This is where you are wrongly judging someone. Most fat people do not, many follow the "fad diets" in which they do just the opposite, and while Americans are generally sedentary I see more "big" people out walking than I see skinny fucks like me. I walk a lot simply because I don't like cars so to get from one place to the next it's walking or sometimes the bus. You do realize that the diet industry, or "health food" makes billions. Do you really think it's skinny people buying this garbage? No, it's fat people made self conscious by people as uneducated as yourself telling them it's their fault even when it usually has nothing to do with them eating too much, but because they are eating too little of what they need.
I guess I stand corrected. Apparently pounding cheesburgers and sitting around all the time is a great way to lose weight and these poor misunderstood people are in fact doing everything in their power but are sadly helpless.

I don't care if the "diet industry" is making millions. It's irrelevant.

I've never told any fat people how to get skinny or that they were too fat. None of my business and I really don't care. Whenever anyone asks me how I do it I just them hard work. The only time I can imagine caring would be if I got stuck sitting next to someone on an airplane and they were spilling over their seat onto me, that would just be gross. But I don't fly very often so I don't see it being a problem.

I'm surprised to see all the people jumping to the defense of fat people. I didn't realize they were a protected class. :lol:
These human water buffalos will soon be a protected class and will be given legal victim status under the law.

Then it will be a hate crime to eat a hamburger in front of them and not offer them a bite. :lol:
Thyroid levels fluctuate. I have hypothyroidism, secondary to Graves Disease. I developed it after being treated with radioactive isotope for hyperthyroidism.

Graves nearly killed me.
Thyroid levels fluctuate. I have hypothyroidism, secondary to Graves Disease. I developed it after being treated with radioactive isotope for hyperthyroidism.

Graves nearly killed me.
We should start a seperate thread and call it Thyroid Support Thread. LOL

Thyroid problems SUCK period! I don't wish this on anyone.
Thyroid levels fluctuate. I have hypothyroidism, secondary to Graves Disease. I developed it after being treated with radioactive isotope for hyperthyroidism.

Graves nearly killed me.
We should start a seperate thread and call it Thyroid Support Thread. LOL

Thyroid problems SUCK period! I don't wish this on anyone.

I hear you. It's hell on the nervous system.
Personally, I don't really care if people are fat or not, we all have our flaws. What I don't condone is fat acceptance to the point of severe obesity in the way it's describe in the article. I'm not saying they should be judged negatively, I'm saying that accepting your weight at a reasonable level is one thing, accepting your weight at 500 pounds and saying screw it, is not healthy both mentally or physically .

I never had problems with weight until my late 20's. I was sick and given massive doses of steroids to fight an eye infection (iritis). I gained a lot of weight, really FAST and had trouble losing it afterwords. It took me 2 years to lose 60 lbs - the last 20 taking up most of the 2 years! My doctor claimed steroids 'aged' my metabolism and recommend an Atkins like diet. this didn't really work well for me, but a nutritionist suggested trying an anti-yeast diet that worked much better and addressed symptoms and digestive problems I was having. I guess yeast is a problem for some after steroid treatment. Who knew?
I have known a few morbidly obese individuals. Most of them had genetic predisposition and a lifetime of dieting--which is known to screw with metabolism.

Most died early.

It's a serious health issue, and the presumption that ANYONE who wants to be thin, can be is crap.
I guess yeast is a problem for some after steroid treatment. Who knew?

Steroids in general can really fuck up your system. My mom has a terminal lung condition and takes steroids. They've fucked up her equilibrium, hearing, and they make her incredibly nervous and edgy, too.
Thyroid levels fluctuate. I have hypothyroidism, secondary to Graves Disease. I developed it after being treated with radioactive isotope for hyperthyroidism.

Graves nearly killed me.
We should start a seperate thread and call it Thyroid Support Thread. LOL

Thyroid problems SUCK period! I don't wish this on anyone.

I think the odd part for me is being perimenopausal at a relatively young age (43) because of my thyroid. That leads to all kinds of issues. And the thyroid controls EVERYTHING, I've found.
I guess yeast is a problem for some after steroid treatment. Who knew?

