Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"

See also: Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
From the 1490s when Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas to the end of the 19th century, the indigenous population of the Western Hemisphere declined, mostly from disease, to 1.8 million from around 50 million, a decline of 96%.[36] In Brazil alone, the indigenous population declined from a pre-Columbian high of an estimated 3 million to some 300,000 (1997).[37][38] Estimates of how many people were living in the Americas when Columbus arrived have varied tremendously; 20th century scholarly estimates ranged from 8.4 million to 112.5 million.[39] However, Robert Royal stated, "estimates of pre-Columbian population figures have become heavily politicized with scholars who are particularly critical of Europe and/or Western civilization often favoring wildly higher figures."[40]
Epidemic disease was the overwhelming direct cause of the population decline of the American natives.[41][42] After first contacts with Europeans and Africans, the death of 90 to 95 percent of the native population of the New World was caused by Old World diseases such as smallpox and measles.[43] Some estimates indicate that smallpox had a 80–90% fatality rate in Native American populations.[44]
British commander Jeffery Amherst may have authorized the intentional use of disease as a biological weapon against indigenous populations in the Americas.[45][46] It was the only documented case of germ warfare and it is uncertain whether it successfully infected the target population.[47]
Some historians argue that genocide, as a crime of intent, does not describe the colonization experience. Stafford Poole, a research historian, wrote: "There are other terms to describe what happened in the Western Hemisphere, but genocide is not one of them. It is a good propaganda term in an age where slogans and shouting have replaced reflection and learning, but to use it in this context is to cheapen both the word itself and the appalling experiences of the Jews and Armenians, to mention but two of the major victims of this century."[48]
By contrast, David Stannard argued that the destruction of the American aboriginals, in a "string of genocide campaigns", killing "countless tens of millions", was the most massive genocide in world history.[49] Several works on the subject were released around the year 1992 to coincide with the 500th anniversary of Columbus' voyage. Noble David Cook rejected such claims, writing "There were too few Spaniards to have killed the millions who were reported to have died in the first century after Old and New World contact."[50]
In 2003, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez urged Latin Americans to not celebrate the Columbus Day holiday. Chavez blamed Columbus for leading to the alleged genocide.[51]
David Quammen likened colonial American practices toward Native Americans to those of Australia toward its aboriginal populations, calling both genocide.[52]"

And you have as many massacres of Europeans and Americans by early Americans...

Indian massacre of 1622 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And what about the Aztec altars...and the Inca...and the other massacres committed by the indians...against each other and the Europeans and Americans....?


My post is countering your claim that there was no genocide of the native Americans.

...and I make it a practice never to waste more than 15 minutes correcting totally foolish posts, so adios, Kemosabi.....
Or we can just ban all civilian gun ownership like every other civilized country has done. That works, too.

Ever heard of "Switzerland"? Mandatory gun ownership.

Everyone of those "mandatory" gun owners has undergone mandatory full military basic training as a requirement for gun ownership.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
Or we can just ban all civilian gun ownership like every other civilized country has done. That works, too.

Ever heard of "Switzerland"? Mandatory gun ownership.

Everyone of those "mandatory" gun owners has undergone mandatory full military basic training as a requirement for gun ownership.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?
Vandal...deep down you hate this country...or the image years of democrat controlled public education, democrat controlled hollywood image making, and democrat controlled news media have fed you....you may not be able to see past your ignorance of how people actually were and still are...the early Americans and the Europeans, and new Americans killed each other...in massacres, because they were all more primitive than we are today...

The Zulu massacred other tribes in their territory...

The Japanese massacred Okinawans and Koreans in their feudal period...

Need I point out the terror of the Mongols and the Turks...

Here is another Indian massacre of settlers over a dam...

Indian Creek massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The removal of the dam was asked, was rejected by the settlers and between 40 and 80 Potawatomis and three Sauks attacked and killed fifteen settlers, including women and children[citation needed]. Two young women kidnapped by the Indians were ransomed and released unharmed about two weeks later[citation needed].

