FBI should bring charges or not bring charges -- trash talking Clinton is inappropriate

I wasn't fired from the military for being bat shit crazy.

He was fired for disobeying orders that saved perhaps dozens of lives... YOU, as a coward piece of shit would let your men die.... Liberal scumbag!!
He was fired for being nuts. His statements since then prove that.

The only thing you prove is that your a fucking coward, and a leftist scumbag with a exceptionally LOW IQ!

You're just pouting because the right keeps losing, and losing, and losing.

What have we lost...we have the Senate and the House, and soon enough the Presidency!....But Blow Job DID show that racist AG bitch just what a CIGAR is really for....


Enjoy the house and senate while you can. You have done nothing with it but whine. What happened to all those promises they made to you?
In case you missed it in your "I hate liberals" bullet points this morning, the FBI Director addressed why he was making the rec's public during his press conference.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.
I wasn't fired from the military for being bat shit crazy.

He was fired for disobeying orders that saved perhaps dozens of lives... YOU, as a coward piece of shit would let your men die.... Liberal scumbag!!
He was fired for being nuts. His statements since then prove that.

The only thing you prove is that your a fucking coward, and a leftist scumbag with a exceptionally LOW IQ!

You're just pouting because the right keeps losing, and losing, and losing.

Well, they "won" Hobby Lobby. HL only has to provide 11 types of birth control now; not 16.

I suspect that discussion will be opened again before too long.

Again,you make up silly shit because you don't have a rational thing to say.

I made it up...that's what Blow Job and Lynch said they were talking about...NOT PASSING on prosecuting a lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous bitch that wants to be President for the MONEY!

So just how big is that particular conspiracy? Why doesn't some enterprising right winger expose it and have them thrown in the pen?
In case you missed it in your "I hate liberals" bullet points this morning, the FBI Director addressed why he was making the rec's public during his press conference.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.

I agree, even though it pains me to agree with someone who behaves as if he is certified in punctuation law. Comey should have said no prosecution, and let it end there.
In case you missed it in your "I hate liberals" bullet points this morning, the FBI Director addressed why he was making the rec's public during his press conference.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.

I agree, even though it pains me to agree with someone who behaves as if he is certified in punctuation law. Comey should have said no prosecution, and let it end there.
if Comey had done what he did to Hillary, to another citizen orTrump, trump would have that lawsuit against him for defamation, before the sun set, that day.

Comey had no justification or right to do what he did, NONE.
In case you missed it in your "I hate liberals" bullet points this morning, the FBI Director addressed why he was making the rec's public during his press conference.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.

Right or wrong are value judgments. The FBI is under no obligation to keep their investigations secret or, for that matter, make them public. Several times in the past, police forces has benefitted from making portions of it's findings public while keeping details private to act as a disqualifier.
Here's what I think. The FBI Director is a coward. He had all he needed to recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton, but he caved to political pressure and didn't indict. He has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the FBI, and he has disgraced the entire concept that the United States is a nation of laws, not men, where the law binds ALL, HIGH and LOW. The entire world will now look upon our nation as just another banana republic, and if Hillary Clinton is elected, we will lose every shred of respect we now enjoy among civilized nations.
Here's what I think. The FBI Director is a coward. He had all he needed to recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton, but he caved to political pressure and didn't indict. He has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the FBI, and he has disgraced the entire concept that the United States is a nation of laws, not men, where the law binds ALL, HIGH and LOW. The entire world will now look upon our nation as just another banana republic, and if Hillary Clinton is elected, we will lose every shred of respect we now enjoy among civilized nations.

Sad retort.

She carelessly left some critical information on an unsecured e-mail server. She should have known better. The director publicly scorned her for it but that is all that it was. Correctly so, he did not get into the nature of the classified information that she left on an unsecured server. Being that it is the State department and not the CIA, NSA, DoD or any number of other agencies that directly are responsible for national security...its comparatively small potatoes. Besides, Secured servers are hacked all the time.

Given that we're at least 4 years out from any possible breach and there hasn't been any sort of exploitation of supposed hacking...it's pretty much a dead issue (like Ben-gotcha). I know this is a rare opportunity to drown out the small fraction of a man Republicans have nominated as their leader and he's hating every bit of it but you guys will beat the drums of "OH MY GOD" as long as there are some derelicts who are willing to listen.

Good luck. Nobody cared a few months ago, nobody cared yesterday, and nobody will care in November either...
The FBI's job is to either recommend an indictment or not recommend an indictment. Trash talking the subject of an investigation and then NOT indicting is inappropriate. The FBI director should be FIRED for incompetence.
The fix was always in, career politians like Barry and the hildabeast have different set rules that they set for themselves... Lol
Clayton, let me ask you this: Do you believe the FBI enjoys qualified immunity when they choose NOT to recommend indictment, but then hold a press conference and publish defaming facts about the target of an investigation, that they have decided to close?

Qualified Immunity: How It Protects Law Enforcement Officers
The public has a right to know why Hillary didn't have charges recommended against her by the FBI.
We also have a right to know that the FBI has concluded that Hillary is a fucking liar.
The wonderful irony is Hillary must face the court of public opinion BASED ON FACTS!
These FACTS are going to be shown to the voters 24/7 until election day.
It's actually starting to make anyone, who at this point says that in spite of the facts they are still going to vote for Hillary look like fucking idiots.
The "I'm Voting For Hillary" T-shirts are quickly becoming as popular as the hilarious "Hands Up Don't Shoot" ones......and the hoodies with 'T-Boner's' screen printed photo from when he was twelve.
Anyone with a fucking brain is too embarrassed to wear any of them in public.
It's about what's fair.

