FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

Errata: Jamie Zarazua was Breanna Schneller's friend. Zarazua links to Stevens Point and Breanna's killing is two days before the McCanns go on Oprey Show.

Youtube Views Since Yesterday

Madeleine McCann Police Know, Can't Arrest 2,661

Brittanee Drexel New Info 2,423

Drexel's Mom 395

Suspect 266

Kayla Berg's Mom 130

Hi Walter 415

Kopetsky's Mom 516
Here we link Briton Lee Dryden and the inflatable boat shipping the cocaine and linking to Portugal. Comparing Langlade County with rubber plantations owners, resonates with Bull family DNA for the South Carolina coast plantation, which also links Southern plantation owners to Wilberforce University near Xenia to Wilberforce at Rothley. Xenia, Ohio links to Piqua Ohio for the county in Wisconsin named after the Indian fighter, Langlade:

'During the same period (1940) in Malaysia, the director of a rubber plantation, Francois de Langlade, had also rallied to De Gaulle, along with several of his planters, and had been instructed to help the British resist the Japanese....The establishment of a special division coordinating actions of all departments dealing with Indochina was badly needed. We had to find the right man to help us set up the organization we were trying to outline. One day Escarra told me, "I have heard that Lieutenant de Langlade is arriving here. He is coming to report ion his liaison with Mountbatten's staff at Kandy. If anyone can help us find a solution, he is the one." '
(de Vosjoli, Lamia)
Roger Hollis (MI5) is the link to Agnes Smedley, Osgood, Missouri. Hollis is also the link to Chungking. Chiang-Kai-shek's secret police chief was Tai Li, who is also the opium link.

'One day in Aug 1943 a group of French officers and non-commissioned officers headed by Commander Meynier came to Chungking without being announced Mrs. Meynier accompanied her husband. The group came directly from Washington, together with officers of the U.S. Navy. They were instructed to create, in the framework of SACO (Sino-American Cooperation Organization), an intelligence ring on Indochina -- another one

Commander Meynier was quite remarkable in more than one respect. He had made an extraordinary escape from France with his ship, and landed at Casablanca. Through his contacts with the U.S. Navy he was able to convince experts of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) of his wide knowledge of Indochina.
The whys and wherefores of Meynier's mission have never been cl;early understood, but it is a fact that before leaving for the U.S. with his wife and a group of his officers, he had been entrusted with codes by Giraud's intelligence and by the BRCA (Bureau Central Renseignement de et d'Action).'
(de Vosdjoli op cit)
'What Meynier accomplished in the States is not known, since he failed to report on his activities. One day he showed up in Chungking and paid a visit to General Petchkoff, who demanded that Meynier hand over his codes and that all his communications be made through the embassy. Continuing his round of visits, Meynier went to see Colonel Emblanc and informed him that he intended to set up a separate intelligence ring in liaison with the U.S. Navy. Exactly what took place druing this meeting remains a mystery. One thing is certain -- from that day Meynier ignored completely the existence of the French mission and its intelligence division and started making contacts of his own in various circles. Assured of the backing of Tai Li and of the U.S. Navy, he worked hard to establish contacts with the French element in Indochina and to implant, through these Frenchmen, intelligence networks.'
(de Vosjoli op cit)
'Because of his close connection with the U.S. Navy, Meynier's views and decisions carried more weight with Tai Li, and he was free to do what he wanted. Furthermore, Meynier gradually succeeded in convincing Chiang Kai-shek's secret police chief of the French Military Mission's ill will toward him. As a result. at the beginning of 1944 Tai Li ruled that the French mission would be forbidden to use any transmissions for its communications with Indochina and with its stations in China. Because of a rivalry among the French, the good work accomplished in the past four years came to a halt.
( de Vosjoli op cit)
'The British outfit charged with carrying out the operation was the SOE (Special Operations Executive), which, oddly enough, was under the authority of the of the Minister for Economic Warfare (MEW)....Before heading to Algiers and London to report to de Gaulle on his mission, de Langlade held several meetings with the British. While recognizing the need for establishing our base in Calcutta for operations in Indochina, the British were imposing two conditions. The first, that the operating team would be small and inconspicuous, was reasonable. The second, however, was that all communications would be sent and received through their services. This would make us completely dependent on British intelligence, which could stop or delay our communications at will. Every effort to get them to change their position was in vain. The British put forward as the reason behind their decisions orders from New Delhi and London, where America -- they said -- was against the French conducting any kind of operation dealing with Indochina.'
(de Vosjoli, Lamia)
Because the stabbing of Jeanette Baneck links to fire and because Baneck DNA also links to Foster DNA of the Massachusetts Bay Colony via the Sawtell lineage, we link Ed Gein to the Horry County, South Carolina fire near in time to Brittanee Drexel's disappearance:

Ed Gein
Ed Gein - Wikipedia
'....burning marsh vegetation....16 May 1944....'
Mentioned just above the marsh vegetation for Ed Gein is the mother link between brothers, which goes into the Polyphemus-Luxembourg file for Yust.
8 Dec 2008 Three Dead in Fire
Three Dead in Fire

As we will show,water is the link to the Ed Gein post at the Making a Murderer website.

