FDA ends gay blood donation ban


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Instead a one year celibacy period will be required. Look at the huffpo article on it, they shriek homophobia. Comments to the story suggest people should lie.

What do liberals not understand? Gay men are by far the HIGHEST risk group for getting HIV. 2 percent of the population are 61 percent of all new HIV infections. That's why.

The FDA's Blood Donor Policy Is Still Homophobic
I used to be on a forum and the homos bragged about how they lied and donated blood. Pathetic
Our neighbors in the late eighties were a young family. The mom had almost miscarried her second child and received a blood transfusion....And thus she and her unborn child were infected. She died within four years, the baby a year after.
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Wish I could donate blood.

Spent late 80s in England, and because of Mad Cow disease, I'm still ineligible.

and they used to love getting my O neg pint every 2 months
So thankful this lifting of the ban didn't happen twenty years ago when I spent over two years every Thursday receiving three pints of blood transfused for bone marrow failure. AIDS was just beginning then. This lifting the ban is craziness!

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