The tension of the massacre and the war prompted settlers to seek protection at frontier forts under the control of the militia. Three men were arrested for the killings, but the charges were dropped when their alleged role in the massacre could not be verified by the witnesses. Today, the site of the massacre is marked by memorials in Shabbona County Park in LaSalle County, about 14 miles (23 km) north of Ottawa, Illinois.

One of the earlisest massacres...at Jamestown...

Virtual Jamestown

On the day prior to the attack, the Indians came bringing gifts of meats and fruits and shared them with the settlers, thereby disguising their intentions. The following morning they circulated freely and socialized with the settlers before suddenly seizing their own work tools to attack them (See Robert Beverley's Description of the 1622 Attack). The Indians killed families in the plantation houses and them moved on to kill servants and workers in the fields. The Powhatans killed 347 settlers in all - men, women, and children.

Not even George Thorpe, a prominent colonist well known for his friendly stance towards the Indians, was spared. The Powhatans harsh treatment of the bodies of their victims was symbolic of their contempt for their opponents. The Indians also burned most of the outlying plantations, destroying the livestock and crops.

And another one...

Fort Seybert Massacre

Those behind its protecting walls defended it vigorously. But they were outnumbered and overpowered by the Indians who set fire to the fort and burned it completely after every person who had taken refuge in it had been either killed or carried away captive. The destruction of Sybert's fort, with the slaughter of all its inmates who were not carried into captivity, was one of the most atrocious and bloody Indian crimes ever committed in what today is West Virginia.

Another massacre...

The Spirit Lake Massacre

Then just at sunset the Indians came again. They demanded all the flour the family had. As Mr. Gardner turned to get the flour an Indian shot and killed him. Then the Indians killed all the family except Abbie, the youngest of the Gardner children, a girl about fourteen years old, who was carried away as a prisoner.

That evening Abbie watched the Indians dance around the fire with the scalps of her parents and her brothers and sisters on long poles. That same day and the following days the Indians visited the other homes around the Okoboji lakes and Spirit Lake. They killed all the people - all men, women, and children - except Mrs. Thatcher, Mrs. Noble, and Mrs. Marble. With these three women and Abbie Gardner as prisoners, Inkpaduta led his band to the north, for he hoped to kill more people at Springfield, Minnesota.
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New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

Second Amendment ends liberal nonsense about Americans don't have a right to own guns.

Vandal...it isn't deflection...it is the truth about how the world was...the entire world...and of all the countries in the world, we experienced less of this and came farther and faster to end it...your years of anti American brain washing by democrats in the education system have given you no room for perspective on how the world was...the entire world...and it has made you hate the greatest country on the planet...I pity you and the others who believe like you do...the whole purpose to this is to make it easier to get you to give up on our founding principals...the ones that ended these things...and to put you under the control of the people who have lied to you...sad...really sad....
The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.

As you probably went to a democrat controlled public school you probably failed to understand punctutation...you should reread the 2nd amendment paying attention to where the punctuation is placed....it will solve your misunderstanding....

Hmmmm...so...you want every adult American to have an actual military grade, fully automatic in their homes...by law...and some of them to have the ammunition to go with that....really...that is what you are shooting for....because that is what the Swiss have....and you want all Americans to be forced to participate in the military...forced...by law...really?

I prefer our Bill of Rights and our Constitution....it is less Borg like...

Notice the commas...and how they break up the amendment...and separate militia from people...the important separation that keeps it from saying only people in militias can have arms...

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

For all of you raised in democrat controlled public schools...it does not say, has never said, and hopefully will never say...the right of the militias to keep and bear arms...

Learn it, live it and either love it....or go to Switzerland...where they make you join the militia and own a fully automatic assault rifle...
Still waiting to hear how exactly a gun is going to "protect" anyone from Ebola.

The 3,000 soldiers obama sent to Africa to help with the effort against Ebola will have guns so they aren't murdered by the local villagers like those aids workers were...and the guns will keep the security of the facilities so that people infected with ebola won't over run the compounds...