Obadiah Sawtell b. 14 Sept 1648 Watertown, Massachusetts was father of Hepzibah Foster, wife of Thomas Foster who was son of Deacon Joseph Foster and Alice Foster (formerly Gorton), Bellerica, Massachusetts Bay Colony
We note names listed on the Beekman Patent, including Bull (for the Sarah Bull-Hi Walter link):


The reader can see that several pioneer sleuths have paved the way:

Making a Murderer / More Than 20 Women in Wisconsin
(second to last post: "WI has some interesting water....Ed Gein"....[Click on last post to continue, scroll to URaSMF]: "Have you seen MissMinxster's other comments? She's connected family trees that will blow your (f----g) mind....I'm from NYC....number of unsolved murdered women in WI even blows my mind....")
Snow starts, Snowden comes on msm. 5 Dec 2016 Alex Jones reports that Lana Lam told Snowden what paper she worked at, the South China Morning Post. Hollis links to Smedley (Missouri) and to Joshua Reynolds via Balliol College, thus linking the Clinton crime family.

'According to statements made by Roger Hollis himself in 1970, when, age 64, he professed poor recollection of the events, he traveled to China by boat via Malaya, leaving Britain early in 1927. Having seriously underestimated his running costs, he said that he found himself in Penang with no m ore than ten Pounds but had found a modest job as a stringer -- a part-time journalist -- with a newspaper said, by one MI5 source, to have been the South China Times. He appears to have arrived in China in the spring of 1927.'
(Pincher, Too Secret Too Long)
The Walter Lassa case will go into the Kylr Yust file for the Polyphemus-Cyclops tattoo and jealousy at Luexembourg Gardens, mentioned previously:

Murdered Wisconsin Woman Remembered
Murdered Wisconsin Woman Remembered
'....Lassa would get jealous and controlling....'

There is more to this link than that.
The nursing home link to Berg applies to the fact that the elderly are more susceptible to fentanyl, an ingredient used to lace morphine. Because chloroform is grounds in court for seeking the death penalty, the use of injected fentanyl would apply to abducted women whose bodies would certainly be disposed of, exemplary in the Brittanee Drexel case.

Here, the sleuths argue the chloroform evidence, without ever asking about a combined pharmaceutical combination such as chloroform and fentanyl. Fentanyl distribution time is 1.7 minutes and has been used in combination with droperidol. Injected fentanyl action is almost immediate, and between 2005-2007 there were over 1,000 fentanyl deaths in U.S. Maximum respiratory depression effect take several minutes.

Casey Anthony: The Chloroform Evidence
'...killed Caylee by sedating her with chloroform and then suffocating her with duct tape....the chloroform was the reason they were able to seek the death penalty....'
If the victim unknowingly ingests diazepam before the administration of fentanyl, as in a "mickey" cocktail, the stage is set for syngery of other pharmaceuticals. Chinese do not metabolize diazepam well. If Brittanee Drexel was Turkish, these effects might be more profound.
The chloroform link is also for serial killer H. H. Holmes, although it is not Holmes DNA. We track the Holmes DNA that links to Paul Revere, starting with Jeanette Baneck's father:

Walter Baneck Obituary
Walter Baneck's Obituary on Wausau Daily Herald

To Walter Baneck the fire inspector we compare the portrait painter, recalling that Harding House links to summer spent in St. Louis:

Jeremiah Theus, Portrait of a Man

Thomas Bee links to Bee's Ferry near Charleston, South Carolina. Shannon McConaughey was at the Cracker Barrel in North Charleston, and abducted somewhere between there and Awendaw, South Carolina, the Salem, Massachusetts link:

'....Susannah Holmes (1739-1771) married Thomas Bee (1739-1812)....She sat for her portrait the same time as did her future mother-in-law, Susannah Simmons Bee, whose husband, Colonel John Bee had died in 1749....(Friendly Society for the Mutual Insurance Against Fire....the sitter must have had links to both Boston and Charleston....Isaac was baptized at Boston's Second Church (Old North Church....at a town meeting in 1737 Isaac Holmes was appointed one of five fire masters. (South Carolina Gazette, 2 Ap 1737)'

Hayes Plantation was renamed Ingleside in the 1870s. Francis Simmons Holmes, primary crop, rice. The Horry County fire occurred as Brittanee Drexel disappeared and at the Annual Rice Festival.

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