Steroids in general can really fuck up your system. My mom has a terminal lung condition and takes steroids. They've fucked up her equilibrium, hearing, and they make her incredibly nervous and edgy, too.

My doctor said I 'might' be a bit more emotional and hungrier than normal. OMG, understatement of the year. I was very paranoid and had severe anxiety, too. My moods were all over the place - I spent $100 on cafeteria food on top of three meals provided. Then I was treated as an out-patient, getting was I was getting over a 24 hr period, condensed in 3 treatments a day, for 2 weeks. Then pills for months.

Is your mother taking anything to help with the 'mood' side effects? I can't imagine facing a terminal illness, let alone on a heavy regiment of steroids, making things worse.
People just eat shit, thats the problem...no execuses

fast food is all shit

if you can stick to 1500-2000 calories a day

take a lot of protien, usually 1 gram of protien per pound

and stay within 100 carbs you will be healthy

take a multi vitmain every day and drink water


When you drink coke, diet coke, all the other shit, and go to wendys, thats all bad for you.

However the real problem is, it's more expensive to eat healthy then it is to eat shit
That's the smartest response I have seen.

Something else many people deny or forget is that our bodies crave flavors based on what vitamins and minerals are naturally associated with those flavors, however with processed food this is no longer the case. If you crave sweet things it's most likely you need citric acid and natural sugars. Basically the best way to be sure you have a balanced diet is to eat anything that's natural your body craves, and in doing so you can actually eat as much as you want. What's happening with people who gain weight because of over eating isn't the amount they eat, it's the fact that what they are eating (based on the flavors they are craving) are not giving their bodies what they really need, instead it's filling them up with what their bodies may already have enough of.

I eat like a pig, but I only what what I crave, the only difference between me and many others is I don't eat junk food when I crave it, instead I find the natural food with the same flavor and fill up on that. Then if I feel like it I snack on the junk food. I eat a LOT of meat, and never lean (I can't stand anything that is "fat free") and I am less active than most people. I can sometimes gain weight ... in the winter, but normally I fall below average. When I asked the doctor how to gain weight they just looked at me funny and said to eat more, then after telling them that a large pizza is only the main course for many of my meals she almost had a heart attack. I have no problems with cholesterol in spite of a family history, and no weight gain in spite of my mother being 300 at my height.
All I crave today is Three Musketeers Mint Bars. What nutrient am I lacking and what is the natural food with the same flavor?

I hope it's not Peppermint Patties. I hate those!
Another problem with steroid use is diabetes. There is actually a steroid induced form of diabetes.
want good snack foods that are good for you

Yogurt, yoplait lite and fit is excellent and tastes great

Polly-O string cheese lowfat- delicious

Breyers Smart Carb ice cream- The bars are great for on the go and the scoops are good for when you're home..add a little peanut butter= yummy

Celery- Can't go wrong. Taste good, dip it in peanut butter..you burn more calories eating it then you consume
this is frightening that an Obese person can walk around thinking there's nothing wrong. i am a person who have suffered with weight issues in the past. im not going to lie it was really hard work to lose weight but in the long run it was worth it. i just wish other people with weight problems could also see the importance of losing weight. there is a movement for society to accept fat people. now im not saying people should just bash them or call them hurtful names or discriminate because trust me the more you discriminate against someone who is obese the more they are wounded emotional and tend to eat even more food.
These human water buffalos will soon be a protected class and will be given legal victim status under the law.

Then it will be a hate crime to eat a hamburger in front of them and not offer them a bite. :lol:

these are the kinda of statements which makes obese people want to say "F the world, im going to embrace being obese and not worry about my health and size". comments like these do not push or encourage obese people to lose weight. in fact they make obese people to eat even more because of the emotional pain such comments like these cause.

Obesity is a disease/disorder. losing weight is a whole long process. it takes months even years to take off extra weight and takes a lot of work to keep it off. losing weight isn't as simple as "putting the donuts down". most obese people eat the way they do due to emotional issues or busy lifestyles. it usually doesn't have any thing to do with being greedy.
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