That wasn't even hard...
As to Columbus...his discovery of this world brought about the eventual end of this...

Human sacrifice in Aztec culture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The practice of human sacrifice was widespread in the Mesoamerican and in the South American cultures during the Inca Empire.[4][5] Like all other known pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica, the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice. The extant sources describe how the Aztecs sacrificed human victims on each of their eighteen festivities, one festivity for each of their 20-day months.[6]

It is unknown if the Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice before they reached the Anahuac valley and started absorbing other cultural influences. The first human sacrifice reported in the sources was the sacrifice and skinning of the daughter of the king Cóxcox of Culhuacán; this story is a part of the legend of the foundation of Tenochtitlan.[

When the Aztecs sacrificed people to Huitzilopochtli (the god with war like aspects) the victim would be placed on a sacrificial stone.[23] Then the priest would cut through the abdomen with an obsidian or flint blade.[24] The heart would be torn out still beating and held towards the sky in honor to the Sun-God; the body would be carried away and either cremated or given to the warrior responsible for the capture of the victim.

He would either cut the body in pieces and send them to important people as an offering, or use the pieces for ritual cannibalism. The warrior would thus ascend one step in the hierarchy of the Aztec social classes, a system that rewarded successful warriors.[25]

When Columbus discovered this world, it brought about the end of human sacrifice and cannibalism among these people...but let's not look too closely at that...you, educated in democrat controlled public schools see the early Americans as the Eloi....and anyone else as the Morlock's....and the truth is far different...everyone was brutal and violent back then...

And then the United States came into existence and that began to change...but you won't pay attention to any of the good we have done...you have been brainwashed by America haters...and they have lied to you...so you will ignore your basic rights in our Constitution and Bill of Rights...and give them more power to control you....really sad...
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Or we can just ban all civilian gun ownership like every other civilized country has done. That works, too.

Ever heard of "Switzerland"? Mandatory gun ownership.

Everyone of those "mandatory" gun owners has undergone mandatory full military basic training as a requirement for gun ownership.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
I am not making up the 2.5 million gun uses. that comes from just one study done by Criminologist, Dr. Gary Kleck from his study in 1993....he did the study to correct errors in the methods of the other 13 studies he looked....2 of those,studies,put lives saved and crimes stopped at over 3 million.

And Kleck's study was peer reviewed and found to be completely bullshit. He only talked to male heads of households, he oversampled the South.

Kleck De-bunkerd. Kleck Debunked One Utah

The ultimate proof the Kleck claim is bullshit, is the fact that despite spending 35 million dollars/year to deceive the public and threaten politicians, in fourteen years since the study, the gun lobby has funded numerous FAILED attempts to repeat Kleck’s study.

*It should be noted that Gary Kleck has refused to defend his study ever since it was published.
Hint: Hitler justified what he was doing to the Jews based on what we did not Native Americans.

Again...relocation was terrible, the interchange of diseases was what killed the Native Americans and it wasn't intentional...hitler was a monster who planned on killing them all on his own...as did stalin, mao, pol pot, fidel, mussolini and the Japanese government....all the socialists fullfilling their plans at creating utopia...

Imperial Japan was socialist?

Wingnuts... they live in their own little universe!

When Columbus discovered this world, it brought about the end of human sacrifice and cannibalism among these people...but let's not look too closely at that...you, educated in democrat controlled public schools see the early Americans as the Eloi....and anyone else as the Morlock's....and the truth is far different...everyone was brutal and violent back then...

And then the United States came into existence and that began to change...but you won't pay attention to any of the good we have done...you have been brainwashed by America haters...and they have lied to you...so you will ignore your basic rights in our Constitution and Bill of Rights...and give them more power to control you....really sad...

Point was, while human sacrifice was horrible and such, (and sto ries of cannibalism were exaggerated) it was nothing compared to the outright carnage brought to the New World. 75% of Native Americans died within a century of columbus, due to the Spainards enslaving them or diseases spread or massacres.

