Fearing the midterms, Trump re-courts his dwindling base....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
It is little surprise that Trump has rekindled the push to both chat about a wall with Mexico AND to start a trade war with China.

The problem, however, is that even with a majority of republicans in congress,NO real money has been allocated for a wall (never mind Mexico paying for it)....NOR does the tariffs on China present for him anything but serious trouble with his rural base who will see soy beans and corn and beef rotting in silos and storage bins as China refuses to purchase these items.

The unforeseen consequences of demagoguery and false promises are catching up to the charlatan, and the loss of a republican majority in congress will be a very hard lesson for Trump cultists....

Together with Mueller's final report to the DOJ, ......let the fun begin in the upcoming months.
As Trump's approval ratings continue to go up.

Wishful thinking isn't a strategy, snowflake.

I think you should send Hillaryious out on the campaign trail, that worked wonders for the libtarded party.
Jesus, talk about delusional.

There has been a trade war with China for decades. Trouble is, all the attacks have been launched AGAINST us and none FOR us. Trump is the first President to recognize it and have the balls to launch a few salvos on our behalf. China needs U.S. trade a lot more than we need theirs. I will happily pay a few dollars more for U.S. made products because I understand which side of the bread is buttered.

Just because YOU are too stupid to see beyond the reach of your nose doesn't mean that the end results of foreign policy initiatives are "unforseeable."
Jesus, talk about delusional.

There has been a trade war with China for decades. Trouble is, all the attacks have been launched AGAINST us and none FOR us. Trump is the first President to recognize it and have the balls to launch a few salvos on our behalf. China needs U.S. trade a lot more than we need theirs. I will happily pay a few dollars more for U.S. made products because I understand which side of the bread is buttered.

Just because YOU are too stupid to see beyond the reach of your nose doesn't mean that the end results of foreign policy initiatives are "unforseeable."

This is precisely the kind of thinking Americans need. There should be a mandatory course in HS called "China Trade 101".

People are going to have to accept, temporary price increases on some products. I have already happily decided on most items to view where a product is made. If it's made in China, I look for an alternative, even if it takes me an hour and a few dollars. I try and buy made in Canada or USA where possible. Just the last exercise alone will open up the eyes of any consumer.
unfortunately, the flyover meth addicts who make up the majority of his base will have to suffer.
As Trump's approval ratings continue to go up.

Wishful thinking isn't a strategy, snowflake.

I think you should send Hillaryious out on the campaign trail, that worked wonders for the libtarded party.
Your post actually proves Nat's thesis. Trump polls go up as he courts his base. The question is whether that trend will continue to Nov. And that's the same issue McConnell raises in asking whether the gop faces a cat 3, 4, or 5 hurricane
It is little surprise that Trump has rekindled the push to both chat about a wall with Mexico AND to start a trade war with China.

The problem, however, is that even with a majority of republicans in congress,NO real money has been allocated for a wall (never mind Mexico paying for it)....NOR does the tariffs on China present for him anything but serious trouble with his rural base who will see soy beans and corn and beef rotting in silos and storage bins as China refuses to purchase these items.

The unforeseen consequences of demagoguery and false promises are catching up to the charlatan, and the loss of a republican majority in congress will be a very hard lesson for Trump cultists....

Together with Mueller's final report to the DOJ, ......let the fun begin in the upcoming months.
NPR had a piece with a guy from the chamber of commerce ...

American Business Groups Worried As China And U.S. Continue To Trade Tariff Threats

The transcript is not as complete as the audio. The guy is pro-Trump and gave Trump good marks for earlier moves to open china's markets. But the tariffs ... not so good. LOL
I am curious about Trump's support in the Midwestern farm belt. They're paying the price for his trade war.
China needs U.S. trade a lot more than we need theirs. I will happily pay a few dollars more for U.S. made products because I understand which side of the bread is buttered.

Just because YOU are too stupid to see beyond the reach of your nose doesn't mean that the end results of foreign policy initiatives are "unforseeable."

