Fauci Knows Viruses More Than Anyone I Know


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
And Fauci has probably forgotten more than any of us know.
Why he became a political target is understandable. It's all crap and not from Fauci's mouth.

“Now Donald Trump is attacking Dr. Fauci,” the ad continues. “Why? Because Trump failed America.”

Fauci is a despicable political hack who succeeded in bringing the United States to its knees for his friends, the communist Chinese, and fascist democrats! The op, is an impossibly stupid democratic party zombie who would suck at toes of Mao Tse Tung if he had chance to do so, any reasonably intelligent man or women, who takes time to peruse the brazenly misleading advice, and opinions Fauci broadcast always come to the same indisputable conclusion, the man was either in on it all(attack)or he is a total incompetent!
And Fauci has probably forgotten more than any of us know.
Why he became a political target is understandable. It's all crap and not from Fauci's mouth.

“Now Donald Trump is attacking Dr. Fauci,” the ad continues. “Why? Because Trump failed America.”

WTF? Do you even listen to these stupid ads you post?

Regarding Fauci, the ad says "At a time when truth is under assault, he's always been straight with us".

The fact of the matter is that Fauci has recently admitted that he wasn't straight with us. He admitted that he lied to us about respirators and masks.
Fauci is a career bureaucrat and a con man. He's just trying to get his and Bill Gates vaccine on the fast track of approval. No thanks. Fauci is a scumbag, just like Gates.
Talk about a hack. What did Fauci say that isn't happening? Huh wamoss? Are you on some weird agenda because Fauci knows his business and you know who doesn't? You know, Trump. The same guy that has given up on the virus in this country because he is a failure with Covid 19 and you support his fucking failure.
His problem is he’s a one way street health nerd
There used to be more to American life than obsessing about health in an environment which for thousands of years has produced and is right this second producing a variety of illnesses that can sicken or kill us
This one is no different . It’s a convenient political ploy.
Only brainsick Trumpers would take the word of a con man over a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.

You really do have to question what kind of mental illness is Trumpism. Who takes the opinion of a man who has been barred from owning a charitable foundation because of his past fraud over the man who has guided us through numerous health crises?

Trumpism Is truly a sickness.
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a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.
That includes Trump. Trump had nothing but praise for Fauci until it was revealed that Fauci purposefully lied to manipulate the American public. Since Trump highly values honesty and integrity, Trump has lost confidence in Fauci.
Only brainsick Trumpers would take the word of a con man over a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.

You really do have to question what kind of mental illness is Trumpism. Who takes the opinion of a man who has been barred from owning a charitable foundation because of his past fraud over the man who has guided us through numerous health crises?

Trumpism Is truly a sickness.
The humpers never think past anything other than the garbage. It is some all-consuming thing to them.
It's so hard to fathom how many ignorant people there are in this country. Arguing about personality because they are told by RW media and so-called patriots to do so is what I see and hear.. And it's so prevalent on this site.
I heard the question asked to McConnell on should we listen to Fauci and not condemn him. Why did McConnel back Fauci by saying that he totally supports the Doctor? #1 is because going against science and experts is killing those who rail against it. Now and present and for those politicians who are lagging in support is so simple why. Anyone with a brain knows this crap with Trump is dragging them down. 2020 the year for change.
a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.
That includes Trump. Trump had nothing but praise for Fauci until it was revealed that Fauci purposefully lied to manipulate the American public. Since Trump highly values honesty and integrity, Trump has lost confidence in Fauci.
So why is the WH waving the white flag now? Because it's killing them politically in how people feel with competence on how he, Trump, is doing. It's flip time after that nutbag Peter Navarro spews conspiracy BS. Look who is running this country into the ground. Trump and all his insane whacko fucks in the WH.

Trump officials are ‘waving the white flag’ on Fauci attacks after Trump threw Navarro under the bus: CNN’s Acosta

"On CNN Wednesday, chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta reported that White House officials are backing down from their attacks on top public health official Dr. Anthony Fauci, following an op-ed by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro attacking his judgment."

“After days of attacks, Dr. Anthony Fauci has had enough and he is firing back,” said Acosta. “He is describing the attacks on him as a, quote, ‘major mistake’ on the part of the White House, and White House officials are jumping into damage control mode, insisting that aides across the West Wing are not happy with trade adviser Peter Navarro, saying he violated instruction from Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who had warned staffers to stop going after Fauci.”

a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.
That includes Trump. Trump had nothing but praise for Fauci until it was revealed that Fauci purposefully lied to manipulate the American public. Since Trump highly values honesty and integrity, Trump has lost confidence in Fauci.
So why is the WH waving the white flag now?
I've seen no evidence of that. Feel free to present some evidence and make your case.

Trump's own words have indicated that he's lost confidence in Fauci.

I've lost confidence in Fauci too. You can't trust anything he says regarding COVID-19 after he disseminated such dangerous disinformation regarding respirators and masks.

Fauci is a persona non grata.
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a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.
That includes Trump. Trump had nothing but praise for Fauci until it was revealed that Fauci purposefully lied to manipulate the American public. Since Trump highly values honesty and integrity, Trump has lost confidence in Fauci.
Trump values integrity like John Gotti valued honesty.
a dedicated public servant who graduated 1st in his class at Cornell and who was praised by all the presidents he served under.
That includes Trump. Trump had nothing but praise for Fauci until it was revealed that Fauci purposefully lied to manipulate the American public. Since Trump highly values honesty and integrity, Trump has lost confidence in Fauci.
So why is the WH waving the white flag now?
I've seen no evidence of that. Feel free to present some evidence and make your case.
Don't open your mouth too soon. This story is in motion. Stay tuned to this thread.

"On Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s “The Situation Room,” chief political analyst Gloria Borger slammed the White House’s claims that no one knew ahead of time that trade adviser Peter Navarro was going to attack Dr. Anthony Fauci."

“Are we supposed to believe that Peter Navarro, who attaches himself at the hip to the president, wrote this completely on his own without winking at the president and saying, you know what, I think I’m going to send something in to USA TODAY?” said Borger. “Are we supposed to believe that nobody knew about this, that Navarro didn’t tell the president he might do it? I have no doubt the president probably didn’t read it. But are we supposed to believe that this White House is so disorganized and doesn’t pay enough fealty to this president that Navarro would do this on his own? I do not believe that Navarro would have done this on his own.”


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