As for the United States improving things. Horsecrap. THe British actually tried to protect the Native Americans, but the Colonists couldn't wait to genocide the fuck out of them and take their land.

Which of course, they eventually did.
And Kleck's study was peer reviewed and found to be completely bullshit. He only talked to male heads of households, he oversampled the South.

Sorry, wrong again...I'll post his actual defense of his work so you can read his methods and how they were better than the papers that went before his...and how he defends against the critics of his paper...

Klecks defense of his study


defense of kleck by wolfgang


kleck defends various methods

Kleck-Gertz DGU Freq Study gunsandcrime

However, Kleck reviewed the record associated with each reported DGU and flagged every report for which: (1)it was not clear if the respondent had actually confronted the perpetrator; (2)the respondent was a police officer, soldier, or security guard; (3)the interviewer had not properly recorded exactly what the respondent had done with the gun, so it was not certain that the respondent had actually used the gun; or, (4)the record did not state a specific crime the respondent thought was being committed.

When all such cases were eliminated, the results were 1.125 percent of adults had used guns defensively an average of 1.472 times each, for a total of 2.16 million DGUs per year. This, then is the K-G conservative estimate of annual DGUs. So, rather than saying that K-G found that there are 2.5 million DGUs per year, we should say that there are up to 2.5 million, or be more conservative and say something like over 2 million.

Note that an average of 1.472 DGUs per person implies that some people are involved in DGUs much more frequently than others.

In their report K-G say that the sampling error for 95 percent confidence interval is plus or minus .32 percent for the unpurged 2.55 million estimate for DGU frequency. The corresponding sampling error for the more conservative 2.16 million estimate would be something greater because the purging would have reduced the sample size. However, do not assume that the results are actually this accurate since these sampling errors do not account for any biases in the survey.

The survey had questions that provided information about DGU incidents. However, the accuracy and validity of this information was generally not as good as the information about the frequency of DGUs. The reason for this is that the sample that gave the results about the number of DGUs was 4977, but the information about the DGUs was based on a sample no bigger than 213 (the number left of the 222 after 9 respondents broke off the interviews as soon as they stated that their DGUs were against humans). In other words, the DGU case count was not as big as the overall sample size.

Some of this additional information serves as confirmation of findings from earlier studies. Some of it is new information that answers questions that arose from earlier studies. Examples of the additional results follow.

1. Consistent with past research, most of the DGU cases were relatively undramatic. Only 24 percent of the DGU respondents said they actually fired their guns. Only 8 percent said they thought they wounded the perpetrator. Note that this is inconsistent with any thought that the respondents were "bragging." This compares to 17 percent and 3 percent according to the NCVS data. The higher rates for the K-G study could be an indication that some DGUs are not reported in the government conducted NCVS, probably out of respondents' fears of reporting their own activities of uncertain legality. Kleck believes the 8 percent wounding is probably exageration since the survey acquired no proof of the respondents' beliefs or information as to why the respondent believed the person was shot. He thinks this mainly because the numbers would correspond to the shooter hitting the person about 53 percent of the time, and this is greater than records indicate for police combat shooting and for criminal shooting.

2. 37 percent of the DGUs occured in the respondents' homes. 27 percent of the DGUs did not occur in or near the respondent's home. This proportion would correspond to carrying the gun concealed or in some manner approching concealed carry (such as, in a locked container in the back of a vehicle).

3. For property crime DGUs, property was lost in only 11 percent of the cases. This confirms previous research showing that gun use is effective in the proper circumstances.

And then, after Kleck proves his study to be the most accurate...how do you account for the other 18 studies that also confirm that 760,000 is the base line of the number of times guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime...since the range in those studies goes from about 760,000 to 3 million...

Keeping in mind that Kleck found 2.5 million times a year and 2 other studies also found 3 million times a year...you need to go back in these posts and look at those studies again...and the Deparment of Justice study also found 1.5 million times a year...and obama's CDC found at least 500,000 times a year...

Again, you are wrong...and Kleck and the other 18 studies show you are wrong...
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