FBI torched Trump's safe and found...

...Nothing! :rofl:

"FBI agents raided President Trump’s Florida home Mar-A-Lago broke into his safe only to find it empty, Trump’s son Eric told Fox News Channel‘s Brian Kilmeade.

Eric Trump told the newsman 30 members of the FBI were involved in the raid, and that it was to find documents that should have gone to the National Archives. It was not known if they retrieved the documents, but whatever they sought was not in the safe, according to the 45th president’s son."

It doesn't matter if she said she didn't know the law, which is bunk. She knows the ins and outs of every nuance of those laws. A US sailor tried that excuse after taking a few unauthorized pictures of his nuclear sub for his kids. He had the book thrown at him. Intent has no role in the laws over classified.
Still waiting on The FBI to raid The Clinton Compound, Obama's home in DC where he is still running things illegally, and Biden's Mansions over the following:

  • Travel Gate
  • Rose Lawfirm
  • FBI File Gate
  • Ron Brown
  • Vince Foster
  • Seth Rich

  • Secret Illegal Server (Obama Clinton, Jarret, and Biden lied about emailing Clinton on it.)
  • Clinton was told by Comey that she could violate two Federal Data Preservation Court orders and (Bleach Bit) her server before the FBI looked at it. After Bleach Bitting the server (like with a cloth the lying hag said) they still found classified information that Clinton, Obama and Biden were sharing with their friends for purposes of insider trading and other nefarious purposes. Why wasn't Clinton's home raided before she was allowed to destroy evidence? Why wasn't any of her 17 electronic devices confiscated? Why was the DNC office server confiscated over what The Pakistani Hackers were doing illegally prying into Congressional Files?

  • Why wasn't Anthony Weiner and Huma's homes raided when they found 30,000 classified documents on Weiner's personal laptop intermingled with kiddie porn images that he traded back and forth with people like Epstein, Bill Clinton and Podesta? Why weren't their homes raided?

  • The Podesta Brothers illegal activities in Ukraine on behalf of Obama, Biden and Clinton when they sent Paul Manafort to interfere in elections there.
  • Why did Obama give the Podestas and the Podesta group immunity which blocked Paul Manafort's ability to request Podesta Group records to show he was on their payroll and acting in an official capacity on behalf of The Obama Administration? Also if you want to talk about Russian Collusion, over half of The Podesta Group's executive board is made up of Russian Nationals.

  • Cocaine and gun running out of Mena Arkansas by The Clintons
  • State Trooper Gate
  • Records and Files regarding Bill's close friends Epstein and Maxwell
  • The White House Furniture and China they stole from The White House
  • White House classified documents, notes and memoirs they illegally took from The White House

  • Benghazi: Why didn't the FBI seize all electronic devices and communications between Obama, Clinton, Biden and The Benghazi Outpost when it was found that The Obama Regime in violation of International Law was using a diplomatic outpost to store weapons, ammunition and cash to pay Al Queda in Libya to launch a COUP and assassinate Qaddafi? Where was the actual investigation into that when it was found out that Obama and Clinton intentionally ignored ambassador Steven's requests for assistance? Obama and Clinton simply wanted the compound burnt to the ground to cover their tracks, that's why. When Al Queda found out where their money and weapons came from, then they attacked Benghazi. Along similar lines, The Obama Administration financed The Muslim Brotherhood to start their COUP in Egypt. Both actions were in direct violation of international law and were acts of war. Where were the warrants and the raids for that?

  • Joe Biden flying Hunter Biden on Air Force 2 and doing business deals with China and Russia on the taxpayer's dimes. Hunter Biden being just handed positions in companies like Burisma in Ukraine which is controlled by Russian Oligarchs, and recently also now sitting on the board of a Chinese owned gas and oil subsidiary company in The US which Joe Biden sold $1Billion in Strategic Oil Reserves to. Why isn't The FBI looking into that and raiding Hunter and Joe Biden's homes for evidence of their criminal enterprises?

  • Chinese child sex slaves, drug trafficking, and Influence Peddling, Graft, Greed, Bribery and Extortion are all things found on Hunter Biden's laptop. Why aren't their hearings on this and why aren't their warrants on Hunter Biden's electronic devices and homes to search them for more evidence of crimes The FBI is looking the other way on?

  • Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane: A sting operation to frame President Trump financed by The DNC, and ordered by Obama, Clinton, and Biden and carried out by Deep State Operatives like Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Paige, Ohr, Baker, The DOJ and FBI, who colluded with Putin and contracted with Steele and his Russian Partner, Skirpal. When is was discovered that Skirpal was the Russian link to Putin, Clinton and The Russian Collusion COUP attempt, Skirpal and his daughter were poisoned and nearly died after living in England for 10 years completely unmolested. Why weren't their warrants to raid Steele's home, Clinton's home, Skirpal's home and warrants to confiscate electronic communications regarding all things "Russian Collusion?"
  • Obama illegally funding gain of function research through The Defense Department laundered through a front called Eco Health and funneled to Dr. Fauci in Wuhan. Why no FBI raids of Fauci's home, confiscation of Electronic Communications, and why no Raid of The Wuhan Lab, and Eco Health?
You are the one talking about Trump...when Nancy was there in 2007....10 years before he was in office.

Like really? Is your oppression that crazy?

Syria was failed state in 2005 before Assad arrested the schoolboys. In 2007 there might have been a chance to save something of the country.
Syria was failed state in 2005 before Assad arrested the schoolboys. In 2007 there might have been a chance to save something of the country.
so nancy was getting pointers on how to make a failed state?
Syria was failed state in 2005 before Assad arrested the schoolboys. In 2007 there might have been a chance to save something of the country.
Why did Obama finance sworn enemies of The United States (Terrorists) to remove Assad from power?
so nancy was getting pointers on how to make a failed state?

In 2007 there was still time to head off civil war and the 7 million Syrian refugees who fled ahead of the barrel bombs. Guess she didn't count on Mehr Assad.
In 2007 there was still time to head off civil war and the 7 million Syrian refugees who fled ahead of the barrel bombs. Guess she didn't count on Mehr Assad.
she did count on Assad…she had tea with him. They were pals. True it was before Obama took office and he failed the Arab Spring.
He didn't, moron . You got nothing but conspiracy theories. Pitiful.
she did count on Assad…she had tea with him. They were pals. True it was before Obama took office and he failed the Arab Spring.

Bashar Assad doesn't run Syria.
Bashar Assad doesn't run Syria.

Bashar Hafez al-Assad[a] (Arabic: بَشَّارُ ٱلْأَسَدِ, born 11 September 1965) is a Syrian politician who is the 19th president of Syria, since 17 July 2000. In addition, he is the commander-in-chief of the Syrian Armed Forces and the Secretary-General of the Central Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party.

He's a radical, leftist dictator, that uses WMDs on his own people to oppress them....seems Nancy was having tea with him to learn how to be a better demafacist and bring his politics to her party.

Thankfully, now that Americans have seen first had the Demafasicst agenda....85% of the population is rejecting it, and sees it taking us in the wrong direction. Your cult's days are numbered.
...Nothing! :rofl:

"FBI agents raided President Trump’s Florida home Mar-A-Lago broke into his safe only to find it empty, Trump’s son Eric told Fox News Channel‘s Brian Kilmeade.

Eric Trump told the newsman 30 members of the FBI were involved in the raid, and that it was to find documents that should have gone to the National Archives. It was not known if they retrieved the documents, but whatever they sought was not in the safe, according to the 45th president’s son."

A few years ago, way back when we had the first Twin Towers bombing the FBI had a man on the inside he was a major in Egypt's Military Security He started recording his phone calls with the FBI because he didn't think giving the terrorist a real bomb would be a good thing. Ya know what could go wrong. right? FBI making a bomb that killed 6 and injured 1,000. The tapes were on the web. Your guess is as good as mine if they are still out there. I heard them way back but you can believe me cause I love my mother and I don't even know a democRat. Latter when the FBI would find some patsies they learned to give those idiots fake bombs and have the inside man yell BOOM real load. True story just ask my mom.
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...Nothing! :rofl:

"FBI agents raided President Trump’s Florida home Mar-A-Lago broke into his safe only to find it empty, Trump’s son Eric told Fox News Channel‘s Brian Kilmeade.

Eric Trump told the newsman 30 members of the FBI were involved in the raid, and that it was to find documents that should have gone to the National Archives. It was not known if they retrieved the documents, but whatever they sought was not in the safe, according to the 45th president’s son."

You realize you contradict yourself....you said they didn't touch his safe, but brought a safe cracker, and found nothing....

so yeah they did touch it, and found...well nothing.
Nope. You misread torch, as touch!

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