I can readily see that your Trump cult mentality HAS to kick into"defend" the moron in chief.....

Since Trump told you that he was the "greatest negotiator'that ever walked the planet, tariffs ARE NOT NEGOTIATION !!!

The tax scam will be nullified by the rise in prices for Chinese goods........U.S. farmers and car manufacturers will be devastated, and I also noticed that none of you morons wanted to tackle the issue of the "beautiful wall" with Mexico.........LOL
I am curious about Trump's support in the Midwestern farm belt. They're paying the price for his trade war.
It's not beyond the realm of reason that if there is a tit for tat exchange of tariffs, the Ariz and Nev races might be affected. I mean Miss and Tenn will go gop unless the gop runs a pedophile who claims a right to teen girls from God. LOL But there could be more than just a tailwind for vulnerable dem senators.

It's early, but this could be .... wait for it .... YUUUUUGE
Your post actually proves Nat's thesis. Trump polls go up as he courts his base. The question is whether that trend will continue to Nov. And that's the same issue McConnell raises in asking whether the gop faces a cat 3, 4, or 5 hurricane

Thank you.......and please do not forget to mention how U.S. car and farm equipment manufacturers will ALSO be in for some tough times.......That "tax cut"will pale in comparison to those vehicles sitting idle in some warehouses.
After they saw Barry Hussein on a non-stop campaign tour for the better part of two terms the crazy angry left whines about President Trump. No surprises here.
After they saw Barry Hussein on a non-stop campaign tour for the better part of two terms the crazy angry left whines about President Trump. No surprises here.
Only "Hussein" ran continuously? And you call others whiners? LOL
As Trump's approval ratings continue to go up.

Trumps approval ratings are going down - not up. And that includes RASMUSSEN!!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Well, they have more or less stabilized, and the question is whether they will be a head wind in the face of the gop this Nov. It can go either way. But there doesn't seem to be any question that the gop will lose House seats, but that's usual for the party not in the WH.

What makes it interesting is two factors. 1) the dems defend an unusually large number of Senate seats because Obama had coattails six years ago. 2) Trump didn't show any coattails in 16, when the gop actually LOST senate seats while winning the WH, which is unusual to say the least. And Trump is less popular now than he was in the election in 16.

It really depends on Trump. He's very good at gauging his audience. And right now he's chafing at handlers who try and tell him not to follow his instincts. But his instinct is for tariffs. And Obama committed the error that doomed his for policy when he totally withdrew from N. Iraq, and that's what Trump's instincts are telling him to do.
It is little surprise that Trump has rekindled the push to both chat about a wall with Mexico AND to start a trade war with China.

The problem, however, is that even with a majority of republicans in congress,NO real money has been allocated for a wall (never mind Mexico paying for it)....NOR does the tariffs on China present for him anything but serious trouble with his rural base who will see soy beans and corn and beef rotting in silos and storage bins as China refuses to purchase these items.

The unforeseen consequences of demagoguery and false promises are catching up to the charlatan, and the loss of a republican majority in congress will be a very hard lesson for Trump cultists....

Together with Mueller's final report to the DOJ, ......let the fun begin in the upcoming months.

You truly need to get out of your little echo chamber. You truly have no idea what's going on here. The NG on the Border is a huge deal, progress is happening with NAFTA, the IG is apparently investigating the FISA abuses. Outside of the Progressive echo chamber average American's are exited about all of this. I tend to think it's a feint to distract from the Middle East, but if not your side is in trouble.
average American's are exited about all of this.

Indeed, "average Americans are EXITING" from all the crap that Trump spews.......(well, except for the true CULT members, like you)................LOL
average American's are exited about all of this.

Indeed, "average Americans are EXITING" from all the crap that Trump spews.......(well, except for the true CULT members, like you)................LOL

When bitch slapped bring up a lack of typing skills. You're too easy kid. You really DO need more sources. Sure I'm a Trump guy...of course you can prove that, right?

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