I recall an Alfred Hitchcock movie called "I Confess."

A priest was framed for murder, and prosecuted. The jury returned this verdict "Not guilty, for lack of evidence."

The cop said to another cop, "They should have just said 'Not guilty.'"

Sure enough, the community was outraged and a vigilante mob formed to attack, and possibly kill, the priest when he exited the courthouse.

When law enforcement, a judge, or a jury says "Not guilty" that should be the end of it. No qualifiers added to throw doubt on that conclusion. It's not fair to ruin a person's reputation with anything less than an unqualified "not guilty."

When the FBI director chose to NOT indict, but engage in badmouthing Clinton, he was engaged in vigilante justice. He should be fired for incompetence. If he thought Hillary Clinton was a guilty of a crime, he SHOULD have brought charges. Otherwise, he should say "No indictment recommended," and leave it at that.
Comey did not "ruin" Hillary's reputation pal. She did that all by herself. She's been working on doing it for decades.
Comey was only telling the public what they have a right to know before voting for a congenital liar and grifter and far worse.
He spoke the truth. He is to be applauded.
Who in their right mind would vote for someone who has been proven to be a liar and has been "extremely careless" with US Government documents.
Who wants someone like that to have the 'launch codes' in her purse along with her bottle of 'Hot Sauce' she claims she carries with her at all times?
The FBI's job is to either recommend an indictment or not recommend an indictment. Trash talking the subject of an investigation and then NOT indicting is inappropriate. The FBI director should be FIRED for incompetence.
since he knew she could not be charged based on what they had, he should NOT have defamed her the way he did. He did so, for partisan reasons, which is scummy.

Any regular citizen would sue him.
Small problem asshole!
'Defamation' means claiming someone did or said something that isn't the truth.
You're never going to see Hillary 'sue' anyone for telling the truth about her.
Apparently she taking a few days off to get loaded in Huma's arms.
We won't see Hillary for a while.
Not even her usual media 'asslickers' are saying anything.
They all know the FBI report has ended Hillary's chances for getting elected.
Watch now for Hillary to become "too ill" to carry on.
Yesterday on Morning Joe I was waiting for Mika to projectile vomit on the Hillary sycophant sitting at the table still insisting that Hillary never lied about anything.
In case you missed it in your "I hate liberals" bullet points this morning, the FBI Director addressed why he was making the rec's public during his press conference.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.

I agree, even though it pains me to agree with someone who behaves as if he is certified in punctuation law. Comey should have said no prosecution, and let it end there.
if Comey had done what he did to Hillary, to another citizen orTrump, trump would have that lawsuit against him for defamation, before the sun set, that day.

Comey had no justification or right to do what he did, NONE.
You poor baby. Do you need a mint?
You Hillary asslickers got what you all deserve.
Comey was speaking the truth. Now your heads are exploding. Fucking EXCELLENT!
Watch a billion dollars in ads running 24/7 telling the voters what a fucking low-life lying witch Hillary really is.
Watch tens of thousands of ads with Comey's condemnations about Hillary.
The lying grifter thieving bitch has crawled under a rock today. Her handlers told her she better go hide and not show her face or say anything to anyone for a while.
Once again they hope this will all blow over and be forgotten.
Not this time folks.
How is this a "I hate liberals" thread?

I am bringing up valid legal points.

It is not just for a law enforcement officer to say "He's not a criminal, but here's all the reasons you should hate him any way."

He explained the reason for public disclosure during the press briefing. You were going over the "I hate Hillary" talking points during it
no, blackrook is right....his explanation is unacceptable

Comey's job was simply to charge her or not charge her....

his defaming her, while knowing he did not have enough evidence to charge her, was not justice.... he should be sued for defamation.

I agree, even though it pains me to agree with someone who behaves as if he is certified in punctuation law. Comey should have said no prosecution, and let it end there.
if Comey had done what he did to Hillary, to another citizen orTrump, trump would have that lawsuit against him for defamation, before the sun set, that day.

Comey had no justification or right to do what he did, NONE.
You poor baby. Do you need a mint?
You Hillary asslickers got what you all deserve.
Comey was speaking the truth. Now your heads are exploding. Fucking EXCELLENT!
Watch a billion dollars in ads running 24/7 telling the voters what a fucking low-life lying witch Hillary really is.
Watch tens of thousands of ads with Comey's condemnations about Hillary.
The lying grifter thieving bitch has crawled under a rock today. Her handlers told her she better go hide and not show her face or say anything to anyone for a while.
Once again they hope this will all blow over and be forgotten.
Not this time folks.

It's done for most folks. Hard right wingers will hold on to it forever thinking "well, it didn't work before, but it might work after a few more tries."
If what she did hit the level of being criminal then he should have recommended charges, or have it go to a grand jury, so they can decide and the alleged Perp would have a chance to explain their side.....as it stands its big gov't, coming down on the citizen with the citizen having no chance to address the findings in a formal manner.....

She doesn't even know what the 7 email chains are about....that he claims are classified.

If he chose not to charge her because he believed what she did, did not reach the level to charge her under the espionage act statutes, then just say that, instead of saying the 10000 words he said, just to justify the millions his dept spent the last year and satisfy his republican buddies political quest of hurting Hillary